
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 14:41:27


1 . 幸福快乐,长寿。

2 . 本领小九天揽月,成就必九战九胜,事业遍九行八业,爱情是九九归真,幸运如九星连珠,快乐翔九州四海,忧愁似九牛一毛,祝福在九九重阳!

3 . 姐妹,祝你生日快乐,万事如意。

4 . , how far can life go, see who walks with; how great achievements, see who pointing

5 . 很少见到有人专心致志地去完成一件美好而正当的事。我们通常见到的,不是畏首畏尾的学究,就是急于求成的莽汉。——歌德

6 . 蓝天作信封,白云作信纸,流星是我的特快专递。送你清风让你心旷神怡,送你细雨洗去你疲惫的汗迹,送你彩虹通向梦想之旅,祝你重阳节快乐!

7 . 愿你享受这美好一刻,生日快乐,生活幸福。

8 . the happiest thing in life is to try your best to follow your dreams

9 . I hope the epidemic will end soon Lets make an appointment to see the spring flowers bloom!

10 . , we are great because of our dreams All the winners are dreamers We dream of the future in the winter night, beside the fire, in the cloudy rain, in the fog Some people let the dream quietly extinction, some people are careful cultivation and maintenance, until it survive and usher in a bright light and hope and hope, and always comes to those who believe that the dream will be come true people


1 . 送一份真诚的祝福给你:放松自己,不急不躁;善待自己,不怕不泄;安慰自己,不烦不恼;祝福自己,开心快乐;爱惜自己,健康常伴。愿你幸福。

2 . I have no clue (毫无线索。

3 . 菊花台,香满怀,思念排成排;雁南归,茱萸飞,友情堆成堆;重阳节,遥望月,祝福白如雪:好运不绝,成功不缺,幸福快乐永不歇。

4 . , how many talented losers in the world, there are many highly educated homeless — because of the wrong choice

5 . 不怕难,不难非难;害怕难,不难也难

6 . 幸运并非没有恐惧和烦恼;厄运并非没有安慰与希望。

7 . Pay tribute to all the staff who are fighting in the epidemic situation! May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring May all the good things come and all the unhappiness disappear Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

8 . , if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern

9 . 苦难发展我们这种非凡的作用,不向暴风雨低头,灾难来了,也能处之泰然。——巴尔扎克

10 . 每一点滴的进展都是缓慢而艰巨的,一个人一次只能着手解决一项有限的目标。——贝费里奇


1 . 万事如意,大吉大利。

2 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus

3 . I raise you $ ([玩牌时的赌博]再加美元。

4 . 九九重阳,因为与“久久”同音,九在数字中又是最大数,有长久长寿的含意,况且秋季也是一年收获的黄金季节,重阳佳节,寓意深远。祝老师您重阳节快乐!

5 . 困难是培养伟大心志的保姆,唯有这个冷酷的保姆才会不停地推着摇篮,培养一个勇敢刚健的孩子。——布赖恩特

6 . It beats me

7 . the worlds wonderful, is chasing the dream of dribs and drabs

8 . 英雄常食苦难与试练的面包。——罗曼·罗兰

9 . 最困难之时,就是离成功不远之日。——拿破仑

10 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom


1 . 看不上自己地位的人肯定也配不上这种地位。——谚语

2 . Dont give up yet (别灰心!

3 . 要想捉大鱼,不能怕水深。

4 . Im giving up绝望了。

5 . 远也好,近也好,牵挂就好;平淡也好,富贵也好,健康就好;电话也好,信息也好,随着祝福,你幸福就好。祝你重阳节快乐!

6 . It was fate fate “逃脱不了的命运,注定的命运”。

7 . 九九重阳望秋空,金菊红叶染秋风。秋思秋情缘秋起,举杯邀月秋正浓。祝重阳节快乐!

8 . 愿您精神焕发,勇往无前,心情妙妙。

9 . 重阳佳节,别说我不尊老爱幼,好歹我也花了巨资一角发短信给你,表明我心里有你真诚尊敬你人前拥护你人后支持你一生朋友交定你!祝节日快乐!

10 . 送给你逾越的心情,祝福你生日快乐,心想事成。


1 . 灾难本身即是一剂良药。——考柏

2 . 重阳节很特殊哦!因为这天是“重阳”,所以我祝你:睡眠充足,懒阳阳;年轻漂亮,美阳阳;精力充沛,沸阳阳;永被关怀,暖阳阳;天天开心,喜阳阳!

3 . 重阳节到了,虽然你我天涯相隔,但是思念的绳索将千里之外的你带到我的身边,真心祝福你身体健康,独在异乡多多保重。

4 . 你的话语如春风,洗刷烦恼,为我带来快乐自信;你的真诚如春日,温暖我心,值得信赖一生;你的笑容如灿烂春花,爽心悦目,是我永久的记忆。祝姐姐快乐永久,青春永葆。生日快乐!

5 . sometimes, chasing the dream of people, than grasp the dream of the people to play more strength ah!

6 . 莫道浮云终蔽日,严冬过尽绽春蕾。——陈毅不经灾难不知福。——托·富勒

7 . 只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。——希尔蒂

8 . Well, its better than nothing (可总比没有强吧。这就是命运呀!

9 . 愿你年年今朝,岁岁幸福。生日快乐!

10 . You should stop smoking (你该戒烟了。


1 . every morning, two simple decisions: turn off the alarm clock, go to sleep or get up and chase your dreams

2 . 有生之年,欣喜相逢。相陪左右,言笑晏晏。

3 . It is hoped that the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and more lives will be saved; it is hoped that there will be no environment for the spiritual virus to exist Its really important to breathe freely!

4 . 六十年内不分离,七老八十手牵手,共渡八千里路云和月,九月九日重阳日,十指紧扣笑会首!

5 . I have no idea

6 . 秋风徐徐,重阳九九,做上一桌好菜,借着醇香的菊酒,等你与我分享!

7 . 重阳佳节到了,俺用“九阳神功”,炼成祝福短信,凭着“九阴真经”,溶入我的手机,拿出“九五之尊”内力,通过电波传到你的手机,祝你健康长“九”!

8 . 富贵临门,财通四海。

9 . everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are

10 . 愿你今日怀里溢满礼物,生日过的让人嫉妒。生日快乐!




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