
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 18:25:28


1 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

2 . She had trouble making complete sentences 她很难造出完整的句子。

3 . 迪斯尼乐园

4 . n甲板

5 . n有吸引力的事物(人)

6 . am yes Fang I Miss_________________________

7 . turnontheblender打开搅拌器电源

8 . You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group 你喜欢和一个或两个人交谈,而不是一群人。

9 . Does she/ he like …?

10 . n导游


1 . n交换生

2 . What do you think “anxious” means?你认为“anxious”是什么意思?

3 . 。①a②see③I④bird

4 . turndown把(灯火电器等关小一点

5 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

6 . ad自然的;自然界的

7 . I want to join the art club我想参加艺术俱乐部

8 . It’s amazing how much this helped 我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。

9 . 。①sweets②the③like④I

10 . 。Whichsportdoyouprefer?=Whichsportdoyoulikebetter?你更喜欢什么运动?Ipreferskating。=Ilikeskatingbetter。我更喜欢滑雪。


1 . Is this/ that/it your/ his/ her pencil?

2 . You’re welcome 不客气(不用谢)。

3 . I know this might seem strict 我知道这似乎太严格。

4 . We have a lot of rules at my house So do we 我们家有很多家规。我们家也有。

5 . Does she /he have a/ an…?

6 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

7 . She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all 她又说和朋友对话根本没用。

8 . What school rules do you think should be changed? 你认为应改变哪些学校规定?

9 . So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you 因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。

10 . What&#;s your /his /her name? My/His/Her name is


1 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white

2 . As the name suggests, the band has a lot of energy正如乐队名字所暗示的那样,这支乐队很 有活力。

3 . oneteaspoonofcinnamon一茶匙肉桂

4 . ad勇敢的`;无畏的

5 . n人口

6 . Why do you think the man is running?你觉得那个男的为什么跑?

7 . She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care centre at her local elementary school 她在当地的一所小学的课后辅导中心工作,使这个爱好得到较好的利用

8 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

9 . 夜间野生动物园

10 . No way! 不行!


1 . n温度

2 . What does Jim have for breakfast?

3 . Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?你能给我一些有关度假地的 建议吗?

4 . turnoff关上,turnup旋大(灯火等,开大(煤气等调高(声音等,

5 . I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends 允许我和朋友一起去购物。

6 . Yes, he/she is No, he/ she isn&#;t

7 . I don’t have a partner to practice English with 我没有搭档一起练习英语。

8 . My/His/Her first/ last name is…

9 . 一年到头,终年

10 . The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。


1 . It does have a few good features, though然而,它的确也有一些好的方面。

2 . It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts %to the final exam 关键是我必须学,因为它占期末考试的 %。

3 . It&#;s …

4 . Wei Ming feels differently 卫明有不同的感受。

5 . I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one 我真的`想要一只狗,但我的父母不允许我养。

6 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

7 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

8 . Do you want to go to a movie?

9 . Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word 随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

10 . What&#;s your/his/ her first/ last/ family name?




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