
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 04:29:50


1 . fierce

2 . chit-system 票据支付制度

3 . chartered adj受特许的

4 . Tell me and I’ll forget Show me, and I may not remember Let me try, and I’ll understand 有亲身体验才能明白其中的道理。

5 . chit n小额欠款单据

6 . They saw a bizarre animal in the lake 他们在湖中看见一个奇怪的动物。

7 . civil rights 公民权

8 . collective account 集合账户

9 . chamber of trade 零售业协会

10 . She really has something for everyone每个人的确都能从她的作品中领悟到一些东西。


1 . certify vt证明,(银行担保(支票可付款

2 . Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word 随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

3 . split vi分裂,被撕裂 vt使分裂,劈开 n裂口,分裂

4 . I hardly ever have time for concerts 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会

5 . If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly 如果我是你,我将和看起来友好的人讲话。

6 . fit

7 . clearing n交换票据;清算

8 . Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

9 . It’s too hard to understand the voice 听懂那些声音太难了。

10 . dream /dri:m/ n梦;梦想 vi做梦


1 . He might be running to catch a bus他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。

2 . Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want 青少年通常认为应该允许他们对业余爱好想练多长时间就练多长时间。

3 . My teacher is very impressed 给老师留下了深刻的印象。

4 . I love singers who write their own music我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。

5 . bazaar n (东方国家的市场

6 . chartering order 租船

7 . slavery /sleivEri/ n奴隶制度;苦役

8 . local clearings 同城票据交换

9 . preface /prefis/ n序言,前言,引语

10 . It’s amazing how much this helped 我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。


1 . main channel 主水道

2 . global

3 . We’d like to be away for three weeks 我们大约要去三个星期

4 . flood land 河滩地

5 . international clearing 国际清算

6 . She had trouble making complete sentences 她很难造出完整的句子。

7 . right bank 右岸

8 . exchange clearing 外汇清算

9 . 合同中的条款是不能有其他解释的。

10 . He was swept away in an avalanche他在一次雪崩中被卷走了。




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