
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-05 17:47:16


1 . 如:He got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus

2 . 人生之路既艰辛且漫长,为此,有些人总是把成功人生的终点,视为望尘感叹,遥不可及。

3 . 十字街头烟火灭,谁送寒衣,谁领寒衣别。

4 . 沉默的山被点燃了,轮廓渐渐清晰起来。绵延的峰顶燃烧成橘红色,与天上的云霞相互媲美。山的中间紫红里透出淡淡的青蓝,显得十分厚重。山脚下那如梦如幻的淡粉色的云雾,模糊了一带如梦的树林,飘渺了一片如诗的村舍。

5 . The policeman showed me where I could get books 可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books

6 . ( Your T-shirt is so cool Could you tell me ________?

7 . 若从句表达的是___________,规律,不管主句是什么时态,从句都用___________。

8 . 突然开始怀恋秋天。袅袅的秋风,亭皋的木叶,潺湲的秋水,交融回荡,延伸到远方天空的尽头。我是一个彳亍于人生道路上孤独旅者,顺着秋天独有的倾巢般的夜幕中的一缕婵娟,紧握着岁月赐予我的轮迹,悠然前行。

9 . 热水沏茶叶成浓喷鼻,由于温度;伴侣挂念联络成习气,由于朴拙;短信祝愿你高兴一笑,由于情绪;短信传情,早上好!愿你高兴高兴天天!

10 . -Children who often ____(eat junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy


1 . 综合练习一 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空

2 . 处处焚火纸,家家送寒衣。

3 . ( I like to live in a house__ is big and bright A that B who C how D why

4 . 静好的岁月,依附着一份念想,剪下一段时光珍藏。柔风一缕拂过发梢眼角,空气中,散发着淡淡的莲香,心,瞬间柔软。人,总是要懂分寸知进退,如这一朵幽香,风动你亦动,风止你亦静,动静相宜,距离恰好。早晨好!

5 . 早上空气清新,叫你事事顺心;上午阳光明媚,祝你薪水翻倍;下午小风娇好,愿你青春不老。

6 . 行胜于言,超越自我,知识启迪智慧。

7 . 七绝·黯神伤

8 . )You can go skating after you ____Afinish the job Bfinished the job Cfinishing the job

9 . 每个早晨,我都在等,等你睁眼发现,发现我在你眼前;每个早晨,我都在等,等你侧耳聆听,聆听一声温柔的早安。我要让你每天听见,早安!

10 . B where No Middle School is C No Middle School is where D No Middle School where is


1 . B when was Albert Einstein born C what they will do with the computers D how often they go to movies

2 . 一生之苦今日吃,三年之乐来日享。

3 . 今宵始觉房栊冷,坐索寒衣托孟光。

4 . 努力造就实力,态度决定高度。

5 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is

6 . 扬帆起舵,学海无涯,乘风破浪,奋勇拼搏。

7 . 先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room

8 . 每临大事,心必静心,静则神明,豁然冰释。

9 . 流落正怜芳意在,砧声徒促授寒衣。

10 . 天生我才,必有大用,今日不用,明日必用。


1 . 为了梦想,我们不懈努力。

2 . 明确的目标是前进的动力。

3 . 早上好!感谢你陪我走过每一个日子,愿有我的日子你每天都精彩,每步都平安,每刻都快乐,每分都如意,每秒都幸福。

4 . 竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力。

5 . Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is A after B unless C while D since

6 . They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once moreAso that Bsuch…that Ctoo…to Dso…that

7 . 鬓雪多于砌下霜。三峡南宾城最远,一年冬至夜偏长。

8 . 不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里。

9 . B when will my uncle leave C where my uncle will stay D where does my uncle stay

10 . Do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to Peter? ---Yes He is Peter’s friend They are celebrating his ____ birthday A who, ninth B that, nineth C /, nineth D which, ninth


1 . A what to use B how to use C how can I use D where can I use

2 . 如Where does she live? ( Do you know? ----Do you know where she lives?

3 . )主句是___________,宾语从句要用___________。

4 . 轻扫余灰和落叶,枯黄一片飞如蝶。

5 . The art club is for members only You can’t go in___you are a member Aunless BBecause Cif Dthough

6 . 分数铸就辉煌,汗水凝聚实力。

7 . ( --Excuse me Do you know_____?--Sorry, I don’t know A where is No Middle School

8 . 忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

9 . He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him =______________________________________________

10 . 先行词被 _____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用 that,而不用 which。


1 . I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boringThe music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot

2 . 我坐在窗边,随着飞机穿过云层,在云层之上滑翔。可以清晰的看到飞机在天空留下的痕迹,不知道那是蔚蓝中的纯白,还是白色中的清澈……云层之上的天空没有一丝瑕疵,那样的`完整,包笼着绵绵的云。

3 . 一早,雨就下个没完没了,外面阴沉沉的,土地湿搭搭的。在屋里,感到十分的烦闷,于是便走出屋,透透气。雨越来越小,细细的雨丝打在脸上,身上,微微的有些凉意,好久没有淋雨了,这时,才不禁勾起了我心中的那场雨,一场让我感觉十分个性的雨,让我怀念至今。

4 . 积极进取,努力拼搏,磨练意志,强健体魄。

5 . 一)条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。

6 . .I can&#;t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

7 . 细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。

8 . 预测未来的最好方法,就是创造未来。

9 . When the job______, let me know A do B done C is done D finished

10 . This is the novel_____ written by Guo Jingming A who B what C that D /


1 . 梦长银汉落,觉罢天星稀。

2 . ( –Do you know the man __is running along the street? A who B which C whom

3 . Is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A whose B which C when D who

4 . 练习:I am waiting for my friend____________, I’ll do shopping alone

5 . 天亮了,美妙的一天又开端了,起床吧,呼吸清爽,拥抱阳光;浅笑吧,高兴心境,高兴一天。早上好,愿你有个好意情!

6 . ( I like the second football match ___was held last week A which B who C that D /

7 . 我心一片磁针石,不读清华不肯休。

8 . 鲲鲸击水,扶摇云鹏,蛟蛇起陆,张扬飞龙。

9 . 十分钟过得真快啊。我们又看到了“旋转飞椅”我们好奇的走过去。“原先没什么可怕的吗?”姐姐说道。可真到了上面,她便叫了起来,把我的耳朵震坏了。

10 . A whom is she looking after B whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after


1 . 早上好,吃饭了吗,没吃的话,送你一盘鸭,吃了会想家;还有一碟菜,天天有人爱;配上一羹汤,一生永健康;再来一杯酒,幸福会长久;另加一碗饭,爱情永相伴。

2 . 无论做什么,请记住都是为你自己而做,这样就毫无怨言!今天,我为自己而活!今天,又是美丽的一天!早安全世界!

3 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

4 . 感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。朋友们早上好!

5 . .I don&#;t know _________ the day after tomorrow.

6 . 目极浮云色,心断明月晖。

7 . I have been to the Great Wall once ( He tells me… He tells me ( that he has been to the Great Wall once

8 . Hurry up,___you will miss the early train A or Band Cif Dunless

9 . 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于辰。愿你在早晨起床后心境好好,胃口棒棒,福运佳佳,笑口开开,早上好!

10 . B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings




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