
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-19 15:37:05


1 . Hard work out of achievement, in the past again, summarize experience, successful results a little smile, the fight continued, the passion burning, and there was a goal, I wish you more progress, more happiness, more happiness, more beautiful

2 . 关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。

3 . New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s day, New Year&#;s happiness The New Year comes again, send the information form blessing, greetings in this happy to, wish you happy and good fun Wish you a happy New Year in advance!

4 . 年再有不到一个星期就结束了,再有几天就是我的本命年了,尖叫……

5 . 您谆谆的教诲,化作我脑中的智慧,胸中的热血,行为的规范,我感谢您,感谢您对我的精心培育。

6 . 海可以阻隔彼此,却阻隔不了我的思念,距离可以拉开你我,却拉不开真挚的情谊,时间可以淡忘过去,却忘不了永远的朋友。

7 . 已过去,抛弃那些不愉快,痛苦已不再,幸福在招手。啊,亲爱的朋友,幸福的属于谁?属于你,祝福你,愿你结束后能有幸福的新一年!

8 . 一句问候,让你的年味变得厚重;一句鼓励,让你的新年充满生机;一句句关怀,让你的身心变得温暖;一条条短信,让你的日子事事如愿!

9 . Having fun and suffering; With sweat and tears; Hard work, good harvest In the past year, we have tasted the taste of life and achieved certain results In the New Year, we will continue our efforts, starting from the new starting line and producing more fruitful fruits with our labor Come on!

10 . 如果我能够继续等待,如果时间能够停留下来,如果……没有如果?


1 . Counting mailbox integral long many, count weibo fans a lot more, other count award will know to go, count the blessings received came know, counting mailbox integration has become the most lucky recollection, count weibo fans have become the most precious feelings, wish you more money to the number of several not over!

2 . 不要说珍重,不要说再见,就这样,默默地离开,但愿,在金色的秋季,友谊之树上将垂下丰硕的果子。

3 . 有些事情必须忘记,忘记痛苦,忘记最爱的人对你的伤害,只好如此。

4 . 成功属于公司,成就属于大家,成熟送给你,成长陪着你,随过去,你也不再是你,更成功那是必然,创辉煌那是必须,更成就那是当然,创佳绩那是相当容易,愿大家一起乐,大家一起喜,大家一起努力,原公司日日崛起。

5 . 童年回忆就像一只银铃,系在我们的心坎,只有不停奔跑,它才会发出悦耳的声响。童年是美好的,而又是一去不可再来,也是成长的`开端,我们就像迷迷糊糊地跑了一场马拉松,吃吃力力地从幼儿园跑进小学,再从小学跑进中学……白线勾画的跑道不知何时早已消失,而我还在苦苦地寻找,寻找我在母校里的童年与回忆。

6 . 你的寂寞让我留恋,不小心回头看了你一眼,只有孤单的人会寂寞。

7 . 凭着你的赤诚仁爱与多才多艺,纵使远离故土,浪迹天涯,又何愁寻觅不到情投意合的知音?

8 . 母校,伴着我走过六年的春夏秋冬;母校,载着我驶向知识的海洋;母校,启迪我扬起远航的船帆;母校,为我把脚下的道路铺向未来!

9 . 明晨行别,但愿云彩艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。

10 . By the end of the year, there was more! Summarize the experience of one year and renew the plan for next year! Dear friends, to pay attention to the body, to be happy in the work, healthy life, comfortable New Year!


1 . 我宁愿与他是平行线,永远不会相交,因为一旦相交,过了那个点就会越离越远。

2 . 爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。

3 . 明知你心里没有我,也永远做不到你想要得那个,却不由自主让你看到最真实的我,掩藏住受伤的我。

4 . 人生的上半场打不好没关系,还有下半场,只要努力。

5 . 林志玲,娇滴滴,祝你新年一定要好好的啦!小沈阳,笑嘻嘻,祝你新年一定要杠杠的哈!春晚群星,闹哄哄的,祝你新年辞旧迎新开创新纪元!

6 . will leave us to think about this year is not easy, achievement dream perseverance, work overtime frequently pay hardships have wine, a year have a meaningful, hopefully next year more efforts, the dream become reality as early as possible, achievement good luck

7 . A year fighting efforts, a year reunion reward yourself today, should eat to eat, the drink and enjoy the results of xi, give yourself more happy, good health for years, all the best, continue to work hard, again

8 . Say goodbye to to meet the span of

9 . 当温柔不在,当泪水擦干,我现在的挽留还算不算?只愿不会成遗憾。

10 . 梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。


1 . 月朦胧,鸟朦胧,我悄悄送你远行,从此天边有了一颗含泪的星星,永远注视你远去的背影。

2 . The beauty of life in will be rewarded with a year of hard work The sweat shed no tears, ran through the difficulty several times The company&#;s performance has grown, and the prize money has received a lot Parents and children smile, New Year and then friends May you try again in , plain sailing!

3 . 真正的友谊决不会因离别而断隔。你的朋友将因离别而加倍地珍惜你的友情。

4 . 人总是那样感性值得怀念的太多思念永远不会停止曾经的美好如今的陌生未来的谈然。

5 . The end before you know it, accept the accept work life, calculate result and experience, the summary attentively, calculate happiness and happiness, the joy the finale, calculate the target and direction, to go far, calculate and journey in life, the future continue to go far

6 . 走,还是要走的的,留下来的不过是一副躯壳,留,还是要留的,我的`心就在次生根了。

7 . 想爱不能爱才最寂寞,我试着勇敢一点,可我无法面对镜中颤抖的双眼,所以只能跟靠近我的每个人说再见。

8 . 一朝离别后,两地人消瘦,三餐没胃口,四季少春秋,五体投地愁,六亲劝不住,七情无归宿,八分是孤独。

9 . Time travel through the four seasons, holding tightly in hand; Ordinary and busy to the end of the year, without any shape to think of themselves as a tool; Pine a pine tired body, comb a heart of deposit Make money important, want to take care of yourself more!

10 . The New Year&#;s eve is coming, I hold the air for the postman, the warm greetings binding into the package, printed on the heart for the postmark, the degree of constant temperature express, the recipient is you, sincerely wish you: new spring good!




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