
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-17 19:52:11


1 . 夏天 summer

2 . 蔬菜 vegetable

3 . indication 迹象

4 . 高的 tall

5 . 科学博物馆 science museum

6 . grace 雅致

7 . 一份关怀备至,双眸朦胧,三尺讲台撒汗滴,叹四季更替,五月备考的希冀,六月的契机,七月得成绩,八方桃李遍地,九月十日祝:老师,生体健康!

8 . pastime 消遣

9 . 我想如果孩子们被迫练钢琴,他们会对它失去兴趣。(make sb do sth

10 . myoplia 近视


1 . absurdity 荒唐;谬论

2 . 触摸 touch

3 . 科学 science

4 . 无论我遇到什么困难,你总是给予我鼓励和支持。(whatever/no matter what; meet with

5 . 从……获得乐趣 enjoy

6 . exhibition 展览

7 . 乘坐 take

8 . His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences

9 . customer 顾客

10 . endeavor 努力做


1 . export 出口

2 . 每个;所有的 every

3 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母U V开头)

4 . 谢谢 thanks

5 . 尽管他家人不让他这么做,但他坚持要去非洲研究野生动物。(insist on

6 . 坐下 sit down

7 . tip 提示;技巧

8 . beneficiacry 受益人

9 . 故事书 story-book

10 . (狗)摇尾巴 wag its tail


1 . 那一张张朴实的面孔,那一双双辛勤的双手,为培育祖国的花朵而不辞辛劳的园丁,在您的季节里,祝你们节日快乐!

2 . 我不清他们当时所争论的人和事了。(定语从句)

3 . 象鼻 trunk

4 . 更高的` taller

5 . 出租汽车 taxi

6 . motion 《恶性字符 本帖子与本站无关 请各位用户及时提醒管理员删除》

7 . The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed

8 . 乡村;村庄 village

9 . The first s_________ in the second act contains a very long speech

10 . 滑冰 skate




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