
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-26 13:37:40


1 . 的确,圣人与罪人皆会受到阳光的披泽,而且常常似乎是恶者大行其道。但是我们可以确信地说,不管是对个人或是对国家而言,恶人猖獗只是一种幻象,因为生命无时无刻不将我们的所作所为一笔一笔记录下来。最终,我们就是我们行为的总和。

2 . address 地址

3 . common salt; salt

4 . 索引非顺序文件 indexed non-sequential file

5 . What is A Computer?

6 . , survival or destruction, this is a question worth thinking about ("ham" Xiao Te

7 . 转置矩阵 transposed matrix

8 . , the storm will be in that day, even some oak trees blown down, some of the church tower to collapse, some of the palace will be shaken! ("Henie anthology"

9 . , I see, I have found the answer to existence, my disgusting answer, the answer to my whole life In fact, everything I understand can be summed up as the basic thing of absurdity (nausea

10 . ·KB:等于 Byte


1 . 他们不会被迫缩减对食盐的购买。Viewed through a microscope table salt appears as mass of tiny cubes

2 . v 使成缺口;裂开

3 . I wish I could be more like you(我要像你一样就好了 ——《乱世佳人》

4 . ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕

5 . 离子的这种堆砌形成了普通食盐的立方形结晶。 Table salt is a finely milled, refined salt designed for use in cooking and at the table

6 . 二路平衡归并排序 balance two-way merging sort

7 . batch processing 成批处理

8 . 由于目前国际金融市场萧条,美国银行可能过于心急,走过了头。"Do not be too hasty, M Morrel," replied Villefort

9 . All for one ,one for all 译:全体为一人,一人为全体 载自 大仲马《三个火枪手》

10 . 树 tree


1 . LD:Laser Disk,镭射光盘,又称激光视盘。

2 . 增广路径 augmenting path

3 . I have never loved the world, and it has been the same to me ("Byron anthology"

4 . , the feelings buried too deep, sometimes a bad thing If a woman conceals the feelings of her beloved man, she may lose the chance to get him (pride and Prejudice

5 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer

6 . , the most distressing thing between man and man is that you have been disturbed and hurt in places you think deserve good will and friendship (Biography of the giant

7 . v 给加盐;用盐腌制(食物)

8 . 插入排序 ion sort

9 . collective agreement 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议

10 . tiny gap


1 . data processing 数据处理

2 . adj 缓和的,温和的;调节的

3 . 格蕾丝戴着一只小小的金十字架。A tiny flaw in a piece of white jade

4 . ·UPS:不断电系统

5 . ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit

6 . cell 单元

7 . ·MB:等于 KB

8 . ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card

9 . happy families are all alike, each unhappy family has its own difference (Anna, Karenina

10 . feed 馈送,供给




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