
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-30 05:12:16


1 . 绑架问题值得严重关切。The matter nearly concerns me

2 . 方式,方法

3 . 有关;相较Associated personnel

4 . 别把你的想法强加于我。Don&#;t intrude your views on me

5 . adj 靠近…的地方,靠近…的一带

6 . 考虑;详细讨论 I have failed over and over and over again in my life

7 . 他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽,缀着三色帽徽。Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm

8 . 物体下落时,速度是越来越快。We&#;ve lost all trace of him,ie We no longer know where he is

9 . 发票为到岸价英镑That painting catalogs at £

10 . (表示惊奇高兴等)


1 . 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间。Read about her latest whereabouts on her blog Surf Eat Sleep

2 . 便士为英镑。The invoice was for cif

3 . 你知道她的下落吗?A nearly vertical descent at an accelerated speed through the air

4 . 实现国家统一是民族的愿望That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment

5 . 推迁再三The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him

6 . 尽管人们费尽心机,寻找他的下落,都毫无结果。Do you know her whereabouts?

7 . regardless of whether

9 . pron 什么;多少;样的事(或人)

10 . 求知的热望Aspire to become an author


1 . 这真是一个奇迹!how是什么意思:

2 . (询问是否成功或愉快)

3 . 有关圣事的法规Of or relating to the gums

4 . 无论城市或会议室里的人多么愚昧无知,海浪依然歌唱,唱着赞美诗。matter是什么意思:

5 . be of importance;matter

6 . 不要把你的想法强加于我。I tried to inflict my values on them

7 . 他告诉了我他的下落。The leaves of various shades of brownness are falling down

8 . 我们原先都对这计划抱有热望,但回过头来冷静地切合实际地想一想,似乎计划的吸引力还不够。aspire是什么意思:

9 . n 物质,事情,素材

10 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!


1 . 热望成为作家They seem to have lost their desire for life

2 . 有重要性;有关系 It is no laughing matter

3 . 恫吓将迫使他们把兵力铺得更广。The tension force, shear forces (including pushing force, cutting force and friction force, impulse force, hydrodynamic drag on the suction pipes, and the force resulted from the pressure difference, etc, are the main forces for detail discussion in this paper

4 . 如四川以黑白版画见长I &#;d suggest the chef &#;s delight: sour soup Sichuan style

5 . 断气之前,随时追求新的`生命力。He is an aspirant to the presidency

6 . 与牙龈牙床有关的Of or relating to the pituitary gland

7 . v 涉及,参与,关系到;使关心,使担忧

8 . 翻译推荐:

9 . n 军队,暴力

10 . place是什么意思:


1 . 我一生中失败了一次又一次。"Over shoes, over Boots"

2 . 他仪表堂堂。They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country

3 . 再融资的英文怎么说>>再起的英文>>再能的英文怎么说>>再来一次的英文怎么说>>再来的英文>>

4 . n

5 . 她要了一磅肉末。 Mr Pound is quite agreeable

6 . 一星期英镑的工资A weekly wage of

7 . 无论用任何暖和方法,人工呼吸仍是救生所必需的。 Whatever method of heating was used,artificial respiration was essential for reanimation

8 . 我经过再三考虑后决定辞职After much heart-searching, they decided to separate

9 . That is essential if a sterling retreat is not to become a rout

10 . adj 过去的;结束的;外面的;上面的


1 . 叮嘱再三More than once; not just once

2 . 太给力了!

3 . conj

4 . 你不断地跳槽,换了东家换西家,却发现你所面对的老板都一个样。

5 . 不过无论这个故事是好是坏,讲故事的人扮演的是传授者译者以及传达者。The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

6 . A thirst for knowledge

7 . 不止一次;再三To bow complaisantly and give way again and again

8 . (有关法律的,(有关合法性的Relative to; related to

9 . 他们敲了我十英镑的卧铺费。Her account was debited with

10 . 如果不想让此次英镑贬值变成汇率崩溃,这是必不可少的。Articles,such as tableware,made of sterling silver




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