
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-08 06:45:11


1 . 沉积物|沉淀物 what是什么意思:

2 . 我们现在不知道他的下落了He advised me of his whereabouts

3 . 各种深浅不同的棕色树叶正纷纷下落。whereabouts是什么意思:

4 . 有关圣事的法规Of or relating to the gums

5 . adj 品格优秀的;英币的;纯正的`;高质量的

6 . again and again

7 . 他们和那纷争没有关系。The abductee issue is of grave concern

8 . 到小D查看再三的英文翻译>>

9 . (询问健康状况)

10 . Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action


1 . 警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。Have you run into the same type of boss over and over again?

2 . 微分的微分的与微分学有关的concern是什么意思:

3 . That is essential if a sterling retreat is not to become a rout

4 . 银器纯银制做的物品,如餐具Please quote your price In term of pound sterling

5 . v 越过

6 . v 有关系

7 . 到她的博客冲浪饮食睡眠来看看她现在身在何处。Its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows

8 . 那幅画标价英镑。I had to pay a deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house

9 . (表示惊奇高兴等)

10 . Do you know her whereabouts?


1 . n 英镑;磅;违章停车车辆扣留场;宠物收留所

2 . 他是个争当总统的人。Reunification of the motherland is the aspiration of the whole nation

3 . 她要了一磅肉末。 sterling是什么意思:

4 . (有关法律的,(有关合法性的Relative to; related to

5 . 叮嘱再三More than once; not just once

6 . 他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽,缀着三色帽徽。Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm

7 . 推迁再三The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him

8 . 看到她们长得如花似玉,满了好奇和急于向他扑过来的热望。The plan we were all sop enthusiastic about seems less attractive when viewed in the cold light of day

9 . 关于方式(或方法)的问题

10 . 他告诉了我他的下落。The leaves of various shades of brownness are falling down


1 . 大胆破格,创新性鲁莽或无视任何约束,如那些用慎重,规矩或传统来强加的约束Disposed to inflict pain or suffering

2 . v 强迫,用力推动

3 . 命令,吩咐权威性地且强调性地发布施令 He was an imposing man

4 . 你知道她的下落吗?A nearly vertical descent at an accelerated speed through the air

5 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

6 . A thirst for knowledge

7 . 尽管人们费尽心机,寻找他的下落,都毫无结果。Do you know her whereabouts?

8 . 与有关Of or relating to law or legality

9 . adv

10 . by (main force


1 . 他认为英镑价值过高阻碍了工业发展。

2 . regardless of whether

3 . 他仪表堂堂。They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country

4 . 断气之前,随时追求新的`生命力。He is an aspirant to the presidency

5 . 从空中近似垂直的加速下落。My parachute eased me groundward

6 . chew over; think over

7 . 我经过再三考虑后决定辞职After much heart-searching, they decided to separate

8 . 再融资的英文怎么说>>再起的英文>>再能的英文怎么说>>再来一次的英文怎么说>>再来的英文>>

9 . (后接形容词或副词)多少,多么,多大

10 . conj




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