
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 22:08:03


1 . 你若军训,便是晴天;你若放假,便是雨天;你若发奋写作业,便是开学前一天。

2 . 一分一秒,刻着xx年奋斗的激情,一时一刻,写着xx年坚持的热情,一月一日,流着xx年离去的温情,一年一季,怀着xx年进取的信心,愿你xx年的自信改变你的一生!

3 . 相信自己,相信伙伴。

4 . , the school starts, says goodbye to the summer vacation, goes back to school; To gather the idle body and mind, to be positive; Step on the track of study and go forward Push your wings and try harder I hope you have a smooth and successful school year!

5 . 其实放假就是换个地方写作业而已。

6 . 新单续保并肩上,全力冲刺创辉煌。

7 . .当你孤独时,风儿就是我的歌声,愿它能使你得到片刻的安慰;当你骄傲时,雨点就是我的警钟,愿它能使你获得永恒的谦逊

8 . .一丝丝情谊,共度四年……一点点想念,情浅缠绵……

9 . .希望我们能坚持这一年,然后毕业光明正大的在一起。

10 . 五四运动为什么爆发?因为五一放假只有三天。


1 . 昨天同学问我写作业没,我说,才放假几天啊,写什么作业,一看,快开学了。

2 . .毕业了,话题不再是八卦,学习,换成了工作,前途与结婚。

4 . 年末了,把心情开朗些,真情就不会拥挤,把欢笑传染下,思念就不会生病,把生活调理下,感情就不会孤立,把祝福注射下,友情才有新生,xx愿你活出人生精彩!

5 . 辛苦一年,我们创造佳绩,努力一年,我们成就奇迹,来年更需积极,努力团结一起,全员一起奋斗,公司创新天地,愿你身体健康,万事如意,合家快乐,幸福甜蜜。

6 . 寒假放假了。

7 . 那是我们越来越迷茫的道路,踏在我们前途未卜的未来,我还在想着你曾经对我说过的话,视线慢慢覆盖了那些曾经,飞鸟开始慢慢歌唱,潮水慢慢漫过了忧伤,没有出声,到了终场。

8 . .毕业了,不再为作业,烦恼了,可却要面临更加艰巨的挑战。

9 . 花开花谢,此消彼长,云卷云舒,又是一年。愿时间更替带给你漂亮心情,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。祝你新年快乐!快乐每一天!

10 . 争取转介绍,举绩两不误。


1 . Every day is a new beginning From this day forward, try not to make up for it tomorrow The river of time, what we do every thing, all like to sprinkle seeds and under the moist of the time, those seeds slowly take root, sprout, smoke, flowering, finally produce the fruit of their own

2 . 年最后一个月第一天,这个月被水逆笼罩着,希望一切平平安安

3 . .三年,在人生的旅程中不过是短短的一段么雷人的,同桌三载,却一生难以忘怀。你是我记忆中的一粒珍珠,心的天幕上的一颗明星。

4 . 是谁说过,花开花落终有时,夏天里无数开放的花,冬天里迎风而过的悲伤。我们走过了千上万水,才能到达心里的那个彼岸;我们经过了无数风雨,才能来到彼岸的那个终点,最后,所有的瞬间化为了虚无。

5 . 我对放假的概念就是,我的充电器从来没闲过。

6 . .真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含泪奔跑的人。

7 . 重任在肩,埋头苦干。

8 . 每一个日出,总想带去希望的问候:让每天的空气都是清新让每天的心情都是舒展让每天的收获都是充实,早安!

9 . 破釜沉舟搏他个日出日落,背水一战拼他个无怨无悔。

10 . .三年光阴,匆匆而过,如梦的年纪,弥漫着串串欢声笑语,不要挥手叹息,觉得繁花尽去,鼓足勇气,不要忘了互递惊喜的消息。


1 . .毕业了,也许还会怀念寝室卧谈会那轻松,愉悦的感觉。

2 . The scenery of golden autumn is pleasant and the beginning of September is beautiful Happy companions meet together, singing in the heart of joyful songs The flowers of knowledge are fragrant, and the happiness of the classroom shines School day is here May you be happy

3 . Start school, step on the fertile soil of knowledge, and draw on it; Set foot on the ark of learning; Open the antennae of wisdom and explore Go to school and study hard Wish you good luck in the New Year!

4 . 有来路没退路,有退路是绝路。

5 . .缘份是一根线,架起我们相遇的桥,划开我们别离的界;情谊是一坛酒,天南地北共饮心不醉,他日相见举杯终有时。

6 . The classroom is clean and tidy, and the students are in high spirits The teacher&#;s speech classic, the study plan perfect Work hard at the top of each department, and strive to learn well School starts, wish students: good study day every day!

7 . 年末来了,事情也多了!总结一年的经验,续写明年的计划!亲爱的朋友们,要注意身体,要开开心心的工作,健健康康的生活,舒舒服服的过年!

8 . School starts! The school! On the back of the bag towards the campus, that is happy and happy home Friends see you always smile, together play happy play, the teacher for you to care for you, help you to pick up the knowledge of the spray May you meet the beautiful dawn, happy to enter the school!

9 . .青春的脚印留在校园的小路上,笑语欢歌留在花坛的馨香中……

10 . Start the school year To restrain the lazy heart and make progress; The tension of the string, the rise; Open the door of knowledge and learn from it May you learn and progress!


1 . 吃苦受累,视死如归!

2 . .懵懂的青春留给那些苍白奋斗的日子只为期待有个美好未来。

3 . 抓住机遇,确保霸主地位;与狼共舞,彰显英雄本色!

4 . 年少时你扬言要饮遍天下千种烈酒年老时你慨叹白开水原来最长情。

5 . 他日重逢,再展笑颜。

6 . Color flags flutter and sing, students meet with each other Hello to the sound of the sound side, set a high school Early and late return to happiness long, knowledge ocean to roam Cherish the youth good time, for the country to be a pillar of the people I wish you success and success!

7 . , the holiday is coming to an end, the school term is in sight Adjust the state of mind, change the schedule Set big dreams and stay determined The diligent climbs the book mountain, the happiness drifts to study the sea In the end, you will achieve your dream School day is here May you be happy

8 . , the first day arrived, wish you with a cool breeze, bring a relaxed mood, walked into the campus, turn over the books of knowledge, light smell the fragrance of wisdom, thinking the strings, dancing play the melody of growth May you succeed in your studies

9 . The summer vacation is really enjoyable, and I don&#;t think it&#;s time to start again Collect good things to take back the mind, and the students report together to study together Make a study plan, and learn all the courses for the college entrance exam School starts to let us dream together

10 . 传说北极星是永远指向北方,可是我却怎么也看不到那一颗明亮的星球,指不到我要去的方向。传说南回归线是在世界的另一边,可是那一条线没有规划明确,引不回那些回家的路途,南光为辕,辕辙南北。


1 . .林荫下我们留下过足迹,食堂里我们大快朵颐,自习室里的身影依然清晰,图书馆内弥漫着我们的气息。毕业了,记忆仍然萦绕在脑海里,期待着他年我们再相聚。

2 . 夏天的夜空那么完美,谁的奋斗还没入睡,起起伏伏海在依偎,缠缠绵绵风在追随,每一颗年轻的心都跳的有力,每一个真诚的梦都照进现实,朋友,加油。

3 . 寒假意味天星期小时分钟秒看不到你。

4 . 放假靠祖宗,停课靠台风。

5 . , sending out the rich fragrance of books, classroom embodies the happy notes, class to the clever philosophizing, campus pervaded the youth breath, first day arrived, you would like to say goodbye to the holidays, the sails

6 . 三八节期间,全国女性放假一天,全国男性加班一天。

7 . 爱你,却要无欲无求,好难!爱你,却要偷偷摸摸,好累!爱你,却让自己心碎,好惨!但这一切竟然心甘情愿,好傻!

8 . 年的最后一个月,真的没有去想太多。唯一想的就是这个月的业绩啊。好好努力努力在努力,不能在嘻嘻哈哈了。不然真的要吃土了。自己不努力,成功只会越来越远

9 . 放假的时候发烧都会坚持上网,上课的时候打个喷嚏都会觉得是癌症晚期。

10 . 寒假是我蓝颜,寒假是我红颜,作业你为何来做我们之间的电灯泡。




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