
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 11:00:27


1 . Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?

2 . Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

3 . 没关系。

4 . Bonnesanté!祝你身体健康!

5 . B:everything&#;s greatI&#;ve just returned from my office

6 . Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

7 . First come,first served捷足先登。

8 . 吃完饭你洗碗吗?Will you do the dishes after the meal?

9 . Better luck next time 祝你下一次好运。

10 . 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?


1 . Jevoudraisfairelavermachemise我想把衬衫那去洗。

2 . Have you ever been to Japan? 你去过日本吗?

3 . 你太客气了。

4 . K: that&#;s true, but you already have two balck coats and one black sweater

5 . 不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry It’s still early。

6 . 这令我兴奋。

7 . I&#;ll see to it

8 . 言归正传。

9 . E: your office?Aren&#;t you a freelancer?

10 . 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。


1 . Be my guest 请便/别客气。

2 . B: a separated office, internet access, phone services, fax services, mail & courier services, and almost everything you have in a conventional office

3 . 身为一个上班汪,起早贪黑,加班都不带眨眼。那你能不眨眼的用英语说出你每天的工作中发生的一些事情吗?

4 . Ya-t-illeclimatiseurdanslachambre?房间里有空调吗?

5 . O: he had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest Fortunately, in the third audition, he has won

6 . 在我看来,洗碗很无聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

7 . 我不去了。

8 . Dont miss the boat 不要坐失良机。

9 . She went into a shop 她走进一家商店。

10 . 我不在乎。


1 . Salut你好/再见(朋友之间)

2 . Ademain!明天见!

3 . 我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware organized。

4 . Dont let me down别让我失望。

5 . chambreàdeuxdoubles-lits有两张双人床的房间

6 . cetappartementestréservépouruncoupleavecenfants这套房间是供带孩子的夫妇订的。

7 . It’s out of the question这是不可能的。

8 . Come in and make yourself at home 请进,别客气。

9 . Félicitations!祝贺你!

10 . 我工作的主要内容就是要挖掘新的点子出来。短语动词come up with这里指的是产生和发明的意思。


1 . Carter:Not much, just a house party with some friends。

2 . chambrebienensoleillée阳光充足的房间

3 . Very well, too我也很好。

4 . Jeprendscettechambrepourcinqjours这个房间我要住天。

5 . 不可能!

6 . You&#;ve jumped on the bandwagon

7 . Oùsetrouvenotreappartement?我们的房间在几楼?

8 . G: yeah,there&#;re so many excellent candidates out there Who knows which one will make it to the final?

9 . K: I promise I&#;ll pay you back as soon as we get home

10 . Great minds think alike


1 . Bonanniversaire!生日快乐!

2 . h?telrenommé闻名旅馆

3 . Jevoudraisréserverunechambrepourdeux我想预订一套双人房间。

4 . 你洗碗时要小心。Be careful when you wash the dishes。

5 . You?re laying it on thick

6 . 当代办公室流行的方式就是自己带饭拉。每当到中午的时候,微波炉君们总是很忙。 因为大家要heat up/ microwave 食物呀。 话题Topic 也是可以被热的,topic begins to heat up指的就是某个话题近期很火。

7 . Let&#;s find a happy medium

8 . Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?

9 . Sivousavezbesoindequelquechose,adressez-vousàl’employédeservice如果您需要什么东西,可找服务员。

10 . I don&#;t care


1 . Could I have the bill,please? 请把账单给我好吗?

2 . 他惹恼了老板。

3 . Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?

4 .

5 . Bonvoyage!一路顺风!

6 . J: sounds perfect I think with all that you have in mind, you&#;ll become a successful businessman By then,perhaps, I&#;ll join in as a partner of your company

7 . 那价钱把我吓了一跳。

8 . I ache all over我浑身酸痛。

9 . What do you recommend你推荐什么?

10 . All I have to do is learn English我所要做的就是学英语。


1 . Easy come,easy go 来得容易,去得快。

2 . Can I help? 要我帮忙吗?

3 . 餐桌布脏了。The tablecloth is dirty。

4 . 把你的餐具放到水槽里。Put your dishes in the sink。

5 . Im not a morning person (someone who has a lot of energy in the morning, so I need some coffee to help me perk up The phrasal verb perk up describes when someone becomes happier and in a better mood after feeling not so good

6 . No way!

7 . Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?

8 . Dont make any mistakes 别出差错。

9 . Get over yourself

10 . Quelestleloyermensueldecettechambre?月房租是多少?


1 . Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗?

2 . K: exactly! Oh, my god! I love Britney! I&#;m going to get it

3 . E: sounds funwhat else?

4 . 为了确保工作效率,我们不得不快速浏览完(look through所有的邮件,并且快速回复(dash off掉重要的邮件。

5 . K: when you buy clothes, you must think about the material, quality and price

6 . You&#;re welcome

7 . Frank:I’m going to buy some vegetables and you cook。

8 . chambrebienmeublée家具布置齐全的房间

9 . He got under the boss?s skin

10 . E: what kind of services do they offer?




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