
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 05:45:13


1 . The word &#;impossible&#; is not in my dictionary在我的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字

2 . 晚安不重要,重要的是谁说的

3 . 晚安希望大家有个愉快的周末

4 . Love is like playing the piano – first you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart

5 . A thousand-journey is started by taking the first step千里之行,始于足下

6 . I love to be the one you always think of,

7 . 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。

8 . - And to the whole day through -每一分每一秒直到一天结束

9 . A day without laughter is a day wasted 没有欢笑的一天是白费的一天。笑一个吧~

10 . Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow今日事今日毕!


1 . 这句话适用于男性。通常在和女朋友外出用餐或是跟一伙人一起吃喝后,到了付账时总是气氛尴尬,要是此时你撂下This one is on me!“这顿算我的!”相信大伙绝对会对你报以英雄式欢呼。不过这种义气只能偶尔为之,不然苦的还是你自己。

2 . Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲

3 . May my love deeply experience, would you feel my endless thoughts, wish you a merry Christmas and happy every day

4 . 快乐和痛苦都是人生的财富,与其消极的逃避,不如勇敢一些面对,其实能够回忆也是一种幸福。

5 . 祝您圣诞快乐,您的全体学生敬上。

6 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

7 . bigbang exo pm fx 有人喜欢他们么

8 . The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it

9 . Knowledge is power知识就是力量

10 . First impression of you is most lasting


1 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

2 . llh:如果有人追我三年 并且在这天都跟我说晚安 我就嫁给他好不好

3 . 要幸福的昏倒了!关于爱情的句子

4 . Truth never fears investigation(事实从来不怕调查。)

5 . 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天 依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。

6 . Thanks to you I am finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想。

7 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

8 . Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened

9 . All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用

10 . He that respects not is not respected 欲受人敬,要先敬人。


1 . 早安早安早早心安 晚安晚安晚晚难安

2 . The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers

3 . When love is not madness, it is not love

4 . 某年某月某一天的某次邂逅,改变了你的一生。

5 . 胜利的滋味当然好,尤其是靠自己的努力取得胜利的时候。

6 . I’ll always love to be the one you love

7 . A christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through Have a beautiful christmas and a happy new year 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

8 . 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞行,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。

9 . If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。)

10 . It would be a fine day to me if you were well你若安好便是晴天


1 . The bell has sounded and looked up a long time, there is a warm, also delivery such as clock to rises in my heart

2 . I can because i think i can我行,因为我相信我行!

3 . 真正的朋友会在整个世界都离你远去的时候,仍然与你并肩。

4 . 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

5 . It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead

6 . My eyes are the stars over your window,

7 . Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect

8 . Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have

9 . Circumstances I make circumstances!英雄造时势

10 . super junior从利特开始,到EIF结束。


1 . Merry Christmas, my best friend Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season

2 . A christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughters 愿女儿的圣诞祝福带给你快乐。

3 . hang on to your dreams追逐梦想

4 . If I am the girl in your dreams如果我是你梦里的女孩

5 . I want to make you happy ! 我想让你幸福快乐!

6 . 同一个单词,既是想念,也是错过。

7 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

8 . Love’s tongue is in the eyes

9 . 祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐。

10 . You sneak 你很聪明狡猾。




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