
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-17 19:02:53


1 . 爱是一种意识与情感,或许最初的爱意,原本没有过多的去计较是否有得有失。不可否认的是,爱之深处无论结局是什么,谁能否定这爱之情感的那份真切呢?

2 . 寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!

3 . Kerosene was used to light lamps It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get Soon there was a large demand for kerosene People began to search for new supplies of petroleum

4 . 七十四假如有一天我终于能将你忘记,那么生活就比较容易。然而这是戏剧。我无法找出原稿,然后将你一笔抹去。

5 . The first oil well was drilled by EL Drake, a retired railroad conductor In he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish that onlookers called it “ Drake’s Folly” But when he had drilled down about feet( meters, Drake struck oil His well began to yield barrels of crude oil a day

6 . 喜欢的人,高冷你也觉得萌;讨厌的人,稍微冷个脸你都觉得是装逼

7 . 髽髻双丝绾,宽袍两袖风。貌和身自别,心与相俱空。物外长年客,山中永寿童。一尘全不染,甲子任翻腾。

8 . 和孙猴子比跟斗:差着十万八千里。孙悟空一个跟斗可翻过十万八千里。形容差距很大。

9 . However it seems men are far happier to relax their standards while more women told researchers from Remington that they never allow themselves to be seen looking hairy or too unkempt。 然而据雷明顿调查人员的调查,男性似乎更容易放松自己的标准,较多的女性称她们从不会让自己看起来头发凌乱或邋里邋遢。

10 . 八十六人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常。


1 . 当你失去我的时候,你就会明白没有谁会像我这般对你。

2 . 一种重要的新兴工业——炼油业在国内战争后成长起来。未加工的石油,或原油——种深色的地下的稠浆——数百年来一直为大众所知,但是人们却很少使用过它。

3 . 二如果人生可以刷新,复制,粘贴。那么一切是不是可以注销,关机,再重启。

4 . 爱,只能在回忆里完整。

5 . 五十二我不知道一个人的一生,可以有多少个十年可以给另一个人。

6 . 相逢处非仙即道,静坐讲黄庭。

7 . 三十三只要有最爱的人在身边,一切除了那人的东西,都不被放在眼里。

8 . 十五这世上最累的事情,莫过于眼睁睁看着自己的心碎了,还得自己动手把它粘起来。

9 . 或许我是累了,不想再让自己疼痛了。所以我把我的疼痛悄悄掩埋了。

10 . 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。


1 . 五十六当你经历过爱与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的,也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。

2 . 说话的时候不认真,沉默的时候太认真。

3 . 七十一我垂头丧气的走进了家门,门口的大树似乎在训斥我,花也在说我,今天,我的心情糟透了!

4 . Fortunately, as far back as the early ’s marine biologists realized that if new measures were not taken, oysters would become extinct or at best a luxury food So they set up well-equipped hatcheries and went to work But they did not have the proper equipment or the skill to handle the eggs They did not know when, what, and how to feed the larvae And they knew little about the predators that attack and eat baby oysters by the millions They failed, but they doggedly kept at it Finally, in the ’s a significant breakthrough was made

5 . 在十九世纪五十年代,萨缪尔·M·科尔,宾西法尼亚西部的一位制造商,开始从当地的溢出物中收集石油,并将它炼成煤油。与冶炼矿石一样,石油提炼是一个从未加工的原料中除去杂质的过程。煤油被用来点灯。

6 . 学着做自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于我的东西。

7 . 幽鸟啼声近,源泉响溜清。重重谷壑芝兰绕,处处巉崖苔藓生。起伏峦头龙脉好,必有高人隐姓名。

8 . 二十六记住这句话:你的心最好不是招摇的枝桠,而是静默的根系,深藏在地下,不为尘世的一切所蛊惑,只追求自身的简单和丰富。

9 . 推开看处,呀!只见那正中间有根大树,真个是青枝馥郁,绿叶阴森,那叶儿却似芭蕉模样,直上去有千尺余高,根下有七八丈围圆。那行者倚在树下往上一看,只见向南的枝上,露出一个人参果,真个象孩儿一般。原来尾间上是个扢蒂,看他丁在枝头,手脚乱动,点头幌脑,风过处似乎有声。

10 . 你从我的生活中消失了。


1 . 我是一朵不开花的花尚未学会绽放,就已习于凋零。

2 . "到那时"非常理解"如果"的感受。他答道是啊,我也看到一项课程,等到钱充足的时候,我就去报名。对了,你打算申请的新工作怎么样了?上星期见你说得那么情绪激昂,申请了吗? "

3 . 看不破的永远是真相,猜不透的永远是人的心理。

4 . 若再见你,不过是会心一笑,道一句:好久不见。

5 . 二十八人永远不知道,谁哪次不经意的跟你说了再见之后,就真的不会再见了。

6 . 你从不揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。

7 . 有时即使有再多的安慰和指点也没用,能说服和鼓励自己的,还是只有自己。

8 . There are also still some traditionalists out there, with per cent saying they believe revealing bad habits is only acceptable after marriage。 调查对象中不乏一些传统人士,%的人认为只有在结婚之后才可以放松一点。

9 . 奇花瑞草,修竹乔松。修竹乔松,万载常青欺福地;奇花瑞草,四时不谢赛蓬瀛。

10 . 迟早会有一个眼瞎的看上你然后对你好得没话说


1 . April, always rainy season Newcomers unfamiliar to us can only wander aimlessly hanging around in the streets, most of the time to be bored to walk, no fame, no snacks, and even the so-called downtowwn street far "beyond" my expectations, really tired then find a place to eat some random point to sit down and rest, we even went to Internet cafes, you play the game, I go to bed Unusually dull, there is fatigue, they will complain, but our mutual interlocking fingers, I am also deeply satisfied Accompany and help you pick the color of clothes, shoes and styles for your reference, to discuss the location of accommodation, hazy rain you as I hold the umbrella, when I put a chill swept coat, placid warm my heart to heal the remnants of the city disappointed

2 . 当板块从中海脊脱离时,它们滑向在岩石圈基部较易变形的地层上。因为地球的大小本质上是不变的,只有同等数量的岩石圈物质在其它地方被吞没,新的岩石圈才能生成。销毁旧岩石圈的地方形成另外一种板块边界:一块潜没的区域。在这里,一块板块潜没到另一板块的边缘之下并结合入地幔之中。

3 . 如果这都不算爱,我有什么好悲哀,谢谢你的慷慨,是我自己活该。

4 . 一路有你,再傻我也愿意。

5 . Once life with their other half becomes more routine, per cent said they start breaking winnd in front of their partner, per cent will skip sexy clothes for unflattering outfits round the house and per cent walk around naked。 而一旦与另一半的感情稳定下来,%的人会开始当着对方的面放屁,%的人不再追求性感的衣着,而是穿得非常随便,%的人会光着身子在屋里走来走去。

6 . 后来砸碎了酒瓶也没换来清醒,弄脏了自己也没换来爱情。

7 . 一派白虹起,千寻雪浪飞;海风吹不断,江月照还依。冷气分青嶂,馀流润翠微;潺湲名瀑布,真似挂帘帷。

8 . 我想谈一场公开的恋情,爸妈同意亲戚知道朋友祝福。

9 . The idea of sea-floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics In its original version, in the early ’s, it described the creation and destruction of the ocean floor, but it did not specify rigid lithospheric plates The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery that periodic reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field are recorded in the oceanic crust As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge, ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field When the magma cools and solidifies, the direction and the polarity of the field are preserved in the magnetized volcanic rock Reversals of the field give rise to a series of magnetic stripes running parallel to the axis of the rift The oceanic crust thus serves as a magnetic tape recording of the history of the geomagnetic field that can be dated independently; the width of the stripes indicates the rate of the sea-floor spreading

10 . 微笑,不是因为快乐的太久,是太久的时间里忘记去悲伤。


1 . 我记着每一个人对我的承诺,然后看着他们一个个变成骗子。

2 . 夜深了,我还伏在案头给你写信:天天掰着指头计算着你的归期,可日子像和我作对,踱着方步迟迟不肯离去。

3 . 四十四当你难过的时候。我希望我能在你身边。尽全力让你笑起来。

4 . 三十七什么是女孩子真正的强大?不是美貌,不是才华,也不是装男人。而是在失落悲伤打击和孤独后能够迅速宁静下来的心,和备受伤害后依旧留存的那一点点温暖。真正需要强大的,不是你的外貌,而是你的心。

5 . 我说了所有谎,你全都相信。简单的我爱你,你却老不信。

6 . 年轻的时候总喜欢把喜欢夸大成爱把不甘心当成放不开。

7 . 不经发觉,那些雨滴洒落在玻璃上,荡起轻柔的涟漪,不敢触碰,害怕它侵蚀自己千疮百孔的身体。

8 . "IF what is wrong with you? You dont seem your usual cheery self?"

9 . 七十二人间情多,真爱难求,若不爱,当放手。

10 . 八十二我对你的隐身可见,换来你的视而不见。


1 . 距离去益阳已经一个月了,哪怕还是找不到自己满意的情愫来记录那四天你我相伴的时光,言语也许粗糙,因为有你,在我心中却是最华丽的故事。我说过未来的篇章尽数为你。

2 . 浪漫的姿态并没有最高的动机,他们惟一的目的是要表达爱,要表明她是重要的,对你也非常特殊,要让他知道,你经常想着他。

3 . "如果"回答道"如果不是上周我的电脑坏了,我会申请的。但是它坏了,我无法打印简历,所以只能放弃了。"

4 . 我有一个梦想,能有着自己的舞台,唱着自己的歌。

5 . 那怪闻言,恐怕大圣伤他,却就解尸,出了元神,跳将起去,伫立在九霄空里,这行者背上越重了。猴王发怒,抓过他来,往那路旁边赖石头上滑辣的一掼,将尸骸掼得象个肉饼一般,还恐他又无礼,索性将四肢扯下,丢在路两边,俱粉碎了。

6 . 并非所有等待,都能等到那个人的归来,很多时候我们在等的,不过是自我的归来。

7 . 八我可以在很痛的时候说没关系,也可以在难过的时候说无所谓。

8 . When the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left, until the landscape was again ablaze with the red plum blossom to remind people of life’s alternation and continuance Can’t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss and gain

9 . 一层层深阁琼楼,一进进珠宫贝阙,说不尽那静室幽居,直至瑶台之下。

10 . 为什么失去了才感觉爱多强烈。


1 . 缘来时,猝不及防;缘去时,无力阻止。

2 . 天产仙猴道行隆,离山驾筏趁天风。飘洋过海寻仙道,立志潜心建大功。有分有缘休俗愿,无忧无虑会元龙。

3 . Two unfamiliar people originally came together because of love, it is not easy, because it is required of each others true feelings and trust to pay in order to form the true love Which is due to the existence of love in between, but also the most vulnerable to injuries, but also very fragile, so it should be better cherish and protect the love of primary colors, rather than its loss

4 . 十八人生的道路,总会有那么一段时期,你走着走着就发现,你走入了只有你一个人的小巷,你看不到小巷的尽头,可能是一条新的街道,但你心里也常常怀疑那尽头没准就是一个死胡同,其他的道路有人欢声笑语,你觉得周围每个人都走在康庄大道上,除了你自己。

5 . 春采百花为饮食,夏寻诸果作生涯。秋收芋栗延时节,冬觅黄精度岁华。

6 . Yiyang distance to go now for a month, even if it still can not find their own satisfaction that four days to record your feelings accompanied me time, perhaps rough speech, because of you, in my mind it is the most beautiful story I said give all of you the next chapter

7 . 一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。

8 . 我知道你终会离去,就像美丽的烟花终会消散而尽。

9 . 八十四你没那么多观众,别让自己那么累。

10 . 六十八我每天都会把鞋带系得紧紧的,因为我知道没人会等我。




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