
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-26 11:40:34


1 . When two people are in love, they are eager to have more sweet kisses But why they are in quarrel, they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing? Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself

2 . 如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。——塞涅卡

3 . 萝莎·达特犀利的眼光一上把我们全都看在眼里。These chairs can all fold down small to put them away

4 . 二十一 True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime。对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。

5 . 十一 family and friends are hidden treasures seek them and enjoy the riches家人和朋友是看不见宝藏,努力发掘,共享财富。

6 . 十六 I’m the best! I’m the greatest! I’m invincible! 我是最棒的我是不可征服的。

7 . adj 温暖的;热情的;暖色的;快要猜中的;新鲜的

8 . 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱。 His speech evoked a heated discussion

9 . 六 Be honest rather clever。诚实比聪明更要紧。

10 . 四 The best hearts are always the bravest。心灵最高尚的人也总是最勇敢的人。


1 . 十九 learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow 借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。

2 . 二十六 Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

3 . 二 Be honest rather clever。诚实比聪明更要紧。

4 . 当你在家倒垃圾的时候,一定要把垃圾全都倒进垃圾箱。He gambled away all his money

5 . 别留在寒冷处,到暖和的地方来。 The fire soon warmed the room

6 . 把这些全都拿去吧。The price is all - inclusive

7 . n 全部财产;所有一切

8 . 他们对人群中爆发的热烈喝采答礼。In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast

9 . 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人浪费你的时间。

10 . adj 热情的,热心的,热烈的


1 . 十五 give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较。

2 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

3 . 三光政策It is all on the house

4 . please forgive me for falling in love with youforgive me for loving you with all my heartforgive me for never wanting to be apart sandra robbins heaton 请原谅我爱上你;原谅我用全部的身心爱你;原谅我永不愿与你分离。

5 . 我们只有献出生命,才能得到生命。——泰戈尔

6 . Among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfort us, some to share and some to love

7 . 十 Victory won&#;t come to me unless I go to it 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

8 . 十四 I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起

9 . Loneliness is different from being alone Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone

10 . my river runs to thee blue sea, wilt thou welcome me my river awaits replyoh! sea, look graciously emily dickinson 我是一条朝你奔流而去的小溪,蓝色的大海啊,你愿意接纳我吗优雅的大海啊,小溪正在等待你的回答。


1 . 十二 For something,we can&#;t understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young。有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。

2 . 生命在闪耀中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。——伯克

3 . i’ll think of you every step of the way 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

4 . 二十五 One needs things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己向往的事业;有自己爱的人;还有希望

5 . 人生是孤独的,思想是孤独的。不会有全知吾心的人儿出现,亦没有我全知之人到来。我们总是在有意识的人生经历中,遇见不同的人,然后,失去他们,或被他们失去。孤独的行走在世间。即便身旁人常伴左右,嘘寒问暖,深知吾心,本质亦是孤独……当然,这是悲观的说法。在这里做引,作为人与世界两相独立的前提。

6 . 谁能以深刻的内容充实每个瞬间,谁就是在无限地延长自己的生命。——库尔茨

7 . 八 We are not the beginning of the pursuit of others, but every unknown tomorrow 我们追逐的绝不是别人的起点,而是每一个未知的明天。

8 . 参考例句:

9 . The most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart But soul told us that you shall have courage as long as the heartbeats

10 . 要找出时间来考虑一下,一天中做了什么,是正号还是负号。(季米特洛夫


1 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile

2 . n 暖和的地方;取暖;加热

3 . 在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。The violinist got an enthusiastic encore

4 . look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me看观偶的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

5 . 十 There is only one me in this world 在这个世界上,我是独一无二的

6 . 十八 Life is short and you deserve to be happy。生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。

7 . (极度 紧张[兴奋],激动 It will all be copper

8 . i need him like i need the air to breathe我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

9 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won′t make you cry

10 . 十六 Do one thing at a time, and do well。一次只做一件事,做到最好!


1 . two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony just give me a chance and you will agreei was meant for youand you were meant for me 两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。我为你而生,你因我而存在。

2 . 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。(庄子

3 . Don′t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn′t willing to waste their time on you

4 . 人越长大,圈子里越是与自己相似的人。比你优秀的走到了上面,不如你的走到了下面,你的圈子里都是和你相似的。这就是圈层。

5 . 热烈的讨论An ardent disciple of Yoga

6 . 我从不忘记活着本身就是乐趣。——佚名

7 . 时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。(鲁迅

8 . 二十七 The first step is as good as half over。第一步是最关键的一步。

9 . 十三 quitters never win and winners never quit退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。




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