
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-26 00:18:46


1 . If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not

2 . The climber, get past the footprints are unfortunately, lost to forward direction is very dangerous

3 . Politeness is a kind of language Its rules and practice, mainly from the observation, from the educated people to learn to behave -- Rock

4 . Chinese overseas students academic achievement often than American students learn together much better, but ten years later, scientific research is less than other people more, the reason is that American students thinking active, hands-on ability and creative spirit strong -- Chen Ning Yang

5 . 太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。

6 . 德可以分为两种:一种是智慧的德,另一种是行为的德,前者是从学习中得来的,后者是从实践中得来的。——亚里士多德

7 . When all the people in this room have stopped talking, they have the opportunity to put the question to the people and learn from them -- John Locke

8 . 学习英语的名言:学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。——爱因斯坦

9 . 只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习,这是教育过程的逻辑。——苏霍姆林斯基

10 . Thirst after desert,not reward


1 . If students study in school, the result is that they will not create anything, then his life is always copied and copied -- Lev Tolstoy

2 . Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself learning foreign languages should be fun 放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。

3 . 我们在我们的劳动过程中学习思考,劳动的结果,我们认识了世界的奥妙,于是我们就真正来改变生活了。——高尔基

4 . Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study。 (Francis Bacon, British philosopher

5 . 欺骗你的莫过于自己。

6 . 平静的良心能在雷声中入睡,而安宁和负罪则无法毗邻。

7 . 培育能力的事必须继续不断地去做,又必须随时改善学习方法,提高学习效率,才会成功。——叶圣陶

8 . Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend。 (Francis Bacon, British philosopher

9 . 谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己?

10 . Excerpts: To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys And I have no need of you And you, on your part, have no need of me To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes But if you tame me, then we shall need each other To me, you will be unique in all the world To you, I shall be unique in all the world// It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields Go and look again at the roses You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world// And now here is my secret, a very simple secret It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes// It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important//


1 . 勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。

2 . 让恶习先你死去。

3 . 如果你年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远学不会思考。(美国发明家 爱迪生。 T。

4 . A man should keep his friendship in constant repair 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊长地久

5 . 忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

6 . 构成我们学习最大障碍的是已知的东西,而不是未知的东西。——贝尔纳

7 . Usually not run hair health meters, accounting for it is hard to carry on one hundred meters sprint

8 . All roads lead to Rome

9 . 如果圆规的两只脚都动,永远也画不出一个圆。

10 . 勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。


1 . 要建设,就必须有知识,必须掌握科学。而要有知识,就必须学习,顽强地耐心地学习。向所有的人学习,不论向敌人或朋友都要学习,特别是向敌人学习。——斯大林

2 . good is good, but better carries it 精益求精

3 . 保持和培养每个学生的自尊心,取决于教师如何看待学生的个人学习成绩。——苏霍姆林斯基

4 . 亚麻远离火苗,青年远离赌博。

5 . 如果学习只在于模仿,那么我们就不会有科学,也不会有技术。——高尔基

6 . 苦难显才华,好运藏天知。

7 . Steel is tempered in the raging fire and sharp cooling, so it can be hard and not afraid of anything Our generation is also in the struggle and the terrible test of exercise out, learning not to yield in front of life -- aositeluo

8 . 天生的才干如同天生的植物一样,需要靠学习来修剪。(英国哲学家 培根。 F。

9 . 事常与人违,事总在人为。

10 . 又漂亮又好又不愚蠢的女人都结婚了。




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