
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 13:55:48


1 . 在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。

2 . A thousand-journey is started by taking the first step千里之行,始于足下

3 . Teacher, you are great, like a candle illuminating others, burning yourself

4 . - And to the whole day through -每一分每一秒直到一天结束

5 . When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms

6 . You are a magical beach, and let me pick up the beautiful shells in the world Happy Teachers&#; Day!

7 . Love without end hath no end

8 . Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one,so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful

9 . 学到东西,是一种礼物。哪怕,教你学习的老师叫做疼痛。

10 . I have been, never left 。我一直在,从没离开。


1 . Do not waste your new tears for the old sorrow ——不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。

2 . 你让我眼睛为之一亮。

3 . The one you share the joys and hardships with,

4 . 胜利的滋味当然好,尤其是靠自己的努力取得胜利的时候。

5 . 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

6 . Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road

7 . Nobody has a perfect life, everybody has their own problems Some people just know how to deal with it in a perfect way

8 . 爱着不该爱上的人,却无可奈何的放不了手。

9 . 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

10 . I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I&#;ve no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this


1 . Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it君王发狂,百姓遭殃

2 . super junior从利特开始,到EIF结束。

3 . 我的目光就是你窗前的星星。关于爱情的句子

4 . Teachers are not omnipotent, but no teachers can do nothing Happy Teachers&#; day

5 . 对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心!

6 . Save water Shower with your girlfriend要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。

7 . 该对世界说晚安

8 . 我天天和你说晚安,你TM就不能给点回应么

9 . Teacher, perhaps today, you will not think of me, but I will think of you! I wish you a happy holiday and good health

10 . No te entristezcas, to quiero 别伤心,我爱你


1 . 谈恋爱就像弹钢琴。首先你得规范地去学,然后你必须忘掉那些规则,用心去弹。

2 . Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears

3 . The only present love demands is love

4 . Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect

5 . give me five~给你一点正能量!

6 . 情绵绵,爱无边。

7 . 不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

8 . Victory is always sweet, especially when you use your own efforts to earn it

9 . 我爱你我爱你却已经过期了,因为我再也不说 晚安

10 . 老师,在今天我们身上散发的智慧光芒里,依然闪烁着您当年点燃的火花!


1 . 我希望每天的晚安依然在耳边余音绕梁,

2 . 要幸福的昏倒了!关于爱情的句子

3 . The wealth of the mind is the only wealth精神的财富是唯一的财富

4 . Gods determine what you&#;re going to be人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人

5 . 亲情让我们把世界拥抱,师恩让我们把世界创造。教师节,祝福献给敬爱的您们。

6 . 当对方说出了你的感觉,你非常同意的时候,你就可以用上这句话I feel the same way“我有同感。”这句话不但可以让你避免把同样的话再讲一次,帮你省了不少口水,还可以让对方觉得自己的意见被尊重呢。

7 . I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人

8 . 传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的`播种人!

9 . Easy to communicate with you。沟通你我 没有距离

10 . If home is where the heart is, then wherever you are, that is my home


1 . 下辈子,你们还是super junior,我们还是EIF。

2 . 敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似瑞雨,永铭我心。我虔诚地祝福您:安康,如意!

3 . 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

4 . I hate that I have to pretend to be okay to make everyone feel happy

5 . The beloved teacher does not think of you only today, but I miss you very much today

6 . 没人催我睡觉,没人对我说晚安你们呢。

7 . 我知道我的未来不是梦。

8 . 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

9 . First impression of you is most lasting

10 . 在这个特别的日子里,祝愿老师节日快乐,永远幸福下去。


1 . 信念是“永恒的万应灵药”,它赋予突发奇想以生命力量和行动

2 . 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

3 . 老师您是伟大的,像一支蜡照亮别人燃烧自己。

4 . In love folly is always sweet

5 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的`感觉。

6 . give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较

7 . 老师不是万能的,没有老师却是万万不能的。祝教师节快乐。

8 . 晚安,永远沉睡的从前。

9 . You are the sweet dew of spring, let us draw nourishment from your nurturing

10 . 晚安不重要,重要的是谁说的


1 . 说句晚安,,只是为了让你爱的或爱你的人心安,,

2 . Better late than never(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。)

3 . 经历了风雨,才知道您的可贵;走上了成功,才知道您的伟大!

4 . When you have no good cards in your hand, the only way to win is to break the rules of the game

5 . The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you’ll never have him/her

6 . 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

7 . Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something The so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night。

8 . Teacher, you have given me too much, and I can only repay you with excellent results

9 . 老师,谢谢您!老师,我衷心地祝您节日快乐!愿您永远年青幸福!

10 . Pursue breakthroughs in your life 此时追求自我的突破




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