
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-05 01:52:49


1 . My life has changed a lot in the last few years 在过去的几年里我的生活变化很大

2 . Whatdoyoudointheafternoon?你下午做什么?

3 . Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

4 . Doyouhaveabasketball?Yes,IdoNo,Idon’t

5 . It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest宁穷勿贱。

6 . (他发誓永不暴露我的住地,谁知他竟然见利忘义!

7 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

8 . IhavePE我有体育课。/Igofishing我去钓鱼。

9 . Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

10 . ad醒着的


1 . We have a lot of rules at my house So do we 我们家有很多家规。我们家也有。

2 . I know this might seem strict 我知道这似乎太严格。

3 . I’m too tired to do well我太累了不能做好。

4 . Howareyou?I’mfine/I’mOk,thanks!

5 . Whereismybackpack?It’sunderthetable

6 . n假日;假期节日

7 . 让我们去踢足球。Let’splaysoccer

8 . She had trouble making complete sentences 她很难造出完整的句子。

9 . 请打给玛丽。PleasecallMaryat

10 . ad勇敢的`;无畏的


1 . 这是你爷爷奶奶吗?是的。/不是。

2 . What’sthisinEnglish?It’sanorange/It’saruler

3 . 她的棒球(复数在床底下吗?不是。

4 . Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark 明抢易挡,暗箭难防。

5 . 这是她父母亲。Theseareherparents。

6 . Unit也很高兴见到你(们。Nicetomeetyou,too!

7 . I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer 我希望能给我提供一些贵公司能经营的旅游项目的信息

8 . What school rules do you think should be changed? 你认为应改变哪些学校规定?

9 . n主题

10 . If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly 如果我是你,我将和看起来友好的人讲话。


1 . n人物;角色

2 . 唐老鸭

3 . What’shisfirstname?HisfirstnameisTom

4 . 她姓什么?---她姓张。

5 . 他们有一台电脑。Theyhaveacomputer

6 . The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。

7 . It’snice真好

8 . Some people say they are boring, but others say they are great

9 . n有吸引力的事物(人)

10 . 她/他是你阿姨/叔叔吗?是的。


1 . l like places where the weather is always warm

2 . n要求,必要条件

3 . Iwatchcartoons我看动画片。/Iplaygames我玩游戏。

4 . Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word 随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

5 . 我没有许多排球。Idon’thavemanyvolleyballs

6 . 请把我的帽子带到学校来。Pleasebringmyhattoschool

7 . cn无论如何

8 . n狐狸

9 . It will make you stressed out

10 . n服务员


1 . My friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school 我和朋友们谈论我们学校的规定。

2 . v发现

3 . You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group 你喜欢和一个或两个人交谈,而不是一群人。

4 . It’s too hard to understand the voice 听懂那些声音太难了。

5 . 结束

6 . Goodboy好男孩。

7 . Wherearehiskeys?Theyareonthechair

8 . 你叫什么名字?---我叫珍妮。

9 . n岛;岛屿

10 . 她每天做运动。Sheplayssportseveryday




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