
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 22:40:17


1 . Standing by the window lost in thought for a long time, I realized that no scenery in the world remains unchanged As long as you keep your heart basking in the sun, every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be about new hopes

2 . 如果说生命是一座庄严的城堡,如果说生命是一株苍茂的大树,如果说生命是一只飞翔的海鸟。那么,信念就是那穹顶的梁柱,就是那深扎的树根,就是那扇动的翅膀。没有信念,生命的动力便荡然无存;没有信念,生命的美丽便杳然西去。

3 . 我们总是在网上聊得很高兴。

4 . 许多家长相信额外的教育活动有许多优点,通过学习,他们的孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识,当他们长大后,这些对他们就业是大有好处的。

5 . 由于缺乏独特的文化,一些地方不再吸引旅游者。因此,国外旅游者数量的快速增加可能最终会导致当地旅游业的衰败。

6 . Many parents believe that additional educational activities enjoy obvious advantage By extra studies, they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow up

7 . 去年因为那场大雨,这里发了洪水。

9 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

10 . 潇洒是一道恪守在每个人心灵中的美丽的风景,潇洒的内涵包罗万象。“采菊东篱下”是一种清静的潇洒“胜似闲庭信步”是一种喜悦的潇洒,“一览众山小”是一种成功的潇洒。


1 . 如果人类不好好保护我们这个赖以生存的`地球,终有一天,风沙的肆虐与垃圾的堆积会吞没我们美丽的家园。我向全世界的人们呼吁:让我们从现在开始,从我做起,手挽手,肩并肩共同保护建设我们的家园吧!

2 . 这是新年的夜晚一位老人站在窗边,忧伤的眼睛眺望着深蓝的天空空中的繁星,犹如漂浮在清澈如镜的湖面上的朵朵百合。他慢慢将目光投向地面。此刻,没有什么人比他还绝望。他即将迈向他最终的归宿——坟墓。他已走过通向坟墓的六十级台阶,除了错误和悔恨,他一无所获。现在他体弱多病,精神空虚,心哀神伤,人到晚年却无所慰藉。

3 . 聪明人学习,像搏击长空的雄鹰,仰视一望无际的大地;愚笨的人学习,漫无目的,犹如乱飞乱撞的无头飞蛾;刻苦的人学习,像弯弯的河流,虽有曲折,但终会流入大海;懒惰的人学习,像水中的木头,阻力越大倒退得越快。

4 . Whatdoesheusuallydowithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

5 . 保护环境和发展经济同样重要。

6 . 我们绝对不能忽视知识的价值。

7 . 句子:Theboyinbluehasthreepens

8 . 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡, 然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。

9 . "如果"和"到那时"是一对好朋友。他们每星期相约吃一顿午餐。会面时,他们谈论的话题通常围绕在他们即将要做的事情上面。两个人都有着许多梦想,并且他们热衷于这种交谈。

10 . 月号,经过漫长的摇晃,整晚喝了几口水,一夜无眠忍受着耳边鼾声此起彼伏的折磨,终于抵达,狭小的站台迎来你温情的目光,我的心满腹委屈,这个城市比我想象的更荒凉。“累吗?”你问我,没有回答,静默地挽着你的手,倚靠着你身上的力量,走在这个陌生的城市,虽疲惫但终因有你所以都释然。


1 . An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil war Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it In the ’s Samuel M Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material

2 . Whatdoestheboyinbluehave?

3 . From the window of my room, I could see a tall cotton-rose hibiscus In spring, when green foliage was half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom This inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working I gradually regarded it as my best friend

4 . 假期稍纵即逝,终究迎来分别,没有丝毫的伤感,我们都各自恬静地笑着,道句再见,我异常坚强地头也不回,豁然走进检票口,待猛然转身,你的脸庞早已被阻隔在我的视线之外。想念顷刻泛滥决堤!

5 . 这个星期六他们见面时"到那时"觉察到"如果"的心情不是很好。像往常一样,他们坐在特意预留给他们的餐桌上点餐。刚一点完"到那时"就问道:如果,你怎么了?你看起来好像不太高兴。"

6 . 水仙亭亭玉立,兰花典雅幽香,牡丹雍容华贵,梨花洁白无暇……美丽的花朵总能得到世人的羡慕与赞叹,殊不知,它从一粒小小的种子到最后开花,要历经无数的艰辛与坎坷!我们的成长也是如此。只有做辛勤的“织梦者”,我们的梦想才会成真!

7 . Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem

8 . _________________________________________________________________________

9 . She decides to take more exercise to keep slim

10 . 我希望我们的演出会取得成功。


1 . 雷锋,在这个世界上只活了年,可是在这短短的时间里,他活得多么充实,多么高尚,多么光彩!对照雷锋的思想,一些只为自己而活着的人,则显得多么可怜,多么渺小,多么没有意义啊。

2 . 应该鼓励父母将他们的孩子送到幼儿园,这将对孩子,家庭,甚至整个社会产生深远的影响。

3 . The days of his youth appeared like dream before him, and he recalled the serious moment whenhis father placed him at the entrances of the two roads One leading to a peaceful, sunny placecovered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deepdark cave which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonsnakes hissed and crawled

4 . 现在,父亲或母亲留在家里照顾他们的孩子而不愿过早返回工作岗位正成为增加的趋势。

5 . Adler is crrect in this assertin thateducatin des nt end with graduatin

6 . It is one thing to support euthanasia, but quite another to offer any justification for genocide

7 . 如果你是一棵大树,就洒下一片绿阴;如果你是一株小草,就增添一份春色;如果你是一只蜜蜂,就酿造一份甜蜜;如果你是雄鹰,就搏击万里长空;让我们共同创造辉煌。

8 . 必须指出学习只能靠自己。

9 . 许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用,应鼓励地方政府发展国际旅游。

10 . According to a survey of , adults, the seven-month point is when couples are most likely to think it acceptable to stop paying attention to details such as shaving regularly and keeping nails trimmed while also putting their bad habits on display。




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