
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 18:00:48


1 . 心是一棵树,一个个故事被年轮携载;一回回驿动与飞鸟相约;一次次碰撞使它绵密柔韧;一幕幕经历造就了它博大的胸怀。

2 . 事业在先,享乐在后。

3 . 若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

4 . 不可否认

5 . Haveyousomewhattodotomorrow,doittoday

6 . Experiencewithoutlearningisbetterthanlearningwithoutexperience

7 . Finishedlaboursarepleasant

8 . Tosavetimeistolengthenlife

9 . 好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。

10 . In the past several years there has been…


1 . 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

2 . 一滴水是微不足道的,渗入泥土,便会消失不见,可汇聚成河却是川流不息。如同我们,在许多的困难面前,一个人总是凸显着单薄,而无法作为,可当我们团结起来,却可以创造无数的奇迹。

3 . 幸福是什么?是功成名就受人敬仰吗?是恬静悠闲无牵无挂吗?是高朋满座儿孙绕膝吗?我说:幸福是……

4 . 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

5 . Wisdominthemindisbetterthanmoneyinthehand

6 . 知识胜过金银,

7 . 风儿静静的吹动,凤凰花吐露着嫣红,亲爱的朋友请握一握手,明天就要各奔西东!但不要忘记彼此的约定:六级考试成功!

8 . Dobusiness,butbenotaslavetoit

9 . Makehaywhilethesunshines

10 . Aworkilldonemustbetwicedone


1 . 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

2 . The father thought he could talk his daughter into changing her mind(他可以说服女儿改变主意

3 . My little daughter Marry, began to adapt herself to campus life after entering college for three months(进入大学三个月后开始慢慢适应校园生活

4 . Itislostlabourtosowwherethereisnosoil

5 . 孔子曰:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。”我们只知松的习性,却不知他所拥有的又是怎么的精神。李太白曾经用他告诫过别人,“愿军学长松,慎勿作桃李。”我们又何尝不应该多多学习松呢?松,你是那么得挺拔。在冬天来临地时候,我才明白,原来你现在才凋零。你典型的傲斗风雪地形象便呈现在眼前。

6 . 昨日不复来。

7 . 切莫依赖明天。

8 . 种子冲破岩层的禁锢影响;迎向光明;雄鹰风暴的阴遏影响,飞向云霄;骏马突破缰绳

9 . 努力的苦读,就为这一刻!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!

10 . The government was accused of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions(没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺


1 . Some peoplewhile others

2 . These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

3 . Neverdothingsbyhalves

4 . 人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长

5 . 好兄弟!年的高考属于你!相信自己,你是最棒的!祝你在高考中旗开得胜!一鸣惊人!金榜题名!

6 . be faced with new opportunities and challenges

7 . Affairsthataredonebyduedegreesaresoonended

8 . 一寸光阴一寸金。

9 . There is no doubt that…

10 . 因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。


1 . 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

2 . 少量的常识,当得大量的学问。

3 . 信念之于人,犹翅膀之于鸟,信念是飞翔的翅膀。

4 . 按部就班,事情很快就做完。

5 . AllworkandnoplaymakesJackadullboy

6 . 懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂。

7 . Few people dont complain about the tedium of their jobs(很少人不抱怨工作点掉乏味, but they will feel more bored if they do not work

8 . Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently

9 . 可数名词单,须用a或an,

10 . Americans eat twice more protein than (两倍多的蛋白质they actually need every day。


1 . To minimize the possibility of theft,(为了最大限度的減少盗窃的发生的可能性, install a good alarm system

2 . One great man said that…

3 . He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, being considering insufficiently popular with all members(因为考虑他无法得到全体成员的欢迎

4 . 人们普遍认为

5 . 有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

6 . 凡事都应用得其所。

7 . 工作多,光阴迫。

8 . I‘ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school(好心载我一程去学校

9 . 懒惰乃万恶之源。

10 . Diligenceisthemohterofsuccess


1 . Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention

2 . MrsSmith shut the window lest the noise outside (should interfere with her sons sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉 【音标】:[,intfi] 妨碍;冲突;抵触[(+with] 介入;干涉,干预

3 . 【妙语诠释】

4 . Ifyouwantknowledge,youmusttoilforit

5 . Businessbeforepleasure

6 . 百闻不如一见。

7 . 宽容是一种美。深邃的天空容忍了雷电风暴一时的肆虐,才有风和日丽;辽阔的大海容纳了惊涛骇浪一时的猖獗,才有浩淼无垠;苍莽的森林忍耐了弱肉强食一时的规律,才有郁郁葱葱。泰山不辞杯土,方能成其高;江河不择细流,方能成其大。宽容是壁立千仞的泰山,是容纳百川的江河湖海。

8 . 【妙语诠释】冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:

9 . 勤勉是好运之母。

10 . Tohimthatdoeseverythinginitspropertime,onedayisworththree




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