
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 11:07:29


1 . 在人生的旅途中,无论我们遇到什么,拥有什么,失去什么,都不要忘记启程,忘记赶路。如同险峻的高山挡不住汹涌的波涛,汹涌的波涛也挡不住你前行的孤舟;___________________

2 . ( Can除了表示“能够,有能力做某事”以外,还有如下用法,而be able to 则没有。表示请求,但语

3 . Ten dollars is too dear

4 . Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…?

5 . ---__________________

6 . 乙处最恰当和选项是()

7 . Jim: Oh, hello, John Yes, come in, please

8 . Can we leave school after : pm ?我们可以在下午点之后再离开学校吗?

9 . A My name’s Tom Smith B I’m Tom Smith

10 . 考查的主要形式是单项填空完型填空短文填空和完成句子。阅读理解和书面表达肯定也要用到定语从句。


1 . That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid

2 . Have a nice/good time

3 . John: Oh dear! Why don’t you go to bed for a rest?

4 . How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening?

5 . 五 具体使用时还要注意下列问题:

6 . A Congratulations!

7 . No, she won&#;t

8 . “That’s right,” said the manager after Jack told his story “I made a mistake last month For one mistake, I can close my eyes But for two, I can’t Thank you, Jack I’ve known you already I have to choose another man instead of you I think you should know what do to in the future”

9 . ---__________________ ??

10 . Not only his parents but also his brother ________ to the Summer Palace They haven’t been back


1 . Shall I get a taxi for you?

2 . Question: Who is Betty??

3 . Either you or I am right

4 . A Yes, I’d love to B No, I don’t C I enjoy reading books

5 . 仿句:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 . Mother fetched the doctor for her ill son妈妈为生病的儿子请来了医生。

7 . The family _____(be spending the weekend together

8 . What can I do for you?

9 . 求救 Calling for help

10 . A horse B duck C chicken D sheep


1 . A Are you Bruce, please

2 . A He fed the chickens

3 . She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday

4 . A In a classroom B In a hospital C In a clothes shop

5 . a是抖动着的曲线

6 . ( find的意思是"找到发现",其过去式和过去分词都是found

7 . whole/ all

8 . From this passage we know that ________

9 . Bread and butter ______ (be her daily breakfast

10 . He talked about the people and the things he remembered


1 . dHappy New Year!

2 . ( send for意思是"召唤;派人去取;派人去拿",而非本人亲自去。

3 . Yes, please

4 . I have never heard of her我从未听说过她。

5 . I’m afraid not

6 . 大海汪洋,___________;湖光粼粼,____________。

7 . 以给“安全食品”下定义的形式将下面三个短句改写成一个长句。(可增删个别字词,但不得改变句子原意

8 . 要使用文明礼貌的语言。

9 . The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today

10 . ①远处看,山顶上明显地有座宝塔,可是,走近一看才发现,宝塔并不在山顶上。②远处看,宝塔明显地坐落在山顶上。可是,走近一看才发现,宝塔并不在山顶上。


1 . This is the house where we lived last year

2 . Do you know everybody who came to the party?

3 . 问时间或日期和应答 Asking the time or date and responses

4 . A Boring B Colourful C Amazing?

5 . who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:

6 . send/ send for

7 . 一内容:先景后情,起承转合

8 . 示例一:无论是苦心研究最终发现“镭”的居里夫人,还是身患重病却探究出宇宙成因的史蒂芬霍金;示例二:无论是勤学数十年才撰成《资本论》的马克思,还是潜心钻研反复试验而发明白炽灯的爱迪生

9 . W: I used to eat dumplings, but now I’m used to eating bread and milk

10 . Could you tell me what time the plane leaves??


1 . ()由what 引导地主于从句作主语时,通常谓语动词用单数形式。但如果所指内容为复数意义时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:

2 . May/Can I help you?

3 . 而是像海燕那样高傲地在海上飞翔!

4 . 答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是a number of deer, 是个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。(deer单复数相同)

5 . You need (to…

6 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是如何回答别人的感谢和赞扬。说英语国家的人在回答别人的感谢和赞扬时与中国人的习惯不同, 他们不是自我谦虚,而是表示高兴。

7 . A have been B have gone C has been D has gone

8 . (·临沂模拟请在横线上续写句子,要求语意连贯,句式一致。

9 . This piece of wood will be made into a small bench 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。

10 . 表示同意和不同意 Expressing agreement and disagreement


1 . aWhat’s the weather like today?

2 . a“五月丁香开满城,芬芳流荡紫云藤。”她的芳香令人流连忘返啊!

3 . That’s a good idea

4 . 祝愿,祝贺和应答 Good wishes, congratulations, responses

5 . 抓关键词:无论谈话的主题是什麽,总会涉及到这类主题的专门用语。抓住这个关键词,谈话地点,人物关系就好确定了。

6 . bring/ take/carry/fetch

7 . ( neither作代词是对两者都进行否定,意思为"两者都不",作主语时谓语动词用单数。

8 . 作定语

9 . ①远处看,山顶上明显地有座宝塔,可是,走近一看才发现,宝塔并不在山顶上。

10 . 【中考范例】


1 . bThat’s all right

2 . 我们相信他长大后能够成为一名画家。

3 . ---Where is the scientist ________ gave us the talk yesterday?

4 . ( send意思是"送往,派遣",还有"发信,寄信"的意思。

5 . 句子衔接要注意与语境的话题角度基调对象句式保持一致,并且起到承上启下的作用。

6 . A both B none C neither D all

7 . That’s Ok/all right

8 . The foreigner _________ visited our school is from Canada

9 . A are B is C have D were

10 . 把北国冰城装点得分外妖娆。




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