
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 15:42:06


1 . 优等的心,不必华丽,但必须坚固。

2 . 时间只是过客,自己才是主人。过程和结果,都由自己承受。

3 . If I know that one day I will love you, I will love you at first sight

4 . I care about you deeply。我非常关心你。

5 . life has become richer by the love that has been lost。生命因为付出过爱情而更为丰裕。

6 . Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one&#;s level of aspiration and expectation

7 . —— 走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。

8 . 你是我都舍不得欺负的人,哪能让别人欺负你。

9 . All things are difficult before they are easy(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。]

10 . Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect


1 . A person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong

2 . 冬天是蚀刻画,春天是水彩画,夏天是油画,而秋天则是三者的美丽交织。

3 . Growth is a kind of transformation, lost the old, because it is a new, it is fair

4 . If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you

5 . Don&#;t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

6 . 九载辛勤汗水铸造少年凌云壮志;向中丰厚底蕴铺就学子灿烂前程。

7 . 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

8 . 庆祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功过后,要把标准再拉高一点。 —米娅·哈姆

9 . 优雅是唯一不会褪色的美。

10 . 我把心都交给你了,你就别再还给我。


1 . Behind every successful man there&#;s a lot u unsuccessful years。每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月。

2 . The greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well

3 . 苦斗六载历届师生卧薪尝胆学校创辉煌;寒窗三年今朝将士破釜沉舟中考谱新篇。

4 . After the dust settles, don&#;t provoke memories

5 . If you fail, don&#;t forget to learn your lesson。如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

6 . 一路拍下美丽的风景。留着老去的时候美好的记忆。

7 . 挑战人生是我无悔的选择,决胜中考是我不懈的追求。

8 . 志士争雄龙虎榜;英才夺冠凤凰台。

9 . Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

10 . 一剪闲云一溪月,一程山水一年华。一世浮生一刹那,一树菩提一烟霞。


1 . ou mean the world to me。你对我来说是最重要的。

2 . 不经一番寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香。

3 . Instead of thinking about how beautiful the sacrifice, it is better to think about how to live beautifully to the last minute

4 . Rochester:I love you I love you!

5 . 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看!

6 . God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者。)

7 . Don&#;t cry because it is over, smile because it happened不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

8 . Gods determine what you&#;re going to be。人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。

9 . Wasting time is robbing oneself。浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

10 . 所有随风而逝的都属于昨天的,所有历经风雨留下来的才是面向未来的。




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