
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-02 10:52:40


1 . "There is not a person, so your red eyes, you still smile forgive 有没有一个人,让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅。"

2 . 最少等候时间 Shortest possible waiting time

3 . 服务九最 Nine Requirements for Staff Members

4 . 海内存知己,天涯若比邻The world is but a little place,after all。

5 . If you love,love deeply If you abandon, please thoroughly Don&#;t be ambiguous, it&#;s harmful to both

6 . Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky

7 . Do one thing at a time, and do well

8 . Man Always Remember Love, Becourse Of Romance Only 男人总是因为浪漫而记住爱情

9 . I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone 我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生,也不愿看尽这世界的沧海桑田。 —《指环王》

10 . Miss you, like sunflowers miss the sun (很想念你,就像向日葵想念太阳。)


1 . Lifestyle is very happy and happy, happiness and happiness are special happiness, peace and peace are always peace, health and health are very healthy。 I wish you a happy birthday, happy!

2 . You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

3 . 小寿星,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现。

4 . what if i do? what if i don’t?我做了会怎么样?我不做又会怎么样啊?

5 . 有时候,直到一些珍贵的时刻变成了回忆,你才会真正意识到它的价值所在。Learn to Cherish! 学会珍惜!

6 . A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you May you seek all the best that the world has to give May you never stop learning for as long as you live 小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。

7 . 良药苦口A good medicine tastes bitter。

8 . Too often, people only believe what they want to believe

9 . I want to forget everything 。 关于你,到此为止。

10 . The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time。做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。


1 . Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought。业精于勤,行成于思。

2 . You have to believe in yourself 。 Thats the secret of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

3 . 被骗一次,其错在人;被骗两次,其错在己"

4 . My heart is with you我的爱与你同在。

5 . "all men are mortal,because we are all mortal!每个人都终究一死,因为我们都是凡人!"

6 . What makes life dreary is the want of motive。没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。

7 . 千里之行,始于足下The longest journey begins with the first step。

8 . Hope your birthday is like you ?? specialA Happy Birthday!希望你的生日像你一样??不同寻常。 生日快乐!

9 . 本人姓卫名生字干净,生于世界卫生日,毕业于卫国卫校,已领卫生证。今值我生日,特携各类卫生用品为你送上清洁溜溜的问候:爱我者,快乐一生。

10 . Blessing of ho also said not over, always happy thing always can&#;t finish the music, beautiful mood beautiful forever, always happy days is not over, I wish you a happy birthday, happy every day。


1 . Never quit because something went wrong; Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better不要因为有了难题就马上放弃;一定要竭尽全力,如果这样还不行,才可以选择放弃。

2 . 最美肢体语言 Prettiest body language

3 . "If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。"

4 . 最快疑问解答 Quickest replies

5 . I can&#;t let you go 我舍不得你走,还带着我的爱。

6 . if you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called burden-bearing pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

7 . "When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called for by the memory of hours when we loved not enough当失去心爱的人时,我们抛洒悲苦的眼泪,那是因为我们想起了过去没有好好地深爱他们。"

8 . 集思广益Two heads are better than one。

9 . When in Rome, do as the Romans do。入乡随俗。

10 . Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic




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