
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-10 14:43:47


1 . 第条 Happiness, is the perfect wisdom, charity, fearless achieve success and win recognition; save and sacrifice

2 . If we give love,we get love。And even in the most difficult times,we find there is always a way to get through。

3 . 第条 如果幸福在于肉体的快感,那麽就应当说,牛找到草料吃的时候是幸福的。

4 . Parted as friend and not because he had hurt分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。

5 . 第条 Happy family life brings me endless warmth

6 . 单纯的生活,其实很快乐;傻傻的活着,其实很幸福。

7 . without uproar not unreasonable, don&#;t cry not pride

8 . 人类之所以感到幸福的原因,并不是身体健康,也不是财产富足;幸福的感受是由于心多诚直,智慧丰硕。

9 . 第条 幸福是赤脚踏青,夏日清风,是秋日私语,是隆冬的火炉。

10 . I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things。Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time。For example,when you love someone,changes are all around。Then I step backward and watching it silently,then I see the true feelings。


1 . 如果幸福不在路上,那就一定在路的尽头。

2 . 第条 Flowers bloom and thanks, the wind from the rest, I for you, love to write and write

3 . to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there

4 . You will not be the same as I think you want me你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

5 . Is love and love of others is the same happiness, but once it was enough for a lifetime

6 . Black and white commitment is not feeling, have already not in

7 . 海内存知己,天涯若比邻,在中秋佳节之际,祝中秋节快乐!送一个圆圆的饼,寄一份圆圆的情,献一颗圆圆的心,圆一个圆圆的梦。

8 . 千好万好事事好,月圆情圆人团圆,祝:中秋节快乐,万事如意,心想事成!

9 . The continuous rain ,recall my missing for you

10 . 第条 不是因为外公,不是因为外婆,也不是因为双胞胎,因为喜欢,所以在一起生活。


1 . Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。

2 . 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

3 . Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one

4 . 第条 Sometimes, leaving is not a simple turn around, but a lifetime of happiness

5 . The healthiest response to life is joy对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐。

6 . 第条 I want to fly to the sky to touch the clouds, but found out of reach

7 . Each person may be the greatest happiness is the greatest happiness achieved by the whole people

8 . 海上生明月,天涯共此时!中秋佳节,在这个欢聚的时刻,在这个祝福的时刻,在这个值得庆祝的时刻,我的朋友祝愿你快乐幸福!

9 . 三秋桂子十里荷,一轮明月两地心发送;千重远山万重水,十分相思百分念。

10 . 月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光默默地追随着你祝福你,愿你中秋月圆人圆!


1 . 第条 Home is the most about the place, the home is a loving home; home is the dream of love

2 . A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。

3 . 我在取悦你,我是你的人每一天,每个夜晚,我紧紧拥着你。

4 . Love or not love, and in, not what relation does not Anyway, I was in love

5 . 第条 Sincere and pure love, must have the respect of the labor and the occupation of the beloved

6 . And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong。

7 . 第条 家庭的`温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭幸福的家庭快乐的家庭!

8 . Happiness is no pain and no pain in the body of the soul

9 . If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to

10 . 第条 Love may not miss, not warm, but the time over a long period of time, has become a part of life


1 . 第条 想得太多,只会让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。

2 . 佳节送福,非你莫属。爱情甜蜜,家庭和睦。事业折桂,升迁如兔。老朋友,新祝福,祝你中秋佳节喜在心头住!

3 . 幸福就是,不后悔。

4 . 第条 Peace of mind happiness than three things: someone to believe you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you

5 . Perguntou-me forte, eu posso ter no overexert

6 . The so-called happiness, in fact, there is a person, a thing, so you can not extricate themselves

7 . Thickly flood of sadness as the sea, like engulf chilled密密麻麻泛滥的悲伤像大海一样吞噬冰凉。

8 . Love is like a butterfly。It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes。

9 . 第条 Happiness is a noise that sounds like music, it’s a joy to cry

10 . 第条 不要求互相帮助,不要求互相鼓励,这才是家人。


1 . 第条 要相信幸福原来那么简单,简单到像清水一样。

2 . Time is a great thing,can let fate displaced within Iraq。

3 . 第条 Even if life is hard, as long as the husband and wife are full of love, the family will remain forever

4 . 第条 真正的幸福只有当你真实地认识到人生的价值时,才能体会到。

5 . 中秋之夜,天涯共此时。举杯邀知己,三魂并州驰。觅觅又寻寻,不见君踪迹。杯酒长空洒,醇香可闻得?

6 . 有你相伴的日子,即使平凡也浪漫!

7 . 第条 家是人们最牵挂的地方,家是爱心的归宿;家是魂牵梦绕的爱巢。

8 . 第条 Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one

9 . 第条 Gentle language, is a kind of family in the family must be indispensable

10 . To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence


1 . 幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。幸福并不在于外在的原因,而是以我们对外界原因的态度为转移,一个吃苦耐劳惯了的人就不可能不幸。

2 . If we believe that true love never has to end,then we must know that we will love again

3 . Those who work for a common purpose, thus making themselves more noble, recognize that they are great men; those who have the greatest happiness for most people are the most happy people

4 . 第条 Man’s love if not specific, that he and any woman together will feel happy

5 . 所谓的幸福美好似乎更多是过后再回忆的时候才能感受到的。

6 . 第条 Valentine’s day, I want to be a fish, you roast, boiled, steamed, then lying in your stomach

7 . 被人爱和爱别人是同样的幸福,而且一旦得到它,就够受用一辈子。

8 . It is better to be an original version of yourself than an exact …做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。

9 . Every single person has at least one secret that would break his/her heart

10 . 第条 A happy family is a breeding ground for children and adults, and the pleasure of family life is the best agent to resist the bad mood


1 . 第条 我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福。

2 . I just want a little vulgar happiness

3 . If happiness is not on the road, it must be at the end of the road

4 . The life given by God is dedicated to the prosperity and happiness of mankind

5 . 遇见了你,我多希望,一牵手便是一辈子。

6 . 第条 就算没有钱也很有趣,有钱就更有趣了,这才是家人。

7 . Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。

8 . That is not a physical well-being of the people, is not the money, but justice and more

9 . Happy families are all alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own

10 . Tough times do not last, but tough people do痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。


1 . Cada mulher tem em alguns casos n?o pode acompanhar a história de

2 . One life one love 一生一爱

3 . When you relinquish the desire to control your future,you can have more happiness。

4 . You say I am your half,the other half of the happiness

5 . 第条 别爱得太苦,两个错的人分手,也许能创造四个人的幸福。

6 . 采一轮荷上明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的清凉为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份中秋的祝福圆你梦想,中秋佳节祝您全家团团圆圆,幸福安康。

7 . All happiness, is the blood of life in exchange for

8 . 第条 盐,注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。

9 . Look into my eyes-you will see what you mean to me。

10 . One person you loved is not love 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱




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