
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-04 14:45:13


1 . Do not go to the crowd, avoid contact and keep safe

2 . 亲戚不走来年还有,朋友不聚回头再续!

3 . 勤洗手,戴口罩。不出门,最牢靠。

4 . 少一次聚会,多一份安全。

5 . Unite as one, fight against the epidemic situation and help each other Only tomorrow will spring blossom!

6 . 时穷节乃现,关键时刻,正是这些“战疫勇士”担当了重任,托起了全国人民战胜病毒的信心与希望。

7 . 情人节到了,走在街上,单身才是王道,单身才是焦点。

8 . 与其外出要隔离,不如在家陪父母!

9 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom

10 . 出来聚会的是无耻之辈,一起打麻将的都是亡命之徒。


1 . 拒绝会亲情不减,戴上口罩最安全。

2 . 在家憨吃增肥了一个星期,貌似一斤都还没长到。昨儿坐爸爸的摩托车去高铁站,悲了个催的,就几分钟就把人吹感冒了。

3 . 戴口罩为人为己,少串门利国利民。

4 . 七夕节都别晒礼物了,晒晒你们得男朋友吧,说不定会有同款哦。

5 . 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任!

6 . 待到病毒驱散时,出门再转也不迟。

7 . 难过得不是情人节没人过,而是明明有爱人却还是自己过。

8 . 真棒!七夕得时候,可多人陪我穿情侣装,还陪我夜不归宿,因为,那天我军训!

9 . 疫情当前,爱不隔离。现在的幸福生活,就是因为有一个个“最美逆行者”的存在,是他们用“勇敢拼搏,不畏牺牲”的精神保护着我们。致敬这些“最美逆行者”,我们要用行动为他们点赞。

10 . Life, bitterness and happiness are all there is, separation and separation are all in The epidemic is over! Warm spring flowers


1 . 防护很重要,口罩不可少。用完不乱丢,病毒逃不了。

2 . 考试之际,放松压力。提前进场,以免拥挤。答题技巧,心中默记。仔细读题,后难先易。驱除杂念,循规蹈矩。遭遇难题,冷静梳理。认真检查,多多有益。

3 . 很多时候别人对你好,并不是因为别人喜欢你,而是因为他们喜欢对人好。

4 . 情人节那天不分手你不痛快是不是?我真就不明白了,为什么情侣总会在情人节分手。

5 . 英雄们辛苦了,致敬!感动!背景音乐是什么,超赞

6 . 众志成城,做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作。

7 . 三年时光匆匆过,风雨兼程苦苦付,金榜题名辉辉到,辛劳即成空空梦,今日考试大大胜,来年腾飞啸啸龙。正常心态考场战,一定获成功!

8 . 小小疫情不可怕,全民齐心战胜它。

9 . 三年昼夜苦耕耘,今日从容进考场。寒窗苦读出成果,笔走龙蛇犹有神。思如泉涌答题顺,考场之上锋芒现。全国考试日到,祝你考试顺利,金榜题名!

10 . 新年的钟声已经敲响,万紫千红的春天已经不远了,我相信:在全国人民的共同努力下,我们一定能打赢这场”战疫”。


1 . 考试在即,送去祝福,祝你在考场上,自信稳扎稳打,思路翻江倒海,智慧龙飞凤舞,大脑活蹦乱跳,心态四平八稳,钢笔翻飞疾书,成绩名列前茅,理想近在眼前。

2 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

3 . 希望世间所有生命都能被善待,都能善良待人。感恩!

4 . , the beginning of the new year, a viral pneumonia has put the people of the whole country into a dilemma Looking at so many peoples lives in my heart Behind every independent individual is a warm family I cant imagine how heavy a blow it is to their families May the virus come to an end as soon as possible, and good people will live a safe life

5 . 送你一道考神符,助你走上青云路:可把好运添,能成功现,有消除紧张之功效,有增强信心之灵妙,愿你好好收藏,保你考试顺利!加油,祝考试成功!

6 . 好好学习,天天向上,提升自我,父辈添光,考试在即,切莫慌张,调整心态,斗志高昂,祝福伴你,扬帆起航,信心满满,创造辉煌!

7 . 勤洗手戴口罩少聚会多通风忌野味吃熟食遵医嘱莫恐慌。

8 . 七夕得情人节,我等你来说爱我。不管等多久,我会坚持,我相信中国得情人节会给我带来你得爱!

9 . 我不怕一个人过情人节,我怕我怕最爱得你和别人一起过。

10 . 攀登书山游书海,始终如一好儿郎。十年一日重积累,厚积薄发征考场。挥斥方遒书才思,指点江山生光辉。扬帆直取成功路,折取桂冠添锦绣。全国考试日,愿学子胜利而归。


1 . We hope that the people of the whole country will make concerted efforts to overcome the virus as soon as possible

2 . 一场疫情,提醒你我:人有且只有这一辈子,能做的事就尽力做,该忙的时候认真忙,不要虚度青春。

3 . 苦读寒窗十载,耗费爸妈心血。天下父母心愿,望子成龙飞腾。养精蓄锐待今,出手冲刺考试。展现真才实学,佳绩定能胜出。爸妈您别忧愁,金榜题名报喜。

4 . Just saw another struggling in the front line of the doctor died, tears immediately fell down! May the dead rest in peace! May the virus be eliminated as soon as possible! Hope that the medicine for prevention and treatment will be developed as soon as possible! Wish Chinese mother no more disaster! Would like to stay at home you and I are less out of the door, do not go out, do not spread rumors! To fight against this epidemic situation to make their own meager force!

5 . 一场疫情,让我明白,生命的重要,生命才是我们的无价之宝。

6 . 这个春节莫瞎串,居家隔离最安全。

7 . I hope that the infected patients can eliminate the virus in the careful treatment and care of medical workers, and at the same time use their strong ideas and their super immunity to fight against the virus I wish you all a speedy recovery and look forward to the day when you go home!

8 . 今年上门,明年上坟。

9 . 孤单是场无人递粥的重感冒。

10 . 疫情防控不添乱,宅家就是做贡献。


1 . 打了个喷嚏以为是你想我了后来才知道原来是我感冒了。

2 . 在冷冷的直播间连打了三个喷嚏,希望是有人在想我,而不是我真的感冒了……

3 . 三年风雨多洗礼,几许风涛海浪劈,十年寒窗苦磨砺,无限艰辛藏梦里,今朝从容走考场,明朝潇洒天下知!风雨之后的彩虹,祝愿你心想事成!

4 . 但愿你我别像可怜得牛郎与织女这般,一年才得以想见一次,我不要!

5 . 考试来临心莫慌,自信满满有力量,保证睡眠精力旺,打扮精神信心强,轻轻松松上战场,带好证件莫要忘,考试用品要精良,祝你考试顺利,前程似锦!

6 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently

7 . 流鼻涕打喷嚏,求安慰。

8 . 为疫情加油正能量的句子

9 . 七夕,人家都是一对卿卿我我,咱们是一群疯疯癫癫。

10 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars


1 . 考试考试不用怕,把它当作场游戏,放正心态勿浮躁,心态摆正忌焦虑,发挥最好的实力,冷静应对把题做,祝你考出好成绩,金榜题名创辉煌。

2 . 宸儿感冒了!着急上火难过没心情!都不要烦我!

3 . 做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,遏制疫情蔓延势头,确保人民生命安全和身体健康!

4 . 三年汗水勤耕耘,今朝用心播良种。思如泉涌好答题,笔墨飞扬最书情。此时犹如临战场,整装待发试锋芒。一朝金榜题名时,三年心花终怒放。全国考试日,愿你勇夺桂冠。

5 . 我终于知道我单身得原因了,我喜欢得不喜欢我,喜欢我得我不知道。

6 . I understand that the busyness of daily work, study and life is to deceive myself I have nothing What can really enrich my body and mind What makes me happy is never a foreign object, but a person who can chat with you for a long night, enjoy the vicissitudes of the world, appreciate the warmth and coldness of the world, and know that you understand you

7 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible

8 . 辛勤奋战在学海,汗水扬起成功帆。无烟战场今日起,气定神闲退万军。心态良好细审题,才思敏捷答考卷。自信人生二百年,收获人生好前程。全国考试日,愿莘莘学子们胜利归来。

9 . 戴口罩总比带呼吸机好,躺家里总比躺ICU强。

10 . 迎战考试,十年寒窗,今日出招。早睡早起休息好,餐餐营养搭配好,生冷零食远离好,考试用具准备好,有备而战发挥好。祝考试顺利,金榜题名!




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