
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 00:07:22


1 . 一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。

2 . first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort

3 . The lamp looked pale and ashamed; the carvings on the walls, like chained dreams, stared meaningless in the light as they fain hide themselves 灯火显得苍白而羞愧;墙上的刻画像 是被锁住的梦,无意义地瞪视着,仿佛要 躲藏起来。

4 . 我们两个一起可以创造奇迹。

5 . Itisatourmother“skneethatweacquireournoblestandtruestandhighest,butthereisseldomanymoneyinthem(MarkTwain,Americanwriter就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。(美国作家马克·吐温

6 . 最是人间留不住, 朱颜辞镜花辞树。

7 . 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友以经验为参谋以谨慎为兄弟以希望为哨兵。

8 . 第条 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

9 . The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds (Mark Twain , American writer 具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 (美国作家 马克 吐温

10 . 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。


1 . You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements

2 . 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

3 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking something。 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams。 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

4 . 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

5 . 大胆挑战,世界总会让步。如果有时候你被它打败了,不断地挑战,它总会屈服地。

6 . 怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。

7 . 第条 As long as the road is right, is not afraid of the road

8 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers。人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

9 . You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday

10 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards


1 . 我说不爱你,那是假话;我说不在乎,那是假话;我告诉自己对你再不会有感觉了,那也是假话。

2 . 进步是今天的活动,明天的保证。

3 . The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectations

4 . There is no garden without its weeds没有不长杂草的花园。

5 . because it is by health that money is procured

6 . 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

7 . A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world

8 . 第条 If you want to change your destiny, change yourself first

9 . The reason why you feel lonely, not no one care about you, but you do not care about the people who do not care about you

10 . 第条 Ambition is not keen, success is not in speed for a long time


1 . 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

2 . 第条 盛年不重来,一日难再晨。

3 . 等待与时间无关,它是一种习惯。它自由生长,而他无力抵抗。

4 . Live more consciously each day Stop sleepwalking through life Your life is something to be experienced, not coasted through每天都有意识的生活。不要梦游式的过生活。你的人生是用来体验的,不是悠哉悠哉的过一天是一天。

5 . Do not let words affect you Do not let other people stop you from doing what makes you happy Follow your dreams , follow your feeling ! 不要受他人之言的负面影响。不要因他人而断了做快乐事。紧跟你的梦想,追随你的感觉!

6 . The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。

7 . One picture is worth a thousand wards百闻不如一见

8 . the mind and that of the body

9 . ——Benjamin Franklin(美国总统富兰克林

10 . Wealth is the test of a man&#;s character。财富是对一个人品格的试金石。


1 . Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum生活是绘画,不是做算术。

2 . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

3 . Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day

4 . Face the past with the least lamentation, face present with the least waste and with the most dream to face future用最少的悔恨面对过去,用最少的浪费面对现在,用最多的梦想面对未来。

5 . Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence

6 . 第条 If there is a mountain, there is a way, and a river will be able to ferry it

7 . 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。

8 . Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship

9 . Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced

10 . The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time




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