
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 12:22:37


1 . 团结进取,开拓创新,顽强拼搏,争创一流

2 . During the holiday, I woke up and didn&#;t mean I got up When I go to school, I wake up and don&#;t mean I&#;m awake

3 . 她们动作协调有力,在冰面上轻快地飞驰,仿佛两只飞燕,在紧贴地面飞翔,你追我赶,互不相让。

4 . "Feel as light as before the holidays" "talk" "do not write"

5 . 三十九早森,天气凉爽,适合跑步。

6 . 三十八跑步第一天,明明实际跑了公里多了,可是还是记录。公里。我不管。反正我跑了两公里。跑步回来就中暑了,头疼呕吐。

7 . Why did the May th movement break out? Because the May Day holiday is only three days

8 . 枪响了,我一个箭步窜了出去,使出全身的力气奔跑着,耳边风声呼呼响。

9 . 智慧无穷

10 . As the name implies the summer vacation to heat is false, but not all person&#;s holiday, is only the proletariat and the day of the carnival, we adults can only silently standing by and by, look at these naive face the carefree play everywhere, also, those who long to see her stay home with children all the day to catch a son everywhere, art, science, such as English around, deprived of the originally let children freedom to make decision of power


1 . 十二天气那么好,跟珊珊姐姐一起跑步啊。

2 . 信心百倍

3 . Summer vacation to, happy arrive Less stress, better mood Catch fish and shrimps Fly a kite, field run Learn to swim and bathe Be more careful and less dangerous Relax and smile Happy one summer vacation, happy childhood good!

4 . 跑者,每天都渴望天破晓时有一段快乐的跑步时光,他们生活规律,充满希望。把跑步当成生活的一部份是跑者的终极目标。绝大多数的跑者把跑步当成一辈子的事,有耐心的逐步将跑步融入生活。进而影响周遭的人,让他们也能认识跑步,也激励他们的热情,想去欣赏比赛,甚至条件许可之下也能开始跑步。

5 . 壮底气树正气

6 . The most joyful is the holiday, the summer holiday is long and happy Stay up late and get up early and live regularly, watch TV computer to rest, air conditioning room to ventilate, outdoor play to prevent sun protection, swimming is accompanied, safe and happy is the first Eat less cold drinks and drink more water Remember that friends are always in touch Wish you a happy summer holiday!

7 . 犹如江堤决口,群马狂奔,长跑健儿像冲出闸口的水流涌人渠道。

8 . 扬帆把舵,奋勇拼搏,看我三班,锐不可当

9 . This is my life this year summer vacation, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, but I more hope I can this summer and winter vacation, let&#;s primary school students really fell after the "burden"

10 . 如果灰姑娘的鞋是完美合脚的,那为何在跑步的时候会掉在地上?


1 . 十八不仅仅是晚上跑步,早上也要跑起来了。

2 . 人不是因为衰老才停止跑步,而是因为停止跑步才衰老。

3 . 七一大早起床跑步,果然我不是运动体质。

4 . 含泪播种的人,一定能含笑收获。

5 . Class is for the end of class, school is for the holiday I can&#;t imagine how I could have the courage to come to school without such a great heart

6 . 还记得吗?那些年我们一起罚跑步,不负的我们在夕阳下对着全校扯嗓子唱征服。

7 . 二十八╮(╯▽╰╭出门准备跑步,就遇上下雨,结果打了一早晨雷,也就下了把我逼回来的那几滴╮(╯▽╰╭我这人品也是没谁了。

8 . 跨步要大,速度要稳定,握拳要空心,呼吸要均匀……都是跑步的技巧,此外还有什么中途不要停下来,用嘴呼吸时要用舌尖抵住上门牙等等,老师说得不少,但被真正作用于实际的我还真不知道,至少,不全都用上。

9 . "Close the holiday mode, and officially open the outstanding student model!" "Sorry, your configuration is too low to enable this function"

10 . “砰”的一声枪响,起跑线像一条绷紧了的弓弦,瞬间射出了六支“彩色的箭”。


1 . 跑步五千米,这个数字是天文数字,这项运动是在创造奇迹。

2 . 零八高考

3 . 四十三跑步的意义在于找到自己,而非超越他人。

4 . 他急急如漏网之鱼,惶惶如惊弓之鸟,逃向河滩。

5 . 跑步教会我的是自律,是克制,是不放弃,是死磕到底。

6 . 互相学习,取长补短,再接再厉,勇攀高峰

7 . 细节决定成败,态度决定一切

8 . 翱翔万里

9 . 跑步的过程,就是不断进取的过程。跑步中,我强烈感受到了青春活力的跃动。于是,每一天的议事日程,我都要作这样一个安排:早晨,我去跑步。

10 . 一我不是脚扭伤了吗然后我妈说你最近要控制饮食啊!别吃太多!不然不能跑步一下子就胖了!


1 . 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。

2 . 我们有时不公平地苛责别人,但更多的时候,我们把苛责的矛头对准自己。

3 . 早晨我跑步时简直像是在挣扎,肺部烧灼,空气也仿佛变得稀薄。跑了不过。英里后,我不得不走了分钟。而在正常时候,我连续跑英里仍感觉良好。旁观的人们一定以为我是个病夫——满脸痛苦,上气不接下气,步履蹒跚,几乎跑不完英里!

4 . 励精图治,争创一流,好好学习,天天向上

5 . 追求卓越

6 . 很是敬佩那些寒来暑往黎明即起的跑步者,他们让跑步成为了一种生活方式,跑出身心的健康,跑出神清气爽,跑出心脏激昂。我跑步,只是一种随性,想跑就跑,有朋友相聚或是其他什么事情就不跑了,但是我依然很享受我的跑步方式,它让我的心灵在自由恣意的奔跑中有所宁静有所归属有所感悟。

7 . 八一早跑步被淋,站在大学门口避雨等滴滴,几天的热气一下被冲走凉爽起来。一直喜欢下雨天,当年是因为不用下地干活父母也在身边,后来因为年少情窦初开觉得浪漫,如今人到三十,过往情愫杂糅在一起,还是喜欢下雨天。

8 . 学则智,不学则愚;学则治,不学则乱。

9 . 舍我其谁

10 . 当我们批评别人的时候,往往是采用我们自己的标准去衡量他人,而实际上,他们可能付出了所有的力量。也许他们没有发挥自己的最高水平,也许他们没有达到你的期望,只要尽力了,就应该是真正的胜者,不管结局是什么。


1 . I just want to give them four words: please take me with you

2 . 太阳每天都是新的,而新的太阳总会给我们以新的希望。虽然已经退休,但我们同样需要和年轻人一样去奋斗,去拼搏,去创造。同样需要去歌唱,去舞蹈去跑步。

3 . 跑步很累时好开心,因为我还活着,活。

4 . The holiday, escaped the teacher&#;s stern look, at ease; Throw away the heavy load of schoolbag, comfortable; Without the trouble of homework, be happy; If you want to play, you can sleep Summer vacation is our happy time, good summer, happy every day Don&#;t forget to finish your homework on time!

5 . 让世界因我而精彩

6 . Put on summer vacation to say the mood phrase about the summer vacation of the QQ to say the mood full of mood - sad talk - love to talk - funny talk - - motivational talk - mood phrase big all

7 . 高三无悔

8 . What did you bring to school? "A heart ready for a holiday"

9 . 违背了自己定下的原则,哪怕只有一次,以后就将违背更多的原则。

10 . 我跑着,听着鞋子摩擦地面的沙沙声,感觉细细密密的汗珠一点点沁满我的额头,然后放任汗水在背上静静的流淌。有时抬头看见天幕上几颗星零落的挂着,有时月亮很圆,有时却只露出一小半张脸,有时夜空笼罩着沉沉暮霭,有时天空很清楚,却什么也没有,只有城市映照的黄晕的灯光。


1 . 挥动激情,放飞梦想,团结拼搏,树我雄风

2 . 傲视群雄

3 . Homework failed to load, please have a school holiday again

4 . 想哭时就去跑步吧,或者去兜风也不错。

5 . 看我六班,影子飒爽,奋勇拼搏,展现自我

6 . 强班强校,校荣我荣

7 . 四十四天气真好,其实太阳下跑步并不美好……新装备,新起点,happy……加油,目标体重……时间期限:半年。可行不?

8 . 喜欢才能放肆的去跑,但懒,就是要克制。跑步虽易,坚持不易,且跑且珍惜。

9 . 砰”的一声枪响,起跑线像一条绷紧了的弓弦,瞬间射出了六支“彩色的箭”。

10 . 跑步是克服慵懒的良药。它使我忘记年龄,甚至忘记一个退休老人的身份每天早晨,当我跑步进入公园,沐浴在鸟语与清风之中,我总是感到莫名的亢奋。有时我甚至想,我每天都来为新一轮太阳的升起而歌唱,而舞蹈,而奔走呼号,这座城市或许因为我而更加亮丽,更加生动,我是多么地自豪!


1 . 八班一出,谁与争锋,横扫赛场,唯我称雄

2 . During the holiday, fever will stick to the Internet, and sneezing in class will be considered terminal cancer

3 . Summer vacation is coming, have fun in the sun, according to the time for you, put the happiness in the breeze, blow out best for you and the lucky into text messages, send blessings to you, summer vacation is coming, wish you a happy holiday, by the cool and refreshing

4 . came to the summer vacation, happy to learn to remain on hold, don&#;t be lazy, learning attitude, can&#;t be too light, trouble kicked in, regardless of pressure, keep happy, happy every day, wish friends, good luck to tie up, happy to accompany, happy holidays, never!

5 . 三十六受团长的刺激,不在跑步中偷懒,于是将k的配速锁在min。结果还不错,可惜未能在小时内跑完。不过最重要的是播放器没电了,不然踏着旋律,乘着轻风,望着月空才是跑步中的乐趣。最后,app的记录仅供参考。

6 . 四十一清透~跑步的好天气。

7 . 与时俱进,奋力拼搏,齐心协力,争创一流

8 . 十九这个天跑步可能!真的!不是!很热!吧!

9 . 励精图治,奋发向上,努力拼搏,永不言弃

10 . I don&#;t want to go to school because the holidays are boring Just as I love you, I don&#;t want to let go


1 . 有时去跑跑步。喜欢跑步,喜欢倾听耳边的啾啾虫鸣;喜欢耳边的习习凉风;喜欢思想的天马行空;喜欢跑步时的大汗淋漓;喜欢肆意自由而急促的呼吸;喜欢冲刺时的感觉和喜悦。

2 . 十五当脚在地狱时,心才在天堂;

3 . The meaning of the holiday is, a morning that can&#;t afford to say, a night that says not to sleep, and a day to say not to go out

4 . 不要把跑步当作是“很特别的事”,而是要把它看成是“生活的一部份”,让身体去习惯它是很重要的。

5 . 六冲凉吃早餐然后补眠,下午继续浪!下午要么钓鱼要么打球要么跑步要么……随意。

6 . " put down your burden, take off your tiredness, sweep away all your troubles, relax your mood, cheer up your spirit, open your heart, and give my regards to you, please don&#;t forget May you be healthy and happy during the summer holidays"

7 . 但求日积月累,收获于细微;不要左顾右盼,专注于自我。

8 . 十四一大早三件喜事。熊哥又滚下床了。粉饼碎了。白裙子脏了。躺在床上的时候星巴克还没开,差点想下去跑步了。很多事情我真的无所谓,我也没空玻璃心,可好坏我还是懂的。

9 . 细节决定成败,态度决定高度。

10 . 做一个幸福的人,读书跑步努力工作,关心身体和保持好心情,成为最好的自己。




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