
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-09 00:34:58


1 . Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class

2 . 如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。

3 . 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!

4 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣?

5 . I wish you both the best of luck and, ever-increasing happiness as theyears go by

6 . Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older

7 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

8 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

9 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼

10 . Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season


1 . Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all thegood things

2 . Don&#;t wait for pain, to believe in prayer

3 . We&#;ll be here after the new year

4 . May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do

5 . 祝你幸福,愿你快乐,庆祝今天你来到这个世上。在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴!

6 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

7 . cut up 切碎;使…难过

8 . Mr Smith:I wonder why he is chosen to be the groomsman and why Mary doesn’t marry him, since he’s much more attractive。

9 . 我们上数学和科学课。Wehavemathandscience

10 . With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season Hope thingsare going all right with you


1 . My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union!

2 . 人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。

3 . 我如此幸运能拥有你,你使我成为勇敢又快乐的人。

4 . 不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回。

5 . 我喜欢苹果它们甜甜的IlikeapplesTheyaresweet

6 . 从来没有一个人像你这样爱我,谢谢你!

7 . May every happiness be yours on this wedding dayLet an old friend of yourssend her love and congratulations to you and the groom

8 . 他非常英俊。

9 . 我喜欢水果但是我不喜欢葡萄它们酸酸的。IlikefruitsButIdon’tlikegrapesThey’resour

10 . 玛丽穿着婚纱真漂亮。让我想起我当新娘的那一刻。


1 . 可以一个人唱歌,一个人喝咖啡,一个人涂鸦,一个人旅行,一个人逛大街,一个人在雨中漫步,一个人听音乐,一个人自言自语,一个人发呆,一个人跳舞,一个人看电视,一个人翻杂志只有爱,是自己一个人做不到的。

2 . 我丈夫和我一同祝愿你俩美满幸福,白头偕老。

3 . Mrs Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。

4 . I wish you lots of happiness

5 . 婚礼上常用到的`英语句子:

6 . How can I be so to have you in my life You&#;ve made me a strong and happy person

7 . 只要我们将彼此放在心中,我们的爱就永不分离。

8 . 谨向你们即将到来的幸福结合致以衷心的祝贺。

9 . We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life canbring

10 . 愿你俩福星高照,幸福与日俱增。


1 . 和你共渡余生,比任何一件事都重要!

2 . Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year万事如意,合家平安。

3 . bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

4 . A merry Chistmas from all of your students

5 . A happy New Year to you祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

6 . Hope all your New Year dreams come true!愿你所有的新年想都成真!

7 . 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

8 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

9 . 热烈祝贺你的生日,愿生日中最美好的一切属于你!

10 . 希望我是第一个向你道“生日快乐”的朋友,愿这一年中快乐成功!


1 . 所谓练习微笑,不是机械地挪动你的面部表情,而是努力地改变你的心态,调节你的心情。学会平静地接受现实,学会对自己说声顺其自然,学会坦然地面对厄运,学会积极地看待人生,学会凡事都往好处想。这样,阳光就会流进心里来,驱走恐惧,驱走黑暗,驱走所有

2 . wind up 上紧(钟表)发条;使紧张;兴奋;结束

3 . The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman&#;s heart

4 . Don&#;t wait for the fall, to remember the advice

5 . New Year time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

6 . 听到你们结婚的消息,我们感到万分高兴。向你们祝贺,并希望你们的共同生活无比欢乐,无比幸福。

7 . Mrs Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t help bursting into tears at a wedding。

8 . 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的日子锦上添花!

9 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer

10 . 有时候,夜深人静,突然觉得不是睡不着,而是固执地不想睡。


1 . A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!

2 . go up 上升;涨价;修建;增长

3 . I take great pleasure in sending here with a little wedding present incelebration Of the happy event

4 . Best of luck in the year to come愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

5 . I love you Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me

6 . Wishing you a wonderful birthday You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too

7 . put up 举起;盖起;支起;张贴;投宿

8 .

9 . 我不明白为什么他被选来做伴郎。既然他更有魅力,为什么玛丽不和他结婚。

10 . I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。


1 . My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year

2 . hold up 举起;竖起;支撑;使停顿;使延误

3 . Mr Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world What is the bridesmaid’s name?

4 . Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。

5 . give up 放弃;把…送交;使埋头于…

6 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

7 . The news of your recent marriage having reached me,I beg to offer my mostsincere congratulations

8 . 你见,或者不见我,我就在那里,不悲不喜;你念,或者不念我,情就在那里,不来不去;你爱,或者不爱我,爱就在那里,不增不减;你跟,或者不跟我,我的手就在你的手里,不舍不弃。------来我的怀里,或者让我住进你的心里,默然相爱,寂静欢喜。

9 . Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose

10 . 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。




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