
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 06:08:15


1 . 其实正确答案应是B。此句为省略句,即在could后省略了动词do,若把句子补完整应为Everyoneinourclasswasworkinghardanddoingwhatwecoulddotoenteragoodcollege。即句中的不定式短语(toenteragoodcollege是用作目的状语的,而不是与情态动词(could一起构成谓语。请再看类似例句:

2 . Johnisbusy约翰忙。

3 . 首先请报出自己的姓名和身份。可能应试者与面试考官打招呼时,已经将此告诉了对方,而且考官们完全可以从你的报名表简历等材料中了解这些情况,但仍请你主动提及。这是礼貌的需要,还可以加深考官对你的印象。

4 . I&#;m a years old boy (我是一个岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)

5 . Accurate 小心谨慎

6 . AoneBthatCwhatDit

7 . 答案选B,为强调句型,被强调成分为theabilitytodothejob,句意为“重要的是你做工作的能力,而不是你来自何地

8 . 相爱使我们变得心胸狭隘,亲爱的,一切都是因为爱你太深。

9 . My name is _____I was born in _____There are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______And as everyone know,I&#;m a studentEveryone has his own interestsAs for me,I like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so onNow today we are in the same class,I hope we will get on well with each otherThanks

10 . Ability to work independenty,mature and resourcefu


1 . 老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。

2 . 前面两题that引导宾语从句,后面一题that同位语从句(修饰thenews。

3 . Ambitious attitude essential。

4 . 路见不平,拔刀相助。

5 . 他不认识她,对不对?

7 . Shecan’thelp____thehousebecauseshe’sbusymakingacake

8 . 可能误选D,认为when后应用疑问句词序。

9 . 助人为乐是一种美德。

10 . (选A错误:若将do改为doing则可以。


1 . Now i will introduce myself briefly, I am years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX unimy major is packaging engineeringand i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in junein the past years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET/ with a ease and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club i had a few glorious memory on stage that is my pride

2 . Hereadallkindsofbooks,ancientandmodern,Chineseandforeign他读了很多书,古今中外都有。

3 . 现在让我来介绍一下我自己

4 . Here are some final things to think about when answering the question "Tell me about yourself"

5 . 了这份工作”。

6 . 英语语法让很多学生都头疼,因为复杂难懂的句式和词组有时难以记忆。为大家整理了英语语法大全,本章主要介绍英语语法中的句子成分,希望对同学们的英语语法学习有所帮助。更多内容尽在。

7 . Cshallwe,weshallDweshall,shallwe

8 . 肯学习进取。

9 . 现代化建设需要助人为乐的精神。

10 . In the school , my favourite subject is maths (在学校,我最喜欢数学)


1 . AtopersuadeBpersuading

2 . )陈述句(DeclarativeSentences):说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。

3 . 想起我们曾经有过的甜蜜,所有的气都烟消云散了。这就是真正的亲密无间,任何东西都无法割断我们彼此的爱。

4 . 也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错,也许一切已经慢慢的错过,可我依然期待你的谅解和呵护!

5 . The ability to initiate and operate independently。

6 . 伤害你是我的罪,得不到你的原谅让我难以入睡,放下伤悲,我用真诚的心向你谢罪,愿得到你的原谅,让我安心入睡。

7 . 我是农民,您别跟我一般见识!

8 . 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。

9 . (Hetoldmethenews,believeitornot,______hehadearned$inasingleday

10 . 这三个问题不是按时间顺序从过去到现在再到将来,而是从现在到将来再到过去。其奥妙在于:如果你被雇用,雇主选中的是现在的你,他希望利用的是将来的你,而这将来又基于你的历史和现状。


1 . )主+动+宾+补(SVOC)例如:

2 . 我越多地帮助她人成功,我就越成功。

3 . AthatBwhich

4 . Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknesses; 推销自己的长处,但不要提及自己的弱点

5 . 帮人帮到底,送佛送到西。

6 . 开朗成熟。

7 . If you need help ,please come to me (如果你需要帮助,就来找我)

8 . (三)基本句型(BasicSentencePatterns):英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合扩展变化而来的:

9 . 放松心情,尽力而为。祝你面试成功!

10 . CenteringDentered


1 . 随后,着手回答第二个问题:你将来要干什么?如果你申请的是一份举足轻重的工作,雇主肯定很关注你对未来的自我设计。你的回答要具体,合理,并符合你现在的身份,要有一个更别致的风格。

2 . Theyneitherofthemwantedtogo他们两人都不想去。

3 . 病人之病,忧人之忧。

4 . 英语语法大全:特殊同位语归纳

5 . Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force。

6 . 柴多力量高,人多力量大。

7 . This doesn&#;t mean that you just say, "I&#;m a great problem solver" Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job 事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。

8 . (devote意为“致力于,献身于”,主要用devote…to…或bedevotedto,其中的to是介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不用不定式。

9 . 或你是从事什么工作的”。

10 . 避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作 Try to sound natural


1 . HelikestowatchTV,andsodoI他喜欢看电视,我也一样。

2 . 都是我的错,是我惹的祸,我一定痛改前非,给你打屁屁!

3 . 有极强的系统管理能力。

4 . Thefilmhadbegunwhenwegottothecinema

5 . 事情已经过去好多好多好多秒了,就不要放在心上了!你到底要我怎样,你才可以原谅我啊?

6 . 想一矢中的,首先必须认清自我,一定要弄清以下三个问题。 你现在是干什么的?你将来要干什么?你过去是干什么的?

7 . ()应试者应充分利用各种个人资源。除了前面提到的面带微笑目光交流坐姿端正等表情身体语言外,请以沉稳平静的声音以中等语速以清晰的吐字发音以开朗响亮的声调给考官以愉悦的听觉享受,声音小而模糊吞吞吐吐的人,一定是胆怯紧张不自信和缺乏活力与感染力的。

8 . 爱人,即乐于帮助别人,时刻准备全力以赴拯救别人。爱己,则表现为,每天规律地生活,给自己寻找最舒适的生活享受。每天按时起床学习生活,奋斗,有规律的生活,也是珍爱生命的`一种表现。爱自己,懂得享受的人,才懂得如何为别人谋取所需的生活,根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,这是一种精神层次的满足。

9 . 【分析】假若选C,即有Itwasinthehallthatthestudentsoftenhaveameeting,该句的意思是“学生们通常是在

10 . 内容的次序亦极重要,是否能抓住听众的注意力,全在于事件的编排方式。所以排在头位的,应是你最想他记得的事情。而这些事情,一般都是你最得意之作。与此同时,可呈上一些有关的作品或纪录增加印像分。


1 . =Thecurrentaffair,whichisthebiggestinitshistory,isbeingheldinGuangzhou

2 . 不用哭得撕心裂肺,不想痛得惊天动地,是谁想要爱得宇宙都摧毁,我的要求你不满意,还能如何继续?亲爱的,若我离去,请不要在意,对不起!

3 . 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

4 . 当你学会了,尝试去教人;当你获得了,尝试去给予。

5 . Energetic,fashion-minded person。

6 . CItwasweweretoolateDItwasbecausewewerelate

7 . Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit。

8 . -ing分词用作同位语

9 . Doyouwantteaorcoffee?

10 . (说明看法)




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