
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 04:39:50


1 . v 睡眠;蛰伏;麻木

2 . 专用货棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate

3 . 现在每个家庭都可以有双份收入,但离婚的现象越来越多了;

4 . 不要延迟任何可以给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情;

5 . What are the odds?

6 . 奶牛棚用铲斗 ladle是什么意思:

7 . 穷困的`老作家the relief of misery/poverty/suffuring

8 . Spend more time with your family and friends,eat your favorite foods,visit the places you love;

9 . 该银行大量认购公债。The broker subscribed shares

10 . We have more knowledge,but less judgment;


1 . subscribe

2 . Remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday";

3 . 合于时宜的忠告His remark was well/badly timed,ie made at a suitable/an unsuitable moment

4 . 穷困是万恶之源An elderly impoverished writer

5 . There was a wood ladle chained to the deck

6 . adj 什么样的;多么的

7 . 他慷慨地捐助慈善事业。

8 . 认股,认购,预约The bank subscribed heavily to the government loan

9 . 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。He subscribes liberally to charities

10 . We spend more,but enjoy less;


1 . The ogre jumped up from his sleep, seized his great holly club, and sprang out of doors after Jack

2 . 我们妥协更多,时间更少;

3 . int 什么;多么

4 . We have highter income,but less morals;

5 . We have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space;

6 . Search for knowledge,read more ,sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs;

7 . We have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;

8 . adj 外侧的;偏僻的

9 . 删除括号中不适用的称谓。This is particularly appropriate to niche markets

10 . 他是低年级的老师。To lower in quality or character;debase


1 . 刻花玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald

2 . sleep; slumber

3 . v 引起,惹起

4 . pref 外,超过,出,向外

5 . scoop

6 . 我的厨房里有好几个勺子。Using spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals

7 . 认购人理解其认购股份证书中将包含有如下说明。The lending nations subscribe toward its capital stock in proportion to their economic importance

8 . n 穷困,贫穷,缺乏

9 . 然而在此水平上还是有足够的余地。The worker levelled their looks at the foreman

10 . n 借口,托辞


1 . 从你的词汇库中移去所谓的“有那么一天”或者“某一天”;

2 . And you don&#;t know if it will be your last

3 . v 睡觉;为…提供床位;提供住宿

4 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

5 . 我们拥有了更多的知识,可判断力却更差了;

6 . We have more compromises,but less time;

7 . rate lower; lower in value or esteem

8 . 生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存;

9 . 为了当晚的演出,支部派了马车来接她。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb

10 . The bond drive got off to a flying start when two wealthy citizens subscribed for ten thousand dollars worth each


1 . appropriate shed

2 . 他累得睡着了。The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully

3 . 从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour

4 . 我们可以征服外太空,却征服不了我们的内心;

5 . impoverishment

6 . 我们的收入增加了,但我们的道德却少了;

7 . 成功的几率是多少?What are you smiling at?

8 . 潦倒(尤指穷困one&#;s life salted by poorness and sickness

9 . 这户人家穷困到极点。On the ragged edge

10 . 关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。out是什么意思:


1 . These are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home,but divorces increase;

2 . 我们吃光一把又一把甜中带苦的巧克力片,把勺子上的花生酱舔得干干净净。 Ladle the sauce on top, top with pork and chopped peanuts, and serve while hot

3 . Let&#;s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"!

4 . 每一天每一小时每一分钟都是那么特别;

5 . Well, it&#;s a big occasion

6 . 参考例句:

7 . 她是一位定期捐献者。I heartily subscribe to that sentiment

8 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。It&#;s tap continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

9 . 这座塑像是玉雕的。A tiny flaw in a piece of white jade

10 . 你从哪得到这个挂坠的?A cut - glass object,such as a pendant of a chandelier


1 . Down with hegemonism!

2 . be down and out

3 . 这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。girdle是什么意思:

4 . floor of the House

5 . Are these forks or spoons?

6 . Some insects slumber in the winter

7 . 贷款各国就其经济地位按比例认购股份。subscribe是什么意思:

8 . 降低事物的等级;让事物的价值或声望下降。 He is a teacher of a lower form

9 . Let&#;s tell our families and friends how much we love them;

10 . ladle


2 . v 订阅;捐款;认购;申请;签署

3 . 向饥寒孤独遗弃贫困收买。

4 . Today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;

5 . To arrive at one’s finger’s ends

6 . 邀请股东认购新发行的股票The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings

7 . indigence

8 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

9 . The statue was carved out of jade

10 . 一铲或一勺的量 beat [a scoop, exclusive story]




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