
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-24 02:38:36


1 . 但得夕阳无限好,何须惆怅近黄昏,愿你拥有一个美好快乐的节日!秋风徐徐,重阳九九,蒸上九重的粟糕,备好香醇的菊酒,等着与你分享。

2 . , the beginning of the new year, a viral pneumonia has put the people of the whole country into a dilemma Looking at so many peoples lives in my heart Behind every independent individual is a warm family I cant imagine how heavy a blow it is to their families May the virus come to an end as soon as possible, and good people will live a safe life

3 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give virus opportunity

4 . At this moment: I wish that China, which has experienced many vicissitudes, wish that our nation, which has suffered a lot, can get rid of the epidemic situation as soon as possible, as soon as possible, once again, run freely on the earth, shuttle safely among the crowd, and strive safely in the years

5 . I fold用于玩扑克时。

6 . I cant help it当带有can时,help表示“避开”“抑制”“控制”,所以I cant help it表示“不得不这样做”“无法回避”。

7 . We should always remember the most beautiful moment and pay tribute to the angel in white who fought in the front line I hope you can overcome the virus as soon as possible and come back safely! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!

8 . 远也好,近也好,牵挂就好;平淡也好,富贵也好,健康就好;电话也好,信息也好,随着祝福,你幸福就好。祝你重阳节快乐!

9 . 人性最可怜的就是:我们总是幻想着天边的一座巧妙的玫瑰园,

10 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom


1 . 成功包含着黄连与蜂蜜,黄连在成功前吞咽,蜂蜜在成功后品尝。

2 . 把思念托付给秋风,把关怀写满片片枫叶,把祝愿化作空气,把真心融入阳光,在重阳节的日子里祝你开心。

3 . 空气中弥漫着欢乐,树梢上飘落着祝福,重阳的温馨在招手,节日的激情在喷薄。我愿化作清风阳光白云,给你载来如意健康财富。重阳节快乐!

4 . 一起呼叫,没有烦恼。

5 . The game is canceled because of the rain (因为下雨所以比赛取消了。

6 . If you eat less, your family will not fade

7 . The wonderful life of people lies in the process of pursuing their dreams Without demanding other peoples disappointments or likes

8 . 重阳登高有三益,一益心理保健,秋日景致天高云淡,令人心旷神怡;二益增强体质,有氧运动益气养血;三益身体疗养,负氧离子天然氧吧。登山愉快!

9 . When spring flowers bloom and the epidemic is over, we will go to see you!

10 . 朋友请细心呵护,耐心调养,不要让岁月风干我们的灵魂,要让雨露把生活滋润的与鲜花一起怒放。祝生日快乐,万事如意!


1 . 愿您精神焕发,勇往无前,心情妙妙。

2 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

3 . 事事顺心,天天开心。

4 . 秋来农人忙收获,稻花香里说丰年,重阳佳节登高忙,桂花香来菊花黄,长空大雁一行行,更有美酒伴身旁,九九归一齐祝愿,愿你生活永安康。

5 . 重阳佳节不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐唱伴你,好运和你不分离,还有让我告诉你,财神已经跟随你,钞票珠宝都给你,幸福人生属于你!中秋快乐!

6 . 重阳过后,西风渐紧,庭树叶纷纷。朱阑向晓,芙蓉妖艳,特地斗芳新。霜前月下,斜红淡蕊,明媚欲回春。莫将琼萼等闲分,留赠意中人。

7 . 总有些事无法忘掉,总有些人在身边萦绕;相逢是那样奇妙,生活是那么美好;工作固然重要,心情也要调好;偶尔发个祝福短信,算是给你重阳问好!

8 . , we are great because of our dreams All the winners are dreamers We dream of the future in the winter night, beside the fire, in the cloudy rain, in the fog Some people let the dream quietly extinction, some people are careful cultivation and maintenance, until it survive and usher in a bright light and hope and hope, and always comes to those who believe that the dream will be come true people

9 . 祝姐姐妹妹快乐无极限,幸福永绵延。生日快乐!

10 . 今天是重阳佳节,祝天下所有的老人身体健康,吉祥如意!自古有重阳赏菊的风俗,因此我特意订了一束菊花送给你!请你去你家最近的花店去拿,嘿嘿!


1 . 我的努力求学没有得到别的好处,只不过是愈来愈发觉自己的无知。

2 . 慈母温柔,宜家受福。

3 . sometimes, chasing the dream of people, than grasp the dream of the people to play more strength ah!

4 . 九九重阳到,祝福跑不了,送一缕秋风给你,愿它拂去你所有的不如意;送一杯菊花茶给你,愿它冲走你所有的烦恼火气;送一枝茱萸给你,愿它带走你所有的倒霉气;送一条短信给你,愿它带给你欢喜。重阳节快乐!

5 . 没有财富但拥有幸福,缺了浪漫但相互关爱,少了相聚却多了牵挂,即使相隔遥远依然深切挂念。重阳节到了,送去最真的问候,愿您合家幸福安康!

6 . 朋友,今天是你的生日,收到了祝福,友谊常在。

7 . Wait for the spring, the epidemic is over, see the spring flowers bloom!

8 . 福如东海寿比南山。

9 . 九九重阳来,短信送关怀;携一缕秋风,拂去秋日的忧愁;斟一杯菊酒,品味节日的浓厚;佩一支茱萸,除去生活的晦气;发一条信息,带去重阳的惊喜!

10 . 愿你如阳光,明媚不忧伤。


1 . 送你一份温馨,两份问候,三份美好,四份懵懂,五份高贵,六份前程,七份典雅,八份柔情,九份财运,十份真诚。十七岁生日快乐,幸福安康。

2 . Thats the way it goes (没办法呀。毫无线索。

4 . 学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。

5 . 龙门精神,百业兴旺。

6 . Im throwing in the towel throw in the towel原是拳击用语,日常会话时常用来表示“认输”。

7 . 重阳佳节到了,俺用“九阳神功”,炼成祝福短信,凭着“九阴真经”,溶入我的手机,拿出“九五之尊”内力,通过电波传到你的手机,祝你健康长“九”!

8 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible

9 . 漂泊是一种乡愁,闲赋时偶尔发作;祝福是一剂良方,佳节时如期而至。重阳至,问候到:一声问长辈福气安康,两句祝同辈万事吉祥,三言愿后辈学有所长!

10 . 九九重阳望秋空,金菊红叶染秋风。秋思秋情缘秋起,举杯邀月秋正浓。祝重阳节快乐!


1 . only when you put all the unimportant things down, will you go all out to pursue your dream!

2 . 太平有象,幸福无疆。

3 . 莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。(不为失败找理由,要为成功找方式

4 . It was fate (这就是命运呀!

5 . 能懂得别人心机动动的人永远不必为自己的前程担忧。

6 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

7 . 秋凉,菊黄,茱萸叶长,又到重阳;云归,雨飞,千山万水,思念相随;叶落,萧索,关山漠漠,情意如昨;鸿雁,翩跹,划过眼帘,留在心间;登高,远眺,敞开怀抱,驱走烦恼;祝福,幸福,收纳百福,一生有福;朋友,长久,遥送问候,愿你无忧!

8 . Its impossible总比没有强。

9 . , accident and tomorrow do not know which comes first No crisis is the biggest crisis, to meet the status quo is the biggest trap

10 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan


1 . 我在时间的字典解释快乐,就是微笑,我在故事的百度搜索幸福,就是健康,今天是你生日,祝你微笑常在,健康永驻,亲爱的,生日快乐。

2 . 索句渝州叶正黄,重阳恰逢双九日,山城风光无限好,火锅面前饮菊酒,登高活动不能少,放眼重庆望夜景,祝福信息发一条,愿君重九过的好!

3 . 重阳节到了,也没啥好送你的,就送你一束菊花吧。可别小看它,你可以用它酿成菊花酒,饮后无忧愁;还可制成菊花糕,吃后乐逍遥。重阳节快乐!

4 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus

5 . 万水千山,情深不断。祝你好运,天天如意。生日快乐!

6 . Fat chance

7 . No way (根本不可能。否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。毫无办法。

8 . 黄菊绮风村酒醇,紫门临水稻花香!天高气爽,人寿花香!重阳节快乐!

9 . 愿你生日尽开颜,生活天天都新鲜。

10 . How did you meet? (你们怎么认识的?


1 . 特别的日子,特别的祝福,送给生日的你。

2 . Hope the inflection point appears as soon as possible, miss the crowded city, refuel China!

3 . 蓝天作信封,白云作信纸,流星是我的特快专递。送你清风让你心旷神怡,送你细雨洗去你疲惫的汗迹,送你彩虹通向梦想之旅,祝你重阳节快乐!

4 . 愿你成长,愿你落落大方,枯木逢春,不负众望。

5 . 生日快乐,幸福陪伴。

6 . 重阳节到了,看在我这个这么“重”量级人物在这个“阳”光灿烂的节日里给你祝福问候的份上,你怎么得也该高兴快乐吧!重阳节快乐哦!

7 . It was meant to be

8 . 生日在今朝,快乐随心要。

9 . 重阳佳节,一心一意想着你,对你的思念,久久不能忘记。两心相映不分离,三生有幸爱上你,祝你福寿无疆,越活越精神,越活越年轻,越活越健康!

10 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!


1 . Please reduce to crowded places

2 . 喝一杯菊花美酒,和友人感受余韵醇香;品一盏重阳糕点,回忆和亲人在一起的丝丝情谊;插一株美丽的茱萸,登上高峰遥望岁月里的浓情,重阳佳节,愿风携去我的祝愿和思念,伴你开心快乐,欢畅团圆。

3 . Well, its better than nothing (可总比没有强吧。这就是命运呀!

4 . Its done with这可难倒了我。/不知道。

5 . 做自己的盖世英雄,做自己的小公举。

6 . 本领小九天揽月,成就必九战九胜,事业遍九行八业,爱情是九九归真,幸运如九星连珠,快乐翔九州四海,忧愁似九牛一毛,祝福在九九重阳!

7 . your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep

8 . 重阳佳节,别说我不尊老爱幼,好歹我也花了巨资一角发短信给你,表明我心里有你真诚尊敬你人前拥护你人后支持你一生朋友交定你!祝节日快乐!

9 . 生日吃碗长寿面,好运连连不间断。

10 . 每一奋发尽力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。




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