
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-02-07 13:30:24


1 . 我不虚情假意,怎配你朝三暮四。

2 . You and what army

3 . It is who first about love /Finally is who go first

4 . What time did you let me into your heart 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

5 . To commemorate the first memories moved让回忆纪念最初的感动

6 . Love is not hard to find, trust is 难找的不是爱,是信任。

7 . Strong hatred, but I accept it

8 . play me

9 . 不要说谎,但可以在它被欣赏的地方说谎。

10 . It is difficult to change the nature of the river


1 . I do not know what it is to be young and frivolous, I only know that the winner is king

2 . 做个女汉子,谁把你当备胎,你就让谁爆胎。

3 . 不要摆布我。

4 . 只要拼,只要博,成功就在不远处。

5 . Live well, for we will die long and long, and live well, and suffer, and I want you to live with me

6 . I don&#;t cry for you, because you are not qualified to make me cry

7 . The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

8 . , tear up the mask, the fan is your face!

9 . Since we like to refuse, we pray that we will all be thorough

10 . 勇于进取,敢于创新。


1 . You eat with that mouth

2 . 只有不断前进,才能到达最高峰。

3 . When I call your name, but you are not in每次想喊你的名字,但你却不在。

4 . 我吃我的零食,我长我的肉,关你什么事,你是嫉妒,还是羡慕。

5 . - To you unexpected persistence对你出乎意料的执着

6 . i need you i love you i can say goodbey

7 . 我长得不漂亮,但是未必能看得上你。

8 . 我满身刺都是拜你所赐,你有什么资格说痛。

9 . 自古圣贤成大业,未有不由学而成者。

10 . 这才像话。像个长者一样地说。


1 . 暧昧远离我,真心靠近我。

2 . Genius lies in accumulation, and cleverness lies in diligence

3 . When I am cruel, I am destined not to be soft

4 . I admit to play but the heart 我承认玩不过人心

5 . 你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗。

6 . We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us

7 . I use the identity of the friends love you so long我用朋友的身份爱了你这么久。

8 . Since ancient times, sages had become a great undertaking

9 . How many loved your moments of glad grace 多少人爱过你青春的片影

10 . Love this thing no one can say tired, because you are not qualified to say tired!


1 . 用……招数。

2 . The only people you need in your life are the ones that need you in theirs需要你的人,才是你需要的。

3 . My mother praises me for nothing

4 . , everyone has their own destiny, what do they do with others?

5 . 活的像女王才能吸引国王

6 . I hope I love people who love me[我希望我爱的人也爱我]

7 . Do it yourself then

8 . play dirty

9 . I want to be old with you when I&#;m not careful

10 . You don&#;t have to see me, because you&#;re not in my eye


1 . The future does not call(那不叫未来)

2 . Say forget to forget, you when I am the document can ? I can&#;t force the uninstall at !

3 . - I am glad I have you。我很欣慰我身边还有你们

4 . Crowded accidentaly across not anymore 人潮拥挤再也不会不期而遇

5 . Health first, start from me

6 . Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky

7 . You still belong to me as long as you haven&#;t drunk meng Po soup

8 . 好方法事半功倍,好习惯受益终身。

9 . The aim is to think of the true character, and to study hard

10 . 〆丶 Does not belong to me, I will let go 。 <不属于我的,我离开>




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