
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-14 20:30:24


1 . 善良,是一种世界通用的语言,它可以使盲人感到聋子闻到。

2 . 善良,一个很普遍的词,经常被人称道,因为我们面对善良可以不设防,袒露胸襟即使鲁莽,也能得到理解,直率无忌即使过头,也能得到原谅。与善良对话不需要拐弯抹角闪烁其辞,与善良共事不需要多个心眼反留一手。

3 . 善良的心地,就是黄金。——莎士比亚

4 . Life is the flower for which love is the honey

5 . WewishtoshowourgratitudeandthankswithasmallgiftHappyTeacher&#;sDay!

6 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

7 . 人们所以称赞,是因为他那颗乐于助人而又善良的心,使他施以爱心,不求回报。

8 . 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。

9 . 教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。

10 . 教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。


1 . 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

2 . 二十五 Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩

3 . 善人者,人亦善之。——管仲

4 . The road to a lovers house is never long

5 . It"syourday,TeacherHaveagreatday!

6 . 如果每次想起你我都要哭的话,我将会最终被淹死。

7 . Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion

8 . 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

9 . Disappear a memory And leaving is unforgettable memories

10 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of


1 . 五 因为你,我不知道如何去接纳别人。 Because of you I don t know how to let anyone else in。

2 . We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright

3 . 世界上没有破镜重圆之说,一旦失去,就意味着永远失去。

4 . 二十 Tomorrow never comes莫依赖明天。

5 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love

6 . Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change

7 . Thanksforbeingsuchagreatteacher HappyTeacher"sDay

8 . Time is a file that wears and makes no noise

9 . 这是我们买给您的礼物,谢谢您,老师。没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。

10 . Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person


1 . forallthegreatthingsyousayanddothebestteacher’sawardgoestoyou

2 . ThisisTeachers&#;DayandatimetobegratefultoallteachersThisprofessiondeservesthespecialrecognitionandpectThereisnomoreappropriatetimethanthistohonouryouandothersinyourchosenfieldYouhavemyeternalgratefulnessHaveahappyTeachers&#;Day

3 . It is never too late to fall in love

4 . 老师,颁给你五颗星的奖(最佳老师

5 . 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。

6 . 十三 宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗?I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

7 . You make my heart smile

8 . Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened

9 . Among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfortus, some to share and some to love

10 . 我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。——陀思妥耶夫斯基


1 . 事实常没有字面这么好看。——鲁迅

2 . 爱不在于彼此凝视,而是注视着同一个方向。

3 . 十五 外表是暂时的 内在是永恒的 说狠点 人丑就该多读点书。Appearance is temporary internal is eternal said malicious people ugly should read more books

4 . Don‘t try so hard, the best thngs come when you least expect them to

5 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

6 . I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!

7 . 真诚是一种心灵的开放。——拉罗什福科

8 . 感人肺腑的人类善良的暖流,能医治心灵和肉体的创伤。——罗佐夫

9 . Onegoodteacherinalifetimemaysometimeschangeadelinquentintoasolidcitizen

10 . 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩?


1 . HappyTeachers&#;day!

2 . 二十九 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well 任何值得做的,就把它做好。

3 . I dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you

4 . 忧伤悲痛仇恨只是短暂的感觉,而善良记忆和爱却是永久的情愫。

5 . WealllikehavingyouasourteacherYouhaveourrespectandgratefulness

6 . 七 It is dogged that does it天下无难事,只怕有心人。

7 . 教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。

8 . YouhavebeenaqualifiedteachersandevenbetterfriendThankyouforallthatyouhavedone

9 . 善良既是历史中稀有的珍珠,善良的人便几乎优于伟大的人。——雨果

10 . 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。




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