
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-11 12:46:38


1 . Life was like a box of chocolates You never know what you’re gonna get!生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。经典语句

2 . Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences No good is ever done in this world by hesitation下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不決成就不了任何事。

3 . 只是又回到一个人的时候,没有什么大不了。

4 . A man can fail many times,

5 . 万般故事,不过情伤;易水人去,明月如霜。

6 . 一起走过的岁月里,因为有了感动才会变得更加迷人。

7 . Genius only means hard-working all one&#;s life

8 . 一个人既自傲又胆怯,将永远一事无成。

9 . ——出自Jung 荣格

10 . but the chalice of opportunity


1 . 人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

2 . 满天星花语是思念清纯梦境真心喜欢。

3 . Too many words in the throat swallow, still speechless

4 . 但是我们航程可凭借它指引。

5 . Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow

6 . Kiss is a poem in love life

7 . Love is devoting himself to the whole body into, and then withdraw back a hundred thousand turn out

8 . Life in the world, there are always unsatisfactory, so occasionally some waves are unavoidable, occasionally some bumps do not care too much But many times, our troubles come from the calculation of the gains and losses, the choice of love and hatred, and the entanglement of entering or returning For a long time, such trouble has become the cruelest reality and the biggest obstacle in our life If we can learn to understand, learn to put down, will not have so much trouble Only frankly, can let the person change leisurely, can the heart push the heart to the sunshine, can let the heart smile to warm

9 . Nothing is impossible for a willing heart心之所愿,无所不成。

10 . 你又不是我的美瞳,干嘛要把你放在眼里去。


1 . May the paper, like me, find something to soothe yourself at some time in a meeting; if you are not flat at the moment, wait a minute, I&#;ll cook a bowl of soup for you No time, just drink Maybe, it&#;s not good

2 . 一生总会爱那么几个人,到最后陪在身边的只有一个。

3 . 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。

4 . Maybe you should stop liking him You&#;re only hurting yourself或许,你不应该再喜欢他了,你只是在伤害你自己。

5 . 长街长,烟花繁,你挑灯回看。

6 . 一个人可以失败多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。

7 . The bus stopped the operation because of the heavy snow, want to travel, the station entrance only or several van is said to be carpool to go out This big snow is also driving, are all hard people, in order to make money, is very hard But had to choose one or two, and several other strangers into a car The high price is almost four times more than usual, but it has to take a ride because of the emergency A car sat a total of five people, there is an empty seat, but fortunately the way to a person, this person is very bad, the driver told the people in the car, he said I received more than sixty yuan, don&#;t say It&#;s strange that all of our ends are the same The last person, regardless of how they all know the price, really doesn&#;t understand the idea of a taxi driver The driver said he owed a lot of money to repair the house, lost good faith, can you really walk a long way?

8 . Life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower

9 . No matter how much you hate your school, when you leave for a long time, you still miss it

10 . 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。


1 . 吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

2 . I miss our time, but it all became the past

3 . God helps those who help themselves天助自助者。

4 . Spring flower autumn leaves deep smile, thick sadness, a curtain of night dream, ten in the spring

5 . ——出自John FKennedy 约翰·弗·肯尼迪

6 . 人生应该树立目标,否则您精神会白白浪费。

7 . 听见某个名字,想起某些事情,这个城市安静的让人心颤。

8 . Man&#;s highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them

9 . "When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory 如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。"

10 . ——Ibsen(挪威剧作家易卜生)


1 . A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world

2 . ——John Dewey 约翰·杜威

3 . 不要听别人怎么说你,走自己的路。

4 . ——出自Samuel Johnson(英国作家和评论家约翰逊)

5 . 不知何时,还能看到那个拥有似樱花般温柔笑容的少年。

6 . 也许你会战胜一切,但是你最终还是败在了时间的脚下。

7 . 也许生活本来就是一杯水。

8 . I&#;m not seriously young, to understand the situation, can only choose to die hard

9 . Don&#;t part with yourxxxs, When they are gone you may still exist,

10 . ——Mendeleyev(俄国化学家门捷列耶夫)


1 . You are not looking for a perfect person, but a person who is the most suitable for you

2 . The road of youth is so long, everywhere like grass like hope, so I wear a smile walking, looking for poetry and the distance I have gone, as in the song, I cross the mountains and the sea, and through the sea of people Maybe I&#;ve really gone through a lot of places, but the road is really long, the companion&#;s partner is unaware and I get lost Where is the poem in the distance? I really don&#;t see people on the road, cold silence, hurry on the road; apart from the story of warmth, more is struggling, I will sting and bloodshed, so be it, can only continue to walk In the night I gemellus alone, never stop, in fact, for I can&#;t see the road ahead, but it has been stiff legs and refuses swinging I stopped on the Lone Pine under looked at the sky, has been looking at; maybe see the stars are wrong, which way is wrong

3 . 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;

4 . 幸福是简单的呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸。

5 . 知足是人生在世最大幸事。

6 . When I need it, I can not, give me a point of view of care

7 . If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend,

8 . Graduated, the topic is no longer gossip, study, change into the work, the future and the marriage

9 . I gave you the most warm embrace, but you gave me the most painful joke

10 . Don&#;t do what you regret, do it, and do what you regret


1 . Life is often playing jokes on us What you’re expect will far away from you and you will be hurted by the person held tightly by yourself生活时常和我们开着玩笑,你期待什么,什么就会离你越远;你执着谁,就会被谁伤害得最深。

2 . 倘不互相尊敬,爱亦难久持。

3 . The snow flew, the eaves were white, the streets were white, the world was white, and my hair was white A person walking in the snow, extremely lonely, lonely even the shadow to accompany him The wind is mixed with snowflakes on the face, and the legs and feet are almost frozen The bustling city is still people coming, just slowed down by the snow At this moment, I feel that I have nothing, a big city, countless people, no one to stop for himself, no light for himself From the school, the pure paradise of the world left, came to the biggest stage, all let yourself feel so cold, even more than the swirling snow to the cold, frozen heart, blood flow almost stopped

4 . If you do not respect each other, love is difficult for a long time to hold

5 . ——出自Isadora Duncan 伊莎多拉·邓肯

6 . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想要达到的目的。

7 . Jiangnan style, Tianshui Chengbi, days to teach aspiration and body violation

8 . Business is disturbing, but idleness is the greater

9 . The boy, how are you? If you worry about the youth had Weiqiao mouth fetters We are the young, do not want to be the lead wire, bound with the tireless pursuit of the dream to have freedom, and is called the rules that really exist "cage" but the hardship we breathe, we try to get rid of, to defend, to fight, and then covered all over with cuts and bruises, fail on the verge of success No choice, let go, indulge, in the eyes of other people are free!

10 . In fact, the difficulties of life, when the difficulties encountered, we learn to face and solve the process of it, not the difficult itself As you lost a lot of money, and you lose the money, you will be very difficult in the future, but for you now, the biggest difficulty is not what you will lose after losing money, but it is hard for you to face and accept the fact that you have lost money




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