
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-02 18:53:20


1 . 例如:As soon as he heard of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he …

2 . dchres做杂务

3 . Whatisthis?

4 . Wedon’thavemuch,butit’sbetterthannothing

5 . It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth (做……是没有用的

6 . 到目前为止我们所知道的是,他用了年的时间来写这本书。

7 . Am I allowed to stay out past ? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

8 . 例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him

9 . I’msosleepyIstayeduplatelastnight

10 . Culduplease…dsth?


1 . 注意:此句型可以改为prefer to do…rather than do…句型。

2 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。

3 . abide by 履行,遵守

4 . It’sadealLet’sgotravelingthisFriday

5 . Owing to/Thanks to sth, … (因为……

6 . The + 比较级 +主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语(愈……愈……

7 . TurnleftatthenextcrossingAndfollowyournose,youwillseetheplaceyou’relookingfor

8 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

9 . Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

10 . It’sagreatpleasuretoseeyouIhaveheardsomuchaboutyou


1 . IwilllentyouthemoneyYouowemeone

2 . 做运动与健康息息相关。

3 . getgdgrades取得好成绩

4 . what if 如果将会怎样

5 . A:I’msorrythatIcouldn’tmakeittothedate

6 . 描述人物:What’shisname?他的名字是什么?HisnameisZhangPeng他叫张鹏Heistallandstrong他又高又壮。Whoishe?他是谁?

7 . 例如:There is no doubt that he came late

8 . It is universally acknowledged that +从句(全世界都知道……

9 . 不需你拿来更多的食物了。

10 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple?


1 . I’msosorrythatIhavestoodyouupyesterdayIhavetoworklate

2 . Youshouldforgiveagreenhandlikehim

3 . It’sbetterthannothing

4 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

5 . No,sheisn’t不,她不在。Wherearethekeys?钥匙在哪儿?

6 . 例如:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream

7 . only + 状语, 主句部分倒装

8 . Don’tbeupsetJustfollowyournose

9 . 注意:“尽全力”在英语中有不同表达。

10 . getsethingtdrin拿点喝的东西


1 . 他刚来,就下雨了。

2 . 社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。

3 . Ifyoutellherthebadnews,youwillonlyaddfueltothefire

4 . CanIhaveabite?

5 . 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。

6 . 例如:The progress of thee society is based on harmony

7 . TheteacherraisedhiseyebrowswhenheheardthatTomdroppedoutoftheschool

8 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

9 . Itisindeedahumble(简陋的,粗糙的,谦逊的apartment,butit’sbetterthannothing

10 . 例如:I have never seen a more beautiful girl than Liu Yifei in my life


1 . Ijusttwistedmyankle,Nobigdeal,don’tworry

2 . 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。

3 . AlthoughIoftendon’tseeeyetoeyewithhimIstillrespecthim

4 . 我宁愿步行回家也不愿做拥挤的公交车。

5 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

6 . 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

7 . 如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴的。

8 . A:Thankyouforpickingmeupattheairport

9 . 主语+ get into the habit of + V-ing = make it a rule to + V (养成……的习惯

10 . Shewn’tbehappifsheseesthisess




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