
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-21 21:39:14


1 . xx年的月我誓要把高考踩在脚下!

2 . Man makes man, man conquers nature

3 . The eagle blows the wind and the waves spring

4 . We can enjoy the beauty of naturehere

5 . 岁月既往,一去不回。

6 . 如果我们想要更多的玫瑰花,就必须种植更多的玫瑰树。

7 . 不比智力比努力,不比起点比进步。

8 . The footprints in the desert soon faded away The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time

9 . 不帅没关系,有信心也可以;没背景不是问题,靠自己认真也行;工作是快乐添加剂,生活是幸福颗粒。快乐工作,幸福生活。做好自己,日子天天给力!

10 . 眉毛上的汗水和眉毛下的泪水你必须选择一样!


1 . 认真拼搏,挑战自我,友谊竞争,超越自我,勇往直前,展现自我,加油加油,赛出自我。

2 . 曾经的苦,现在的痛,都是将来的笑颜!

3 . After a hundred days, the proud party

4 . It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face

5 . 积极进取,认真拼搏,磨练意志,强健体魄。

6 . 很多人没有意识到它的重要性。

7 . NO潜心复习战高考,信心满溢跃龙门。

8 . NO乘风破浪勇立潮头,沧海横流方显本色。

9 . One, one, youth infinite, glamour forever! Unite and forge ahead Work hard, miracles happen!

10 . Hundred days accumulate, days brilliant


1 . 竞技比赛,加油喝彩,勇往直前,惊喜连连,平心静气,定拿第一,中华儿郎,当属最强!

2 . 人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。

3 . 我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。

4 . 六十同窗同甘共苦拼搏从此时

5 . We can find many important changes from this graph

6 . NO扬理想之风帆,抵成功之彼岸。

7 . NO人人讲高考,高考为人人。

8 . 为六月最后高考拼搏,稳做王者看谁与争锋?

9 . Heneveradmitshisfailure

10 . People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation


1 . 劳动者此刻在辛勤劳作,学习者此刻在学无止镜,创业者此刻在奋勇拼搏,唯有懒猪者,此刻在拿着手机看短信。

2 . 从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般料想的那样严重。

3 . 过去,人们习惯……但,今天的情况有很大的不同。

4 . 每年,世界各地的游客都到这来参观。

5 . Only through hard work can we become good steel

6 . Entry into class is quiet, seating is learning; the final battle of college entrance examination aspirations is bound to win

7 . 加油,为我们的共同目标;加油,为我们的集体心愿;加油,为我们的豪气冲天;加油,为我们的勇往直前。

8 . 青春似火,超越自我,放飞梦想,创造辉煌。

9 . 从这个图表中我们可以看到很多重要的变化。

10 . As long as you are determined to succeed, failure will never knock you down


1 . 攀蟾折桂,舍我其谁。

2 . 金榜题名,辞旧迎新寒风阵阵催人逝;师生同心,苦尽甘来捷报片片暖人心

3 . NO拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度。

4 . 惜光阴百日犹短,看众志成城拼搏第一;细安排一刻也长,比龙争虎斗谁为争锋?

5 . 记住要遵守交通规则。

6 . 团结拼搏拼搏进

7 . 个子不高不是人生中的严重缺陷。

8 . It is a village with mountains around it

9 . 追梦扬威奋勇争先

10 . I feel sad about it


1 . NO十年一博六月梦,赢得寒窗锦绣程。

2 . I have tried my best to focus on the key high school To cross the bridge to learn a good dream in March

3 . Wolvesarehighlysocialanimalswhosesuccessdependsupontheircoopera-tion

4 . NO努力就能成功,坚持确保胜利。

5 . Heaven is a good man when he is strong

6 . Unity and struggle, go up

7 . In my opinion,Chinese parements are too strict with their children

8 . 滴水穿石战高考如歌岁月应无悔,乘风破浪展雄才折桂蟾宫当有时

9 . 足球比赛真激烈,你来我往绿荫杰,足球英雄展球技,追抢传射加拦截。满怀信念踢比赛,心中向往冠军靴,背后付出认真大,只为梦想大告捷!只要认真,你就已经成功一半!加油!

10 . 放下思想包袱,冷静面对比赛,调整自我心态,走出失败阴霾,鼓舞内心势气,勇敢走上看台,我们在台下为你喝彩,胜利的大门已经向你敞开!加油


1 . This village is as beautiful as a picutur

2 . NO站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。

3 . Man must be created before creation

4 . NO我决心用我一生的热情创造生命的奇迹。

5 . It is the heart of a man who has the heart of a guest

6 . Desire enhances enthusiasm and perseverance flattens mountains

7 . Without regrets, passion is infinite

8 . 高考是汇百万人参加的一次练习。

9 . Action is the ladder of success The more actions you take, the higher you climb

10 . NO拼搏创造价值,努力成就未来。


1 . TherearestudentsherefromalloverthecountryManyofthemarefromtheNorth

2 . NO横下一条心,坚决要出线。

3 . NO我心飞翔,路在脚下。

4 . If you learn to live, you will win

5 . NO狠抓基础是成功的基础,持之以恒是胜利的保证。

6 . NO静下来,铸我实力;拼上去,亮我风采。

7 . We &#; re often told that ……But is this really the case ?

8 . 祝愿你有一个好的旅行。

9 . Work hard to sharpen the will, unity and love to the end

10 . 王者决非偶然。


1 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward

2 . NO拼两个春夏秋冬,博高考无怨无悔。

3 . Teachers and students don&#;t have time to work together to create a new brilliance

4 . 有的同学在写句子时,一遇见生词或不熟悉的表达,就以为是“山穷水尽”了。其实,此时我们可以设法绕开难点,在保持原意的基础上,用不同的表达方式写出来。如:

5 . 青春无畏,逐梦扬威。

6 . 不拼不博一生白活,不苦不累高三无味。

7 . The heaven is a reward for his diligence and diligence

8 . To take the crown; The more you fight, the more you fight!

9 . IsthisthetrainforGlasgow?

10 . 我没有见过他,所以说不出他的模样。




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