
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 11:03:05


1 . 寄书长不达,况乃未休兵。

2 . 光之精灵彩衣斑斓,赤橙红绿青蓝紫,那是阳春予它的骄傲,三月予它的娴雅,花瓣上的露珠折射出整个世界的柔美,我将它抖落捧于手心,在指间溶成艳色一滴的倾城容颜,凝聚成唯一不灭的记忆。

3 . 清清冷冷的冬雨,隐去了情人的凄美和伤悲的回忆。千年的追遇,细雨中的伫立,引来花伞柔情的遮蔽。

4 . 据我观察,大部分人都是在别人荒废的时间里崭露头角的。——福特

5 . 忽然归故国,孤想寓西陵。

6 . 时间有三种步伐:未来姗姗来迟,现在象箭一样飞逝,过去永远静止不动。——席勒

7 . 唐·杜甫

8 . 最忙的人有最多的时间。——白茵

9 . 新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。——王实甫

10 . 没有一种不幸可与失掉时间相比了。——屠格涅夫


1 . 小路两旁的树木千奇百怪:有的树干上粗下细,有的上下细中间粗;有的树木笔直通天。

2 . 来日绮窗前,寒梅著花未。(唐。王维。《杂诗三首》

3 . 黄河走东溟,白日落西海,逝川与流光,飘忽不相待。——李白

4 . 唐·贺知章

5 . Gulliver&#;s travels is a famous work by English writer Jonathan swift The protagonist of the book, like Robinson, loves sailing adventures, and travels around the world to a lot of strange places, such as the adult country, the lilliputian, the flying island and the huizhou I was deeply attracted by the thrilling, funny and funny stories that happened to him

6 . 树寒稀宿鸟,山迥少来僧。

7 . 钻天杨的主干挺直,枝枝相抱,它不嫌黄土高原的贫瘠,不畏西北风雪的严寒,生命旺盛,团结向上。

8 . 零星的时间,如果能敏捷地加以利用,可成为完整的时间。所谓“积土成山”是也,失去一日甚易,欲得回已无途。——卡耐基

9 . 驱马傍江行,乡愁步步生。

10 . 苦忆旧伤泪自落,欣望梦愿笑开颜。


1 . 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。

2 . 谁虚度年华,青春就要裉色,生命就会抛弃他们。——雨果

3 . 所谓的成熟,便是真正参悟人生的递减。得失必有因缘。不再抗拒,平静地接受这份荒凉。曾经多快乐,就会多失落。曾经多耀眼,就会多暗淡。以接纳的态度对待人生之悲凉。不留一物。

4 . 一分时间,一分成果。对科学工作者来说,就不是一天八小时,而是寸阴必珍,寸阳必争!——童第周

5 . 一场细雨一场梦,梦中花落知多少,愿细雨淋去你的烦恼,愿雨水洗去你的`忧愁,愿雨水带给你快乐,愿雨天收到我的祝福,愿雨天的你幸福。

6 . 秋风飒飒,秋雨绵绵,大雨过后,细雨又重装上阵了。它孜孜不倦地敲打着窗门,淅淅沥沥,像在演奏一曲情意缠绵的乐章。

7 . 在指间舞落一世繁华,弹尽一曲浪漫忧伤。

8 . 时间反复无常,鼓着翅膀飞逝。——贺拉斯

9 . 人的一生,是很短的,短暂的岁月要求我好好领会生活的进程……——高尔基

10 . 门外若无南北路,人间应免别离愁(唐。杜牧。《赠别》


1 . 悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知。(楚辞。九歌《少司命》

2 . 愁肠已断无由醉,酒未到,先成泪。——范仲淹

3 . 森林在安睡着,没人来打扰它的美梦。

4 . 事在人为:一年可以等于二年三年,例如每天用十七八小时读书;反之,二三年也可以等于一年,甚至比一年还少,例如每天只用五六小时以下读书,我决心每天用十六到十八小时翻阅中国历代文集。——蔡尚思

5 . 近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。

6 . 相去日已远,衣带日已缓——汉《古诗十九首行行重行行》

7 . What interests me most is the experience of gulliver in Lilliput The people here were all like tiny little men, and here, in the eyes of the little people, gulliver became a giant of the sky After he was found by the king, he was subdued by a large group of small men, and tied up with a fly, and with a fly The ban was confined to an abandoned building At first, his life was good, it was a war, and the fate of gulliver fell to the ground and became the king&#;s battle tool Fortunately, he later went to another small country to win the love of the king and queen, and enjoyed the prosperity But gulliver was still very much in love with his family and home, and asked the king to let him go The king helped him build the "aircraft carrier" of the little man Eventually he returned home Gulliver&#;s fate was in a moment of triumph, a moment of triumph, and a moment of despair, and it was under the control of others And I, with the plot of the book in a moment of fear, a long sigh But no matter how many hardships, through his faith never change, has been one thousand to find the hope of freedom, even if it is then a spark of hope, he will never give up, never lost the direction, finally succeeded

8 . 如果落日的余辉照射着你的双手,你发觉它们当天并没有做过有价值的事情,那你就应当把这一天看作已经失落。——爱德华·杨格

9 . 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。——谚语

10 . 把握住今天,胜过两个明天。——拉美谚语




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