
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-17 12:53:00


1 . B No, I’ll be all right Thanks for your help

2 . Iworkthreejobsandfinallycanmakeendsmeet

3 . B:Certainly

4 . aWhat’s the weather like today?

5 . 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是引导定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是人,而关系代词又在定语从句中作主语,所以只有who合适。

6 . What can I do for you?

7 . themanager’soffice

8 . 不耻不若人,何若人有?

9 . What time is it?

10 . 自笑堂堂汉使,得似洋洋河水,依旧只流东


1 . ② 与汉语不同的是,英语一般疑问句否定结构的答语是否定还是肯定,全由答语的否定或肯定来决定。若答语是肯定的,则用yes加肯定结构;若答语是否定的,则用no加否定结构。

2 . Sorry,he’sjuststeppedout

3 . Youshouldforgiveagreenhandlikehim

4 . 问时间或日期和应答 Asking the time or date and responses

5 . 【中考范例】

6 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

7 . A Oh, yes, please His number is in the phone book

8 . I’msorryI’venoidea

9 . W: I used to eat dumplings, but now I’m used to eating bread and milk

10 . bTake this medicine three times a day


1 . 做这类题目的思路和方法归纳起来有以下九点:

2 . a racketing increase open one’s arm to embrace ……

3 . Q: What does the lady now eat for breakfast?

4 . 首先要充分利用好英语老师在课堂上的语言。一般的英语老师在英语课堂上

5 . A From : to : B Five hours C At :?

6 . ① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n&#;t,则须将-n&#;t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。

7 . B Sure You can take the No bus

8 . I’ve got a cough

9 . ThisisDajiangFoodStoreMayIhelpyou?

10 . M: Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?


1 . 其进锐者,其退速。

2 . B:Whattimedoyouexpecthimbackthen?

3 . I’msosorrythatIhavestoodyouupyesterdayIhavetoworklate

4 . A:GoodmorningMarketingDepartmentCanIhelpyou?

5 . M: It’s a quarter to eight Let’s hurry

6 . C This is Tom Smith D Tom Smith’s me

7 . 表示可能性。

8 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple?

9 . MayIknowwhoisthisspeaking?

10 . bFine, thank you, And you?


1 . Of course (you may

2 . When did she arrive here last time? 她上次是什么时候到这儿的?(副词前省略介词)

3 . 【考点扫描】

4 . All these five books are mine这五本书都是我的。(修饰可数名词)

5 . 表示同意和不同意 Expressing agreement and disagreement

6 . 一 定语从句的功用和结构

7 . ()half, the rest等表示不定数量的名词作主语时,如果所指为复数意义,动词用复数;如果所指为单数意义,动词用单数。例如:

8 . ---Hello May I speak to Tom Smith?

9 . The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well

10 . I’msorryIwon’tstandyouupagainYouhavemyword


1 . 有不虞之誉,有求全之毁。

2 . 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空

3 . What colour/size/kind do you want?

4 . --不用了,谢谢,我待会再打

5 . send/ send for

6 . Turn the box over, please Can’t you see the words “________”?

7 . He/She isn’t here right now

8 . aThank you (very much

9 . 抓关键词:无论谈话的主题是什麽,总会涉及到这类主题的专门用语。抓住这个关键词,谈话地点,人物关系就好确定了。

10 . I often hear from him 我经常收到他的来信。


1 . bYes, that’s all right

2 . CouldIspeaktoMrJohnson,please?

3 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives

4 . A Sure B Certainly not C Thanks?

5 . 该题中的女士问的是下雨的事,男士回答的也是下雨的事。他们谈论的话题当然是天气。答案为A。

6 . an air man

7 . CanIplease?

8 . (年吉林市中考试题

9 . 不必麻烦了。我等会再打过来。

10 . 贤者在位,能者在职。




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