
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 10:51:42


1 . 跟你的恋爱啊,好像是去一个遥远的异国旅行,沿路都很开心,就算心里知道绝对没有机会在那里定居。——蔡康永《给未知恋人的爱情短信》

2 . 十九个春秋划过笔尖,将悲伤装进旅行箱,每一站安置一个,当最后一份悲伤被吹入风中,那里,悲伤已遗落芳华。

3 . 工作吧 如同从不需要金钱一样

4 . Is there anything to visit here? (这儿有没有可看的地方?)

5 . 人生就是要感受美丽的善良的,丑恶的病态的。而只有在充满了艰辛的人生旅途中,始终调整好自己观风景的心态,才能做到人在旅途,感悟人生,享受人生。

6 . 我喜欢旅游,喜欢离开自己过腻歪的城市,到一个新的环境去欣赏去看去听,每次旅行前经常沉浸在寻找攻略游记逃票等各种文章之中,我知道按攻略去旅行的人往往玩得过于按步就班,但是至少可以为自己的荷包省钱可以支些招,这点还是很现实的。

7 . A persons journey, I have gone through a season and a season, from the cicadas singing in summer, to the snowflakes flying A persons journey, I drifted a journey and a journey, from the youth of Mao, to the vicissitudes of Meiyu

8 . 旅行的理由不需要阐述太多,一个字就可以概括全部:走。

9 . The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not

10 . Work like you don’t need money


1 . 心静一切安好。----马天成

2 . How much is admission?

3 . Where is the gift shop?

4 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards (AbrahamLincoln America

5 . 生活的真谛在于创新,生活的理想在于远大,生活的艺术在于选择,生活的步履在于踏实,生活的乐趣在于追求,生活的安乐在于平淡。

6 . Could we have a Japanese-speaking guide?

7 . Life is a journey, do not care about the destination, should care about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery

8 . The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

9 . Please show me the way

10 . Strange, I will not blame you You have the right to choose happiness


1 . If you dont do something now, you will never do it in your life

2 . 家里穷不要紧,既然出来玩,就不要丢人啦。出来旅游观光,就是把钱花光。你们不要再和我说不需要了,待会吃饭的时候你们还会和我说不需要吗。

3 . 我想一个人旅行,背上简单的行囊,踏上行程,走过一个又一个陌生的城市,去感受旖旎的自然风光,绚丽的民族风情,悠久的历史文化。抛开尘世的纷扰,远离城市的喧嚣,寻找一份宁静,奢侈地享受旅不问人,行随己意的潇洒。

4 . 旅行还在继续,这个过程是艰难而又孤单的。我提着行李,独自一人向远方走去,夕阳将我的身影拉得斜长,可我,仍在旅行的路上徘徊。等待着每一辆经过的车,让我走到更远的地方。

5 . If one day I disappear, there are only two possibilities: the body is traveling, or the soul is traveling

7 . Its good to travel alone, of course, but its lonely to be strong after a long time So shout as much as you can It doesnt matter if you abandon all the frustrations and anxieties Even if you forget the past, you can forget it, because tomorrow is another day

8 . 人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后各自修行,各自向前

9 . Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress

10 . Where there is great love, there are always miracles 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。


1 . 我将要远行,去一个很远的地方。西藏。上海。云南。新疆。海南。我所欢喜的地方。一个人。一台相机。足以。旅行是一件多么美好享受的事。

2 . 知识是心灵的食粮。

3 . 找个舒适的小店,挑张雅致的明信片,送给中意的他。背面写上:某年某月某日,下午某时,天气晴,我在某地,想念你。

4 . 流转的时光,都成为命途中美丽的点缀,看天,看雪,安安静静,不言不语都是好风景。

5 . 人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现 出来。

6 . 唱歌吧 如同没有人聆听一样

7 . 只有一个人在旅行时,才听得到自己的声音,它会告诉你,这世界比想象中的宽阔。

8 . Life is a wonderful journey, on the train that never returns Experience with the new and the old! Maybe this is a persons irresistible fate There are you, me and him

9 . 健康的才是美丽的,合适的才是最好的,常新的才是迷人的,平凡的才是伟大的,坚韧的才是长久的,真实的才是永恒的。

10 . When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace


1 . Where&#;s the tourist information center?

2 . Plato When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting faith into action, big things happen

3 . 旅行可以放松自己的心情,宽阔自己的心境,忘掉不顺心,迎接新的开心。旅行是在寻找新的美丽,追逐新的感观世界,丢掉多余的自己,遇上最真实的自己。

4 . 幸福就是重复。每天跟自己喜欢的人一起,通电话,旅行,重复一个承诺和梦想,听他第二十八次提起童年往事,每年的同一天和他庆祝生日,每年的情人节圣诞节除夕,也和他共度。甚至连吵架也是重复的,为了一些琐事吵架,然后冷战,疯狂思念对方,最后和好。

5 . I think that travel needs to be lonely, need a person to slowly experience, quiet thinking It is different from tourism It needs a place with a slightly beautiful scenery It can be a person or several people to relax their tired mood or tired body together It doesnt give them a chance to relax It seems that every corner of the world needs to leave a trace of their own feet, which is called life

6 . 伟大的沙漠为了绿叶的爱而燃烧,而她摇摇头笑著飞走了(泰戈尔)。

7 . 人生就像是一场旅行,遇到的既有感人的,也有伤心的,既有令人兴奋的,也有令人灰心的,既有美妙的风景,也会有称不上景只有风的地方。

8 . Charlie Chaplin What is the chief cause of divorce? Marriage

9 . 旅行,只需要一颗安静的心和不停的脚步,不停地遇见,不停地思考,不停地流逝自己的思想,不停地更新自己的记忆。我是在旅行,孤独是自我,却思考着我的灵魂。

10 . 在旅途中,我遇见了你,你我相识是缘分!看着你手中的戒指,你说,你可以把它取下来吗?当我要取的`时候,你淘气的躲开了,你说只有有缘人才可以取下,我看着你手中的戒指,想做你的有缘人,可是我知道结果是惨淡的,但还是心存希望!


1 . Are they open on Saturdays?

2 . What kind of tours are available?

3 . Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show

4 . Occasionally stop for the unique scenery in the street, occasionally stay for the beauty of mountains and rivers, and occasionally be attracted by the beauty of a glimpse of a startled goose; or walk into a deep lane, expecting to meet a girl with an oil paper umbrella and a melancholy lilac; or in the spring when the flowers bloom, see the flowers break through the long cold winter in Northern Xinjiang, enchanting bloom; or put down a pen by the river and write Wish you all the best

5 . 每个人心中,都会有一个古镇情怀,流水江南,烟笼人家。

6 . 旅行,其实是需要具有一些流浪精神的,这种精神使人能在旅行中和大自然更加接近,悠然享受和大自然融合之乐。旅行,有一种苍凉,“浮云游子意,落日故人情”,孑然一身,隐入苍茫自然,自有一种孤独的意味;旅行,更有一种逍遥,浑然忘我,与大自然交融的境界令人心弛神往。

7 . 如果有一天我失踪了,只有两种可能:身体在旅行,或者灵魂在旅行。

8 . 有一种旅行,叫单车旅行。它没有奢侈准备,只是需要垮上后座的勇气和一颗想走即走的心,就算是一辆永久单车也能让你的梦想走很远。一个人骑行,孤单却内省;一群人骑行,壮观而有力。希望有一天,自己也像他们一样,踩着单车上路,经历一种身体下了地狱,眼睛进入天堂,灵魂归入故里。

9 . 昨天是历史了,明天还是未知,但今天是礼物,所以今天才叫present 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

10 . When it comes to travel, I always have a vague memory I cant remember where I went, what I saw and who I met Although the students said that the trip is not about memory, but about the mood at that time But was my mood always good at the time of the trip? I always have the habit of keeping a diary However, when I come back from traveling, I am too lazy to write a diary to record it I can see how indifferent I am to travel in my heart


1 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

2 . I&#;ll send the pictures

3 . 一个人旅行当然很好啊,但一个人久了,再坚强也是会寂寞的吧。所以尽量喊吧,把所有沮丧跟不安通通都抛弃也无所谓,就算忘掉过去也可以,因为明天又是新的一天。

4 . 出门在外,不论别人给你热脸还是冷脸,都没关系。外面的世界,尊重的是背景而非人本身。

5 . 年轻时的两个冲动,一是奋不顾身的爱情,另一个是说走就走的旅行

6 . 出去旅行,不是去看风景,而是去寻回自己——最本真的自己。

7 . 我要准备好行李启程了,谢谢关心我的家人和朋友,为我祈祷平安就好。我的旅行,会有你们的故事陪伴,所以我不会孤单。放心吧。

8 . Are there any sightseeing buses? *sightseeing “观光,游览”。

9 . 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 去爱吧就像从来没爱过一样

10 . I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own


1 . 一个人的旅行,反而会更贴近自己的内心,真正的停下来,享受自我的体验时刻,也许浮光掠影,走马观花之外,这才是深入体验,探索自我的最佳时间,纵然走过那么多城市,对于未知的风景,还是好奇。继续期待我的下一个旅行,拿起背包,感受不同地域不一样的节奏与表象。

2 . 人只要奋斗就会犯错误。

3 . Also want to go to Xishuangbanna, want to see the butterflies there, want to see the different customs there, want to see their water splashing Festival

4 . 生活是一段奇妙的旅行,就在那一去无返的火车上。与那些新人和旧人们共同经历吧!也许这就是一个人无法抗拒的命运,有你有我也有他。

5 . Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

6 . Happiness is repetition Every day with the person you like, you can talk on the phone, travel, repeat a promise and dream, listen to him mention his childhood for the th time, celebrate his birthday on the same day every year, and spend Valentines day, Christmas and new years Eve with him every year Even quarrels are repeated, quarreling for trifles, then cold war, crazy miss each other, and finally make up

7 . Would you take a picture for us?

8 . When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, the light memory, the pain is the most real

9 . 生命本是一场奇异的旅行,遇见谁都是一个美丽的意外。有愿才会有缘,如果无愿,即使有缘的人,也会擦身而过。缘是天意,份在人为。无论缘深缘浅,缘长缘短,得到即是造化。人生苦短,缘来不易,我们都应该好好珍惜,并用宽容与豁达,去对待生命的每一个人,每一件事。

10 . What is old and what is everlasting Its just an excuse to add to it




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