补全句子 练习题

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补全句子 练习题

补全句子 练习题【一】

1 . ( Her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of English A whom B that is C which D who is

2 . I will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college

3 . 3山坡菜地里那薄薄的一层泥土被大雨冲了个一干二净。____________________________

4 . 雨从早到晚哗哗哗哗地下个不停。______________。

5 . A并列:听说读写思想感情光荣而艰巨轻松愉快

6 . 科里亚说:今天我不光找到了木匣子,还懂得了时间一天天过去,人一天天长大,步子也在渐渐变大。

7 . ()雨越下越大,我坐在门口,看着瓢泼大雨出神。

8 . ( This is the only book ___I am looking for A that B which C who D whom

9 . 如:He got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus

10 . ()老黄鹂看见了连忙飞过去,从那片卷着的叶子里,捉出一条黄绿色的小毛虫,飞了回来。

补全句子 练习题【二】

1 . ()雨落在对面的屋顶的瓦片上。

2 . A②④③①⑤⑥B③②④①⑤⑥C⑥②④③①⑤D③①⑤②④⑥

3 . 练习I like cities___________are quiet and clean I prefer students _________are hard- working

4 . D补充:热起来做下去疼得发紫读两遍摆整齐

5 . .(碧溪河从村前流过。

6 . ②人生须知道负责的苦处,才能知道有尽责任的乐处。

7 . ()老师看见了,轻轻地走到他跟前,耐心地给他讲解。

8 . ()大家站在水里,用手推着,用肩膀抵着,用背顶着,让船绕过那块礁,有上船来。

9 . (书籍不正是我们的好老师吗?

10 . C when the airport we should arrive at D when the airport should we arrive at

补全句子 练习题【三】

1 . (游览了长城,我受到了教育。

2 . ()这是虽在北方风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树。

3 . He studied English ten years ago I know I know he studied English ten years ago

4 . (我知道这是对我的批评,也是对我的希望。

5 . ()他花了三十多年的时间,留意观察日月以及各行星的运动。

6 . ()我高兴地把蛋拣在手里,还热乎乎的呢。

7 . A what man looks like B what will man look like C man will look like what D what man will look like

8 . ()熊以为他是个死人,就走开了。

9 . follyn荒唐事

10 . )Have you found the book ________I paid dollars?

补全句子 练习题【四】

1 . 人与山的关系密切,使人感到亲切舒服。_______________________

2 . ()当他岁那年,他发现了一颗小行星。

3 . A纯洁高尚全面衡量热烈响应热切希望

4 . ()一天清晨,我去浇水时发现它一出芽了。

5 . 三状语从句:

6 . bombasticadj夸大的

7 . __________________________________________________。

8 . (只见他脱下外衣,卷起裤管,条下水去,拿起铁锹,一锹一锹地用泥堵住那个缺口

9 . ---What are you looking for? --- I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday A who B which C whose

10 . ()花园里四周的道路上都长满了青草,好象铺了一层绿毯。

补全句子 练习题【五】

1 . (这时,一棵棵树就像查慢红花的大花瓶。

2 . ()小黄鹂都把脖子伸得长长的,张开黄黄的小嘴叫着:“妈妈,给我吃!”

3 . ()我很高兴:总算尝到海水的味道了。

4 . ()当今科学表明,每一个正常的大脑,在构造上并无多大的区别。

5 . A what to use B how to use C how can I use D where can I use

6 . )As soon as he _____in Paris, he will call you Aarrive Barrived Carrives

7 . anostentatiousadj一个夸耀的

8 . A which floor did he live on B which floor he lived on C which floor he lived D he lived on which floor

9 . acandidadj一个坦白的

10 . They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once moreAso that Bsuch…that Ctoo…to Dso…that

补全句子 练习题【六】

1 . ()村后是一望无际的桑园。

2 . ()过了几天,绿色的小芽从土里钻出来了。

3 . ( Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English A she B whom C which D who

4 . ④后来,人们将蝙蝠的耳朵封住,再让它们飞行。

5 . ()汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰。

6 . ()一阵风吹过树梢,树叶哗啦啦响,似乎老槐树也和我们一起在欢笑。

7 . 学校里只给每人发一张票,这真叫人为难。

8 . ()这些发明使他得到很多钱。

9 . 第二:时态; )如果主句是___________,宾语从句时态根据实际情况而定

10 . ()鸡腹,密布着许多海港和名城

补全句子 练习题【七】

1 . ()爸爸带我到浅海处游泳。

2 . Is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A whose B which C when D who

3 . ()他想了想,从架子上拿下一个铜锅,把月光反射到书上去。

4 . Could you tell me ________________with the money ? A how to do B what should I do C how I should do D what I should do

5 . ()当龙卷风越过浅海时,把小鱼卷上天空。

6 . ( I like to live in a house__ is big and bright A that B who C how D why

7 . ()奶奶乐呵呵地从怀里掏出一个红包,说是给我的压岁钱。

8 . ()王红同学真值得我们学习。

9 . He was the first person _______passed the exam

10 . 年,清政府把詹天佑任命为总工程师。________________________________________




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