
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-01 05:00:24


1 . 人生三阶段:比才华;比财力;比境界。

2 . , how far can life go, see who walks with; how great achievements, see who pointing

3 . it is at our mother&#;s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them ( mark twain, american writer 就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。(美国作家 马克·吐温

4 . The pace of life is not to go fast, but to go steady

5 . 有心能知,有情能爱,有缘能聚,有梦能圆。

6 . A man who can dream of dreams, is a successful man

7 . 兴之所至,心之所安;尽其在我,顺其自然。

8 . 发现自己的闪光点,挖掘自己的潜能,做你真正喜欢的事业。

9 . the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today (franklin roosevelt, american president实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。(美国总统 罗斯福 f

10 . , if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern


1 . 意外和明天不知道哪个先来。没有危机是最大的危机,满足现状是最大的陷阱。

2 . 当你的能力还驾驭不了你的目标时,那你就应该沉下心来历练。

3 . 一块砖没有什么用,一堆砖也没有什么用,如果你心中没有一个造房子的梦想,拥有天下所有的砖头也是一堆废物;但如果只有造房子的梦想,而没有砖头,梦想也没法实现。

4 . Dream is the soul of the mind, is our secret truth

5 . , no goal, always for the goal of the people to work hard

6 . Dreams don&#;t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you do not stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream

7 . 心存希望,幸福就会降临你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你。

8 . 成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。

9 . The dark night is a prelude to the day

10 . Li ancient events are not only the ability above common people also have a firm and unflinching will


1 . 用宽容的心征服别人无往不胜。

2 . 梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

3 . to accomplish great things, in addition to dream, must act要想成就伟业,除了梦想,必须行动。

4 . 只要我们敢梦想,并不被自己所阻,一切都有可能——梦想无止境。

5 . 目标是有期限的梦想。

6 . 梦想,是来自宙斯的礼物。——荷马

7 . 梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。

8 . 过去属于死神,未来属于自己。

9 . 世间最容易的事是坚持,最难的事也是坚持。要记住,坚持到底就是胜利。

10 . 别让你的梦想只是梦想。


1 . 每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆。——佚名

2 . 做人不可有傲态,不可无傲骨。

3 . with a burning desire to achieve the dream as a backing, so that the desire to become enthusiastic, let it become your brain in one of the most important things用强烈欲望作为达成梦想的后盾,使欲望变得狂热,让它成为你脑中最重要的一件事。

4 . Our position is not important, important is the direction we want to go

5 . 在无人喝彩的时候,我们不要放弃努力,要学会为自己鼓掌。

6 . The husband gentleman, static to self-cultivation, frugal and Germany to support non indifferent to Ming, quiet Zhi yuan

7 . everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are

8 . 梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到这些梦想成为事实。

9 . 人生最苦痛的是梦醒了无路可走。做梦的人是幸福的;倘没有看出可以走的路,最要紧的是不要去惊醒他。——鲁迅

10 . 梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣。


1 . who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life you have to understand life and life different animal survival, while others life人有了物质才能生存,人有了梦想才谈得上生活。你要了解生存与生活的不同吗?动物生存,而人则生活。

2 . your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep

3 . 当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心来学习。

4 . 你的梦想决定着你的未来。

5 . 人生最困难的事情是认识自己。

6 . time is really fast, but I will never stop chasing the pace of dreams, even if there is only a little hope, I do not give up, this is my perseverance

7 . 你相信你行,你就活力无穷;你认为你自已不行,就会精神萎靡。

8 . 现在的一切都是为将来的梦想编织翅膀,让梦想在现实中展翅高飞。

9 . Human life is like this, the first life into a scientific dream, and then the dream into a reality


1 . 梦想总是跑在我前面,追寻它们,乃至仅有一瞬间的与梦想合而为一,也都是动人的生命奇迹。

2 . 生命的全部的意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西。

3 . To describe their own dreams, but more should be awake

4 . Brave to meet the adversity, even if the initial dream can not be achieved, it will open the door to another dream

5 . 我的梦想,你也许觉得很累,我的选择只能自己体会。

6 . 努力向上吧,星星就躲藏在你的灵魂深处;做一个悠远的梦吧,每个梦想都会超越你的目标。——佚名

7 . the dream was always running ahead of me to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle梦想总是跑在我前面,追寻它们,乃至仅有一瞬间的与梦想合而为一,也都是动人的生命奇迹。

8 . 梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。——佚名

9 . many peoplestart a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it

10 . Ordinary simple dream, we use the only belief to support the dream


1 . 与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。

2 . plain ordinary dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream平凡朴实的梦想,我们用那唯一的坚持信念去支撑那梦想。

3 . 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?

4 . 恩欲报,怨欲忘;报怨短,报恩长。

5 . the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end maybe this world is really only hazy is true

6 . The higher the ideal of a person, the more pure life

7 . 骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍;锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。

8 . for the love of life,so everything for the dream to pay is worth it

9 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat

10 . What it was originally was a dream, and no confidence But everything is starting from here


1 . The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself

2 . 当我真心在追寻著我的梦想时,每一天都是缤纷的,因为我知道每一个小时都是在实现梦想的一部分。——佚名

3 . 梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。

4 . 只有向自己提出伟大的目标并以自己的全部力量为之奋斗的人,才是幸福的人。

5 . most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought很多时候,我们富了口袋,但穷了脑袋;我们有梦想,但缺少了思想。

6 . some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it

7 . Often seek favorable others, not for their own benefit

8 . Laojifuli, One aims for the far-off future martyrs Munian, in high aspirations

9 . 没有答不了的难题,只有学不完的知识。

10 . Mirs day with the wind, the ninety thousand rise directly to a high position


1 . 夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。

2 . 很多人一开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙得忘了梦想。

3 . 要想成就伟业,除了梦想,必须行动。

4 . 如意算盘,不一定符合事实。

5 . as wishes may inspire dreams, so dreams may inspire wishes正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。

6 . every morning, two simple decisions: turn off the alarm clock, go to sleep or get up and chase your dreams

7 . The value of a person, should see what he contributes, and should not see what he has achieved

8 . 不要怀有渺小的梦想,它们无法打动人心。

9 . 理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。

10 . 展现自己的风采,用加倍的努力来赢得成功。




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