
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-17 08:50:26


1 . 省小钱不戴口罩,花大钱卧床治疗。

2 . 强化责任担当形成强大合力坚决打赢疫情防控攻坚战

3 . 大家别忘了把精神和身体都留在了湖北的医护人员,希望国家能立碑纪念,他们是民族卫士!

4 . 火神山雷神山,魔鬼瘟疫哪里窜”……

5 . 尽管这两天下大雪,爷爷还是坚持晨练。

6 . I hope the inflection point of the epidemic situation will appear as soon as possible! Hope there are no more cases! I hope that all the people will wear masks according to the requirements, not party, not visit! Thanks to all the people who are working hard to prevent and control the epidemic situation! May everything be well! May everything be safe! May the virus be defeated as soon as possible! Hope to recover soon!

7 . 时穷节乃现,关键时刻,正是这些“战疫勇士”担当了重任,托起了全国人民战胜病毒的信心与希望。

8 . 他的心,就像断了锚链的轻舟,在感隋的浪涛里,无依无傍,随波飘荡。

9 . 面容平静,心里却揪心的难受,所有的伤都隐藏在心底的最深处,再也不想去触碰

10 . Life, bitterness and happiness are all there is, separation and separation are all in The epidemic is over! Warm spring flowers


1 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus

2 . 老师平时总教育我们要爱护环境卫生,可今天我们去公园春游,却看见许多大人随地乱扔废物,真是让人失望。

3 . 是你们奋力抢救患者的生命,你们是最可爱的,最辛苦的。送别的眼泪,会变成他日重聚时的欢笑。

4 . 尽管妈妈上了一天班已经很辛苦了,回家以后,还是打起精神作家务。

5 . May the virus be overcome as soon as possible, China refuels! We will win!

6 . 那天听说这会改变一切,最爱你的人害怕冷却;岁月变迁,真情不变,把日历翻回三月,相识的季节。

7 . 串门就是相互残杀,聚会就是自寻短见。

8 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently

9 . 友情和爱情一样不能出现第三者

10 . 非必要不出城,非必要不入城。


1 . When spring flowers bloom, wait until the epidemic is over, I will try to lose weight and be a happy sunny girl!

2 . 含泪收获的人,必定能含笑播种。

3 . 一场疫情让我们明白,众志成城,力量无穷,同心协力,天下无敌,一场疫情让我们明白,最大的幸福,就是国富民强,人民健康。

4 . 不管你多么的欺骗我。我都不会离开你。

5 . 新年的钟声已经敲响,万紫千红的春天已经不远了,我相信:在全国人民的共同努力下,我们一定能打赢这场”战疫”。

6 . The epidemic has been spreading for so many days I wish the motherland, refuel for the motherland, and refuel for Wuhan! I hope that our Chinese people will no longer be affected by the virus, put into work as soon as possible, and build a more prosperous motherland!

7 . May every one of you, in the crowded street, and the one who is destined to bump into a full, together to white head May the flowers bloom in spring as soon as possible, and butterflies will be treated gently by the world

8 . 看到太多伤感,体会到无情滋味,幸福的好似没有几个。为啥眼眸还是充满了期待?明明耳畔听着爱的旋律,人心却是那么飘渺无有着落。时常想,是自己美化了情感?还是情感充满云雾迷障,无法认证,用心投入,就要准备好心碎时所有折磨。用情时,就要提早做好无情时泪流成河,自己摔倒,还能爬起来为了生存唱喜欢的歌。

9 . 我姐说:如果遇到一个好男人,一定要以心换心。

10 . 是不够好?还是命运注定漂泊,剥夺了快乐幸福的`权利。港湾的暖,几经破折无法诉说。付出那么多,最终还是无望结果,承载困苦,艰难跋涉生活,自我安慰过活。


1 . 做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,遏制疫情蔓延势头,确保人民生命安全和身体健康!

2 . 不信谣不传谣,官方媒体最可靠。

3 . 聚餐就是找死,拜年就是害人。

4 . 戴口罩总比带呼吸机好,躺家里总比躺ICU强。

5 . 徘徊于寂寞的校道,虽然步伐沉重,背影也萧瑟。可是心中充满的淡淡忧虑,丝丝惆怅只因有人生的憧憬,生命的期盼。

6 . 尽管他工作很积极,他还是主动要求延长加班时间。

7 . Pay tribute to those who are against the epidemic situation May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

8 . 谢谢你们为我们拼过命!山河无恙,人民安康!

9 . 若我的离开可以换来你的笑容,那你还是哭吧。

10 . It is everyones responsibility to fight against the epidemic


1 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom

2 . 时间久了,在某个时候,你会突然觉得莫名的心痛,因为,转头发现,在你的身旁,已经没有了你期待的身影。

3 . 辛苦你们啦!湖北人民感谢!会越来越好的!

4 . 也许是上天突然睁了下眼睛,看我在世间苦苦挣扎,所以才给了点希望与幸福,只是那希望与幸福竟是若有若无,让人看不清楚,短暂而又来不及回味,原来上天只是被不喧闹的世界扰醒,它只是遥遥头,而又很快的睡去。难道说,现在能做的只是不要忘记,因为我曾听别人说过,当你不能够再拥有的时候,你唯一能做的就是令自己不要忘记。

5 . 哥看的不是月亮是嫦娥

6 . 那种深入骨髓的落寞,伴随丝丝忧伤潜入心底。轻轻盈盈的掉落,犹如掉在结痂的网上,想要拼命挣脱,却越结越紧。

7 . 宁做一个灵魂的守护者,不做疫情的传播者。

8 . 我在你的心里,有没有一点特别,思念写着脸上的黑眼圈。也想淡定一点,可内心的沉重又有谁了解呢!当离别来临,心中没有了慰藉,还有什么留下来的理由呢?听着别人的谈笑,自己报以笑脸,可是那笑,尽是苦涩,回不去的只是过去,走不过的只是现在,看不见的只是未来,逃不过只是命运。

9 . Strong protection, do not panic, believe in science, do not spread rumors, we work together, epidemic situation can be prevented

10 . At this moment: I wish that China, which has experienced many vicissitudes, wish that our nation, which has suffered a lot, can get rid of the epidemic situation as soon as possible, as soon as possible, once again, run freely on the earth, shuttle safely among the crowd, and strive safely in the years


1 . 谢谢你们的努力付出!春天马上就要来临!辛苦了!

2 . Hope the world will never be plagued! Also wish my teachers, friends and colleagues to overcome the new coronavirus, as soon as possible safe return, Wuhan refueling!

3 . 现在请吃饭的都是鸿门宴。

4 . 光!如果你真的存在请照射的我心的角落吧驱散那顽留的伤愁

5 . 口罩你不戴,病毒把你爱。

6 . 还有真情属于我吗?勇气渐无,思前想后真的怕了。谁能告诉我,错过缘分错过你,到底怎样做才能永久拥有。不能太过倔犟吗?学会不要太较真,还是注定了什么。

7 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

8 . 谢谢你们,期待明年春天和你们在樱花树下相见

9 . 无要事不出门,出门必戴口罩。

10 . Facing the challenge with one heart, fighting the epidemic situation with one mind, looking forward to the spring, we march forward to the light, Wuhan refuels! Go China!




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