
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 07:08:31


1 . that is giving you joy The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain

2 . I want someone to understand me even I don’t say a word。

3 . 在美好也禁不住遗忘,在悲伤也抵不过回忆。

4 . 我喜欢这种淡淡的感觉,我喜欢看树枝上那淡淡的嫩绿,它是春天的使者,它是一天清晨的开始

5 . If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord… In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。

6 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

7 . 你最喜欢跳什么舞?

8 . 没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。

9 . 这钢笔不好写。

10 . 教养胜过天性。


1 . 时光静好,陪你长大,粑粑麻麻永远爱你。

2 . The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grawho shakes her head and laughs and flies away

3 . 最好不相见,免我常相恋。最好不相知,免我常相思。(仓央嘉措)It is best not to see,then there is no chance to fall in love; it is best not to become intimate,then I will not be forlorn when I miss

4 . 继续自己的小幸运,即使偶尔争吵暴躁,身边依然有你陪伴,一起走过我们在一起的又一年。愿我能做个更耐心的好麻麻,陪你慢慢长大,快乐成长。愿你的快乐比过去的一年更多,愿我们的生活比过去的一年更好。愿时光静好,浅笑安然。

5 . 家有小女初长成。时光静好陪你长大~

6 . Who is willing to accompany me crazy,crazy all over the world are touched。

7 . Just because someone doesn&#;t love you the way you want them to, doesn&#;t mean they don&#;t love you with all they have

8 . Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it。

9 . No one can take away what&#;s TRULY yoursso if they took it away, it wasn&#;t yours Something better is on its way

10 . Don&#;t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to


1 . 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。

2 . She dressed herself hastily

3 . 幸福四要素(罗素):健康的身体避免陷入贫困的收入愉快的人际关系成功的工作。Four ingredients of happiness (Bertrand Russell : the first is health; the second, sufficient means to keep you from want; third, happy personal relations; and fourth, successful work

4 . 时光静好陪你长大。每天都在学习怎么做一个合格的麻麻麻麻会努力做的更好。

5 . 不爱一个人却想嫁给他,这是现实。爱一个人却不能嫁给他,这是无奈。生活和爱情往往不在一条轨道上,最后能令你愉快的,不是因为爱情,而是因为适合。但以上这些,都是软弱姑娘的借口而已。真正彪悍的女子,是可以硬生生把爱人改造成适合的人。没错,爱他,就调教他吧。

6 . A young idler, an old beggar

7 . Doubt is the key to knowledge

8 . 每个人的心里,有多么长的一个清单,这些清单里写着多少美好的事,可是,它们总是被推迟,被搁置,在时间的阁楼上腐烂。为什么勇气的问题总是被误以为是时间的问题,而那些沉重抑郁的不得已的,总是被叫做生活本身。(刘瑜)

9 . 生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解,愿你有所发现,有所创造。

10 . Happiness is to be felt, not to be compared; life is to be lived, not to be bargained; love is to tie, not to test; sweetheart is to be loved, not to be hurt; money is to pay, not to measure; lie is to be disclosed, not to gloss; trust is to deposit, not to be challenged


1 . 人,早晚要习惯孤独,没有谁会把你当宝护着。

2 . Difficult the first time, easy the second

3 . 我好久没见到你了。

4 . The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up

5 . 人生的必修课是接受无常,人生的选修课是放下执著。当生命陷落的时候请记得,你必须跌到你从未经历过的谷底,才能站上你从未到达过的高峰。

6 . 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在光后边。

7 . 每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。

8 . 跨入了不惑之年,也开启奶爸模式。内心感慨万千,归结于一句话。时光静好,陪你长大。小女初长成。

9 . 普通女人的简单幸福,有更多的时间陪孩子在一起,有更多的时间陪老公在一起。陪伴是一辈子的幸福,懂陪伴的才是好女人。

10 . 你今天真漂亮。


1 . Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

2 . Promises may get thee friends, but nonperformance will turn then into enemies承诺可以使你获得朋友,但是不兑现承诺又会将他们变成仇人。

3 . Don&#;t keep the truth from me

4 . 求知无坦途。

5 . In every heart hides a long list with so many beautiful things to fulfill, which are then postponed, suspended, rotten in the attic of time What is actually a matter of courage is labelled as a matter of time but the ponderous,the depressing,the unfulfillable as life itself

6 . 我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。

7 . I was waiting for your attention till my heart says no。

8 . Do not have too many irons in the fire

9 . I like your life across the meteor,fleeting。

10 . It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil没有土壤,播种也是徒劳。


1 . 岁月荏苒,时光静好,陪你慢慢长大,慢慢变老!慢一点就好!

2 . 把你的答案跟我的核对一下。

3 . 精神的财富是唯一的财富。

4 . 我独自一人,但并不觉得寂寞。

5 . If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars

6 . Desire has no rest

7 . There’s hope beyond the pain 痛苦之后,还有希望。

8 . 妈妈需要休息一会儿,你要好好照顾好自己哦。

9 . If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away If he doesn&#;t, nothing can make him stay-----如果他爱你,没人能妨碍他靠近;如果他忘情,谁也无力阻止他离去。

10 . 记得要忘记,不要哀哀戚戚的活在过去,不要那么任性幼稚;一个人,也要漂漂亮亮活下去。


1 . 聪明的人,今天做明天的事;懒惰的人,今天做昨天的事;糊涂的人,把昨天的事也推给明天。愿你做一个聪明的孩子,愿你做一个时间的主人。

2 . Dear, Say goodbye to the pain of fleeing day by day, panic minute by minute, alarm second by second! Please! Please! Please![哈哈]

3 . 陪孩子在一起,真的就足够了。让我们细细品味那些“足够了”,感受这些细微的幸福。

4 . A little knowledge is a dangerous thing浅学误人。

5 . 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

6 . 我用尽最后一丝力气,只为你绽放向日葵一样的笑容。

7 . 先入为主。

8 . 作为父亲,能陪孩子在一起,就是一种幸福。不要管去做什么,不要管孩子有多不听话。

9 . These shoes don&#;t fit right

10 . May I speak to Lora,please?




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