
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-16 03:46:30


1 . 你的内裤与拉登的相似,美国的打击目标已锁定它!请迅速脱掉扔入水中,并裸奔到十公里以外!

2 . Death is so finalWhereas life,ah life is so full of possibilities死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能

3 . 诚征女友:性格跟你一样,相貌和你雷同,外型与你如出一辙,可爱与你不相上下,给我感觉和你分毫不差!

4 . Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

5 . 紧闭的心扉终于被你开启,小小的空间只能容下你,你是我心中的唯一,因为再也容不下第二个人。

6 . Nothing will be forever, and nothing will be long, to find an excuse, who can go first

7 . No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏

8 . 错过,不是错了,而是过了。

9 . 优雅是唯一不会褪色的美。

10 . life has become richer by the love that has been lost。生命因为付出过爱情而更为丰裕。


1 . Life is too short to be left to the people or things that make you unhappy

2 . Just good, see you happy, so happy your happiness

3 . I care about you deeply。我非常关心你。

4 . Love is a fire which burns unseen。爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

5 . 永远都不要放弃做自己,因为人生很短根本没时间模仿别人。

6 . We no longer can not go back 我们再也回不去了。

7 . 不似太阳般狂热激烈,不似大海般磅礴奔腾,不似溪水般缠缠绵绵,只有一颗爱你的心永不停息,为你倾尽所有亦无悔。亲爱的,我想你了!

8 . 白昼与黑夜将无法阻挡我俩的深深思念!

9 . 刚刚好,看见你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。

10 . 我不在乎你对我的不在乎。


1 . 不管生活是闯荡还是流浪,我都会把你放在我心上,让深情天天冲击着我的心脏,让脉搏跳动着所有怀想,让信息传送着永远爱你的希望。

2 . I don&#;t give a shit on your care the least about me

3 . 我不敢折断我的翅膀,却也飞不到任何地方

4 . You see, the falling rain to the city alone has become a hot topic

5 . 真正的朋友,在你成功时,会引以为豪;在你失败时,会不离不弃。

6 . Respect is a spring, a spring, a give a person warm Shuxin pill, a dose of inspiring confidence

7 . People tend to focus on two, for the love and career

8 . 有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了!

9 . 一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

10 . How can I make you see me at the moment when I&#;m the most beautiful


1 . 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

2 . Rochester:I love you I love you!

3 . Do not forget, once owned more difficult to get to treasure, not to give up their own, have lost things in memory

4 . 我把心都交给你了,你就别再还给我。

5 . ◇丶 All things there are some rules

6 . Instead of thinking about how beautiful the sacrifice, it is better to think about how to live beautifully to the last minute

7 . If you fail, don&#;t forget to learn your lesson。如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

8 . If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you

9 . My heart is with you我的爱与你同在。

10 . Gods determine what you&#;re going to be。人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。




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