
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 06:00:38


1 . If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead

2 . Man&#;s genius is only a spark, if you want to make it into the flames, which is only learning

3 . The sweat into a pearl, the dream into reality

4 . Truth never fears investigation事实从来不怕调查。

5 . 能量加毅力可以征服一切。——富兰克林

6 . Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results

7 . 善待自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。

8 . The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones;舌无骨却折断骨。

9 . Time is a thief he came quietly, and go after the disastrous, opportunity is the same

10 . He who labors diligently always get the opportunity, lazy person lose opportunities everywhere


1 . Nothing seek, nothing find

2 . Nurture passes nature教养胜过天性。

3 . As from a heap of flowers many a garland is made even so many good deeds should be done by one born a mortal

4 . So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness -- RM Nixon ·

5 . He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat

6 . 信心是成功的开始,恒心是成功的方法。

7 . The first step is as good as half over第一步是最关键的一步。

8 . Gods determine what you;re going to be;Julius Erving人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。;欧文

9 . 网络事业创造了富裕,又延续了平等。

10 . Just because someone doesn&#;t love you the way you want them to, doesn&#;t mean they don&#;t love you with all they have


1 . 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。——欧文

2 . My heart there is a big fish, it is called the dream and the distance

3 . 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。(励志歌曲 wwwlzcn但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。

4 . 信赖你自己,除了自己之外,还有谁能做你的依靠。

5 . There is no garden without its weeds没有不长杂草的花园。

6 . 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。——歌德

7 . Don&#;t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn&#;t willing to waste their time on you

8 . Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。

9 . -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金

10 . Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of valueA Einstein不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。;爱因斯坦


1 . Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning——JH Newman

2 . 盛年不再来,一日难再晨,及时当自勉,岁月不待人。

3 . 如果失败是所学校,我相信早晚我会毕业的。

4 . Self-confidence and self-rliance are the mainstays of a strong

5 . 信仰使穷人不至于去谋害富人。

6 . Just as the flattery of a friend can pervert, so the insult of an enemy can sometimes correct

7 . Remember: Whatever happens, happens for a reason

8 . 当你和你亲近的人吵嘴的时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻烂谷子的事。

9 . 天生我才必有用。

10 . One should not pry into the faults of others, into things done and left undone by others One should rather consider what by oneself is done and left undone


1 . He that can have patience, can have what he will唯坚韧者始能遂其志。

2 . The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar

3 . 自信是成功之母,自卑是失败之父。

4 . Adversity is the midwife of genius逆境造就天才。

5 . You have to believe in yourself That;s the secret of success人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

6 . Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go

7 . 一个人用钱应该合理,并且跟他的收入成比例,不可浪费,也不可吝啬;不可处心积虑贪图财富,也不可挥霍奢侈。

8 . Man errs as long as he strives——Goethe

9 . A man can&#;t ride your back unless it is bent

10 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live -- Thomas Carlyle ·


1 . A day to do three things, the first to laugh, the second to smile, the third to roar with laughter

2 . 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

3 . Gentle to have, but not compromise We want to in the quiet, leisurely strong

4 . On talent in, there are heavy waste v: next, and not by the knower

5 . A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate -- Thomas Addison ·

6 . 没有哪一个聪明人会否定痛苦与忧愁的锻炼价值。

7 . Without learning, men grow as cows do increasing only in flesh not wisdom

8 . Deed divides beings into lower and higher ones

9 . 在你想了解别人也想让别人了解你之前,先完善并了解自己。

10 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live 生命不止,奋斗不息。


1 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

2 . Don&#;t let a little dispute break up a great friendship

3 . Treat yourself, don&#;t be about others, also don&#;t go around others, self-confident, elegant

4 . Do one thing at a time, and do well一次只做一件事,做到!

5 . Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again

6 . It is never too late to mend;亡羊补牢,犹时未晚。

7 . 你怎样生活,完全由你自己决定。自己的选择,自己承担后果。

8 . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart只要有一颗意志坚强的心,没事不成。

9 . While there is life, there is hope有生命便有希望留得青山在,哪怕没柴烧。

10 . The wealth of the mind is the only wealth精神的财富是唯一的财富。


1 . Do a traveler in life, the life of a singer, do the dancer of life, guilt, regret, regret!

2 . Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

3 . Victory won&#;&#;t come to me unless I go to it胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

4 . Do not speak ill of others in their absence

5 . Work makes the workman勤工出巧匠。

6 . Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

7 . If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn;t lead anywhere太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

8 . Management is to inspire people&#;s potential to win a goal

9 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

10 . There is but one secret to sucess---never give up!成功只有一个秘诀--永不放弃!


1 . 读诵没有用的话语一千句,倒不如只听到一句有益的话带给人安宁。

2 . To his ruin, indeed, the fool gains knowledge and fame, they destroy his bright lot and cleave his head

3 . 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。——穆尔

4 . 失败乃成功之母

5 . Learn not only means to accept the new knowledge, at the same time to correct mistakes and wrong understanding

6 . Better than a thousand utterance with useless word is one single beneficial word, by hearing which one is pacified

7 . 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

8 . Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards ·

9 . The secret of success is constancy to purpose成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。

10 . 一个人言谈时。应避免以尖酸刻薄的话去批评别人。




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