
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-05-29 06:22:37


1 . ()几朵淡淡的白云在天上徘徊。

2 . 例:这些信件和报纸给千家万户带来了希望欢乐和温暖。

3 . 改变词序,意思保持不变。

4 . ( The dog went out while we __ supper A had B had had C were having D would have

5 . ( -- Could you tell me ____?-- She is a student in Eton School

6 . ()狗熊身上脏得发臭,房间乱七八糟。

7 . 我们不应当不参加集体活动。__________________________________

8 . 王宁说:我要像李永勤那样关心集体。__________________________

9 . ⑥蝙蝠据此判定目标及其距离:是食物,捕食之;是障碍,躲避之。

10 . I ______ here since I came to China Alived Bhave lived Cam living D had living


1 . 在兄弟部队的配合下,我们取得了那次阻击战的胜利。

2 . AIf she comes BIf she will come CIf she doesn’t come DIf she didn’t come

3 . 你应该相信我。_______________________________________________

4 . ①管理②治理③昨天④推测⑤汉语⑥应该⑦清楚⑧宽阔⑨减少⑩懒惰

5 . Is this the place _______ your father once lived I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League

6 . 都是你自己找的,我怎么帮得了你的忙?

7 . ()袁隆平视为生命的四分田地,在一个星期天的早晨,还是被那些造反派扫荡一空。

8 . C分析成分巩固胜利战胜敌人散发香气

9 . )I was watching TV ____ you called me last night Awhen Bwhile Cuntil Dafter

10 . I will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college


1 . A 不填 B whom C whose D who

2 . ②蝙蝠何来这种如此高明的夜视术呢?

3 . Cedges

4 . ④超声波遇到物体后背反射回来,又蝙蝠的耳朵接收。

5 . A what man looks like B what will man look like C man will look like what D what man will look like

6 . 由于兄弟部队的配合,我们取得了那次阻击战的胜利。

7 . ()写文章是交流思想传播经验的一种方法。

8 . 那些来南京的客人都很热情。________________。

9 . ( Write clearly __your teacher can understand you correctly Asince Bfor Cbecause Dso that

10 . B which way can I choose C how do I deal with my English D what’s wrong with my English


1 . 小河流过原野。__________________________________________________

2 . Do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to Peter? ---Yes He is Peter’s friend They are celebrating his ____ birthday A who, ninth B that, nineth C /, nineth D which, ninth

3 . ()地上躺着一个人,熊走到那个人身边。

4 . ()春天来了,我们和老师一起在校园种下了蓖麻籽。

5 . ()十来天过去了,幼芽变成了嫩叶,形状像一个个巴掌绿的可爱。

6 . ()他连忙回头,不好意思地拾起刚才看到的那一团白纸。

7 . 例6:他很急。他急得一时说不出话来。

8 . ()徐悲鸿以愤激的感情,用两年的时间,创作了巨幅油画《奚我后》。

9 . Awhy she left Bdid she leave Cwhy had she left Dwhy she leave

10 . ()这是虽在北方风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树。


1 . A if Bas C unless D when

2 . A What Lily was B What was Lily C Where Lily was D Where was Lily

3 . ()他想,这是谁丢的,真不讲卫生。

4 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

5 . 遇到困难,我们共产党员怎么能退缩呢?

6 . A whom B which C who D whose

7 . ()我在寒假中读“五角丛书”《开发人的右半脑》时,了解这一学习方法,觉得很好。

8 . ()眼看劳动的汗水变成饱满的果实,我们心里乐开了花。

9 . ( The book__is sold out at the moment Ayou need Bwhat you need Cwhich you need it D that you need it

10 . ()他觉得奇怪,鱼一向是生活在江河湖海里的。这里既没有江河,也没有湖海,哪来的鱼呢?


1 . 年,清政府把詹天佑任命为总工程师。________________________________________

2 . ()在这样的年月里,我家通年没吃过白米。

3 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

4 . ( I was about to leave my house __ the telephone rang Awhile B as C when D since

5 . Would you give Johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week

6 . ( The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher A what B whose C whom D which

7 . 柳条拂过水面。__________________________________________________

8 . ()这是什么地方?这是我可爱的家乡。

9 . ()于勒叔叔把自己应得的部分遗产吃的一干二净之后,还大大占用我父亲应得的那一部分。

10 . A how they were excited B how excited they were C how excited were they D they were how excited


1 . 3十七孔桥把湖岸和湖中心的岛连接起来。

2 . 红四团的战士必须抢在敌人前面赶到泸定桥。

3 . .I can&#;t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

4 . ()赵州桥的设计完全合乎科学原理。

5 . ()理想中的女儿应该是个淑女。

6 . ③正是抵抗各种政治灰尘和政治微生物侵蚀我们同志的思想和我们党的肌体的唯一有效的方法。

7 . ()慢慢地开出了小花,还有淡淡的红色花柱。

8 . )Have you found the book ________I paid dollars?

9 . )You can go skating after you ____Afinish the job Bfinished the job Cfinishing the job

10 . Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A who B what C that D whom


1 . ( –Do you know _______ the Capital Museum? –Next Friday

2 . ()按惯例他取得了给小行星命名的权利。

3 . 例:这恰好表明有数不尽的骆驼。

4 . D这个句子的主语是“十几年来”,谓语是“延安机场送行的情景常常出现在眼前”。

5 . 例:夜空的繁星,仿佛碧波上撒满的宝石。

6 . ()为了绿化,美化校园,学校买来了不少小树苗。

7 . ( ____ have finished the work can leave A Those who B Anyone C The one who

8 . 猫的性格实在有些古怪。__________________。

9 . ___________________________________________________________________________

10 . .Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?A.what B.how C.whether D.where




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