
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-27 08:17:57


1 . Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm

2 . 汗水是成功的润滑剂。

3 . It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil

4 . Life is a tragedy full of joy人生是一场充满快乐的悲剧。

5 . 知识胜过金银

6 . 机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。

7 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

8 . No sweet withoutsweat前苦后甜

9 . Wit once bought is worth twice taught

10 . 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。


1 . 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

2 . The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart

3 . 清晨的霞光无比灿烂,扫除你一切的忧烦,清晨的露珠无比晶莹,装点你美丽的心情;清晨的鲜花无比美丽,代表我祝福的心意:祝早安带笑意,心情乐无比!

4 . Love me, love my dog ----St Bernard 爱屋及乌。

5 . 清晨的美好就如青草般芳香,如河溪般清澈,如玻璃般透明,如甘露般香甜。亲爱的朋友,早上好,愿你今天有个好心情!

6 . Those who turn back never reach the summit

7 . 蓝天吻着海洋,海洋偎着蓝天,我把祝福写在蓝天碧波上。

8 . 睡去昨天的疲困,忘怀昨天的懊恼,展开今日的双眼,翻开今日的美妙。早上好,愿我的问候如清冷的早晨般滋养你!

9 . Life is a festival only to the wise生活只是聪明人的喜庆日。

10 . No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again


1 . All things aredifficuit before they are easy凡事总是有难而易

2 . Life is a short journey from birth to death 从生到死,生命是个简短的旅程。

3 . I couldn&#;t be more sure 我再也肯定不过。

4 . Pracitice make perfact熟能生巧

5 . 懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂。

6 . Sloth is the key of poverty

7 . 潮涨必有潮落时。

8 . 生命就是一个绣花。我们从底下看,乱七八糟的走线,上帝从上面看,则是一朵花。愿你这朵生命之花时刻绚烂夺目。早安,朋友!

9 . 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。

10 . 最简短的回答就是一个“干”字。


1 . I just couldn&#;t help it 我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried I just couldn&#;t help it

2 . An hour in themorning is worth too in the evening一日之计在于晨

3 . Life is a interwoven by struggles between Love and Fear人的一生就是在爱与恐惧之间挣扎时交织出的画面。

4 . 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。

5 . 若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

6 . Never underestimate your power to change yourself!

7 . Nothing brave nothinghave不入虎穴焉得虎子

8 . Action speak louder than words

9 . 行动胜于言语!

10 . If life is a Series, what season are you in right now?如果生命是一个连续剧, 你现在是哪一个阶段呢?


1 . Seeing is believing眼见为实

2 . 在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵给你,作为我对你的问候。

3 . Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended

4 . You are a great help 你帮了大忙。

5 . Success belongs to the persevering 坚持就是胜利

6 . Wisdom is more to be envied than riches

7 . He knows most whospeaks least大智若愚

8 . When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you

9 . Life is a pure flame and an invisible sun within us生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而生存。

10 . 想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。


1 . 睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。

2 . 天使托我告诉你:你的好运和天上星星一样多,幸福像海底鱼儿一样多!早上睁开眼,射向你的第一缕阳光即是一切美好开始!祝你开心每一天!

3 . Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness ----Herber 爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚则要求坚定。

4 . Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork, casual like因为人生就是一种写意,随意就好。

5 . If you would have a thing well done,do it yourself

6 . 少量的常识,当得大量的学问。

7 . 勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

8 . 睡眼惺忪迎接黎明,刷牙洗脸手要轻。阳光给我好心情,享受清新好空气。一杯热饮好甜蜜,家有人伴好温馨。新的一天,新期待,美好生活常伴您!

9 . 把每个睡醒后的早晨当成一件礼物,把每个开心后的微笑当成一个习惯。朋友,短信祝早上好,愿你微笑今天,快乐永远!

10 . A miss is as good asa mile 失之毫厘差之千里


1 . The shortest answer is doing the thing

3 . No smoke without fire无风不起浪

4 . Every tide hath ist ebb

5 . Care and diligence bring luck

6 . He that doth most at once doth least

7 . One false move maylost the game 一着不慎,满盘皆输

8 . Eat to live,butlivenot to eat人吃饭是为了活着,但是活着不是为了吃饭

9 . have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have womb agile; The eyes have god, the look line to sharp; Arm strength, make moves to the punch; With rhythm, steps are to light 心里有春天,心花才能怒放;胸中有大海,胸怀才能开阔;腹中有良策,处事才能利落;眼睛有炯神,目光才能敏锐;臂膀有力量,出手才有重拳;脚步有节奏,步履才能轻盈。

10 . 惰能致贫。


1 . Keep good men company and you shall be of the number

2 . A man cannot spin andreei at the sane time一心不能二用

3 . 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

4 . Knowledge is power

5 . Diligence is the mohter of success

6 . 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好

7 . 早上闹铃一响,战役就此打响。早餐吃在路上,紧急奔赴战场。堵车不敢设想,身上背对翅膀。工作排得老长,天天埋头苦扛。理想支撑梦想,与君互勉分享!

8 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底

9 . Actions speak louderthan words事实大于雄辩

10 . If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere


1 . life is a song, sing the life rhythm and melody; Life is a road, extend the

2 . Never think yourself above business

3 . Is that so? 真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶怀疑。 Don&#;t play games with me! 别跟我耍花招!

4 . 切莫依赖明天。

5 . With the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up总是能与朋友一齐笑和分享快乐时光的朋友,就像心里面一小滴清晨的露水,可以使人精神饱满。

6 . I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away

7 . Strike while the iron is hot

8 . That&#;s something 太好了,太棒了。例如:A:I&#;m granted a full scholarship for this semester B:Congratulations That&#;s something

9 .  

10 . The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today




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