
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 05:31:30


1 . Perhaps I should expand on that a little

2 . ButI&#;mtalkingaboutadeeperproblem,abigger,why?

3 . Are there any questions you’d like to ask at this point

4 . Forlong-termprojects,weneedtoremindourselvesofthatreason

5 . 你有过头脑空空而自己也许忘记你正在做什么的经历吗?

6 . Many of us wish we had taken more career risks, opted for meaning over money, pursued the career path we wanted instead of what we were expected to do or simply following the path that was laid out before us How much better to have explored our options and pursued meaningful work in our twenties than to have spent years doing something we don’t love

7 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden(假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

8 . if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

9 . it the moon thou sendest thy love letters to mesaid the night to the sun"i leave my tears upon the grass" 黑夜对太阳说:"在月光下,你把你的 情书送给了我,在草地上,我已带着斑斑泪痕回答了你" let life be beautiful like summer flower,and death like autumn tears 让生命如夏花般绚烂,让死亡如秋叶般静美

10 . Isitakindofdistantmemory?


1 . Infact,sometimesIthinkitcanbeveryhealthyandhelpweappreciatewhatyouhaveandwhatyouaredoing

2 . 我后悔没有到更多的地方去旅行,而且几乎我问过的每个人都会这样说。在有孩子之前在抵押贷款和结婚之前,在我们需要承担的责任和花销较少时,正是旅游的大好机,但是由于种种原因,我们总觉得我们以后会有更多的时间去旅行。

3 . Living a more active lifestyle

4 . 不悲不喜,细细品味,过往的岁月,流沙轻浅,惆怅孤单。

5 . That brings me to the end of my talk

6 . WeendourfriendshipsOurmarriagesgetdamaged

7 . 佛说:一花一叶一菩提。纳兰说:一生一代一双人。然后,争教两处销魂。只是故事,与爱情无关。

8 . As you can see, the figures speak for themselves

9 . 年华正茂,岁月沧桑,躲在繁华的背后,独自数着惆怅。

10 . Whymyfriendwasthisperson?


1 . I regret not focusing more on where I wanted to go in life, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be and what it would take to get there With some more planning in our twenties, we’d be further ahead in our s and perhaps a bit happier as well

2 . 我曾经见识过一个十分细致的人,他把自己一天之中的时间几乎安排到秒,从来不舍得哪怕浪费一秒钟的时间,因此,他现在从不知道失败是个什么样的结果和感觉。他只要做事,次次成功,从无例外,当然了,买彩除外!因此他的头衔如今也是一大把,作家,心理咨询师,人力资源管理师,律师,注册会计师等等。如果你看到他那些证书荣誉,你会认为他是个神人。可是,当你近距离去看他,去关注他时,你会发现,他也是那么的平凡,并没有比别人多么聪明,可能你还会觉得他有些木讷,有些冷。可是他就是这么一个人,为了节省时间懒得多说一个字的人,一个怪人,也是一个妙人。

3 . Treasure every moment you have你拥有的每一分每一秒都要珍惜

4 . 励志畅销书《富爸爸穷爸爸》系列作者罗伯清崎认为,评判金钱使用方式的好坏在于是否能够“再生产”,能够在生产会比消耗殆尽来得好。为什么很多人觉得买房比买车好,从再生产的角度来看,因为买房可以保值还能出租收钱,买车却要摊提折旧还要养车只是花钱,因此除非工作得靠车子营生,否则对一般人来说,买房是比买车好。

5 . 其实我们每个人手里都一杆荒凉的笔,期待灵感写一篇岁月留给自己的故事,而不是在洁白的纸上写下:谢谢你曾经来过。

6 . 我们梦想过去埃及看金字塔,在夏威夷海边冲浪,在巴黎的咖啡馆共进晚餐,在罗马品尝香浓的咖啡,徒步穿越热带雨林等等诸如此类的计划。可悲的是,大部分人都没有付诸行动,只是看着机会白白溜走。

7 . In order to invest in our retirement or save for that down payment, we would have needed to make wiser financial spending choices Things like buying or holding on to that perfectly reliable used car, instead of splurging on the new model…because we could, eating out less and saving for a house instead, buying fewer shoes and purses and clothes and paying off student loans sooner So many saving opportunities lost, money spent on tangible things, instead of on the future

8 . SometimesIforgetwhyI&#;mdoing,whatI&#;mdoing

9 . and she grew up to be a beautiful flower and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her 她长成一朵美丽的花……由于她的存在,这沙漠的一隅变得如此美丽。

10 . There&#;snothingwrongwithaskingwhy


1 . 人生就是你一部小说,写手是你自己,爱情就是其中的言情部分。没有嗳昧,谈什么销量。

2 . Howdoyouremindyourselfwhyyouaredoingsomething?

3 . Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane 那就去问问误了火车汽车或飞机的人

4 . 我曾经打电话给某人,因为我想告诉他们什么。

5 . 大部分人都是听从别人的期待去工作或者按照别人铺好的路去走,而不愿冒更多的职业风险和遵循我们的内心去工作挣钱。比起多年一直从事自己不喜欢的工作,能在多岁时自己选择并去追求一份更有意义的工作是多么的好啊!

6 . 我后悔没有更多的伸出手去,没有更努力去结交那么一伙儿可以陪我度过更多艰难时光的朋友。我们确实也有交际,但是大多数人并没有把重心放在建立更深更持久的友情上面。一些人做到了,但是还有很人却没有,他们希望当初曾为友情努力过。

7 . i do not know when, you fall softly on my red sweater, you put a flower as i have it 不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的`毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗

8 . 当他第一眼看到我,足足盯了我一分钟,但是我没有退缩,一直直视他的眼镜,也许他从我的眼神中看出了那种纯粹,那种坦然,我并不是在晚上去消遣了,或者不务正业去了。他一句多余的话都没有问。

9 . 我无语,沉默了。“哥们儿,你可有答案了?还需要我带你去寻求?”朋友那平静的眸子,看着我。我下意识的摇了摇头。

10 . 你想成为什么样的人,就得从检视自己的时间和金钱的使用态度和方式开始!这个问题没有标准答案,得从每个人的性格(如风险承受度生涯愿景与规划等角度来下决定,每个答案都可能是正确答案(所谓的正确答案,指的不是考试能拿一百分,而是能帮助你活得开心自在,赢得幸福人生。


1 . I’ll be saying more about this in a minute

2 . 天涯或咫尺,从不曾想起,只因从不曾忘记。点点滴滴,是曾经相识。往事如烟,随风不散。岁月如梭,转瞬即是一个生死轮回。

3 . 它是一种遥远的记忆?

5 . WhydidIstarttolearnalanguage?

6 . Perhaps it’s because as we get older we look back on that period of adulthood as the height of freedom and autonomy As move into middle age, we look back and wish that we had made better choices and taken more opportunities Here’s a list of things that we regret not doing in our s

7 . Ask a student who has failed a final exam就去问期末考试不及格的同学

8 . 只不过,从过往历史的经验来看,各行各业令人尊敬的成功人士,都是在很年轻的时候,就把大量的时间和金钱投资在自我提升,比其他人更刻苦认真而有系统的锻炼自己的专业能力,而非将时间和金钱花在吃喝玩乐或不知所谓的浪费上。如果想要追求属于自己的幸福人生,投资自己,有计划的使用宝贵的金钱和时间,会比随便挥霍来得有机会!

9 . Traveling more

10 . 做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。


1 . we, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent“ i am a mere flower 我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?” “我不过是一朵花。”

2 . my love,you are like a flower,so sweet and pure and fair我的爱人,你就像一朵鲜花,那么甜蜜纯洁而秀雅。

3 . So, to sum up

4 . Thank you I’m sure you all have lots of questions

5 . Whataresomeothermethodsforyoutopreventyourselffromforgetting?

6 . 温暖的风,柔和的光,一棵诗意的枯木,一地心疼的碎叶。漠然而生的怜惜惆怅寂寞,一伸手,一缕梦幻的浪漫。如同天空的蒲公英,漂泊只为寻找归宿。也许,永远都找不到,只能随风沦落天涯。

7 . 元日 玉楼春(宋毛滂 一年滴尽莲花漏,碧井屠苏沉冻酒。晓寒料峭尚欺人,春态苗条先到柳。佳人重劝千长寿,柏叶椒花芬翠袖。醉乡深处少相知,只与东君偏故旧。YuanRi jade LouChun (song MaoPang A year as lotus leak, Bess drop well TuSu sink frozen wine Xiao cold night is deceiving others, spring modal slim before to liu With the wind heavy advised thousand longevity, cypress leaves pepper flower Finn cui sleeve ZuiXiang depths little acquaintance, and only with the east jun partial GuJiu

8 . the burning log bursts in flame and cries---"this is my flower, my death" 燃烧的木料发出熊熊火焰,喊着:"这是我的花,我的死亡"

9 . fadingistruewhilefloweringispast凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去

10 . god expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth神希望我们酬答他,在于他送给我们的花朵,而不在于太阳和土地。伤感的句子


1 . I&#;mnotjusttalkingaboutamemoryproblem,althoughthat&#;spossibletoo

2 . Talkaboutit

3 . 人生总是充满遗憾。问问你周围的人他们有没有遗憾的事情,他们会轻而易举的列出一大堆“遗憾清单”。由于某些原因,多岁最容易犯错的年纪。

4 . Seizing more experiences

5 . Better planning

6 . we, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silenti am a mere flower 我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?我不过是一朵花。

7 . sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。

8 . 喜欢过的人,终于,成了别人的风景。仿佛搁放在心底的珍宝,被血液淹没,消失殆尽,来不及伤心,又开始了孤单。

9 . life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。

10 . if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。


1 . To go back to what I was saying earlier

2 . 如果我们迷失在做什么,在生命中,在每天的存在,那么我们不能说为什么。

3 . 多旅行

4 . 年华空明,如佛。当冷月如霜,今生今世便成了一夜的寂寥。恰似相遇枯藤昏鸦老树,遥现小桥人家流水,即便相隔天涯,你我又怎么会断肠在古道的夕阳西下时候。

5 . if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

6 . WhydidIjointhisclub?

7 . Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics 就去问问奥运会获得银牌的人

8 . 对于长期项目,我们需要提醒自己原因。

9 . 总是可以问问自己为什么。

10 . 朋友这次没有那么得咄咄逼人,只是问了问我,你可有时间陪陪你的孩子今天,我满是疑惑,茫然摇头,回答,我今天准备跟你一天的。朋友说,刚才那个朋友还要陪着他儿子去海洋馆去玩玩的。我再次震撼!


1 . ifihadasingleflowerforeverytimeithinkaboutyou,icouldwalkforeverinmygarden假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

2 . Doyouwritememos?

3 . Life is good; don’t misunderstand Few of us walk around every day pining for our youth, at least I hope not, but we do occasionally look back with a wistful sigh and wish that we planned more, lived more, and stretched ourselves more when we had the freedom and energy to do so

4 . 举例来说,下班之后,每天躺在沙发上看电视看到睡着的人,和每天选一本和工作有关的书来读的人,和选择参加各种社交聚会联谊的人,三五年后,三种不同选择的人,将发展出三种完全不一样的人生。哪一种好因人而异,不过,换句话说,一个人把时间和金钱花在哪里,将会决定一个人成为什么样的人!

5 . I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango I regret not living somewhere else before settling down Others have said they regret not pursuing their hobbies or learning to sky dive or mountain climb I prefer to stay on the ground, but I do regret not learning more, not trying new things that are hard to fit into the life of a forty something working wife and mother

6 . 你如何提醒自己为什么会做某事吗?

7 . Atonepoint,therewasareasonwedosomething

8 . 多少次回想我们都恨不得踢自己一脚:为什么不在来岁就开始K(小编注:美国的一种养老金制度)计划,为什么没有将多余的现金用于长期投资,为什么没有早早的为我们未来投资。不管我们再怎么努力,错过的时光都不会重来了。等到我们四五十岁的时候再奋起直追已为时已晚了。

9 . Ifwegetlostinthedoing,intheliving,intheeverydayofbeing,thenwecannotsaywhy

10 . 为什么我开始学习一种语言?




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