
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-17 01:19:07


1 . Early detection, early report, early isolation and early treatment are responsible for themselves and others

2 . 一场疫情,让我明白,生命的重要,生命才是我们的无价之宝。

3 . 感动我们时代的逆行者因为有你们我们才能安心在家宅着因为有你们我们才感觉生活很开心因为有你们我们才可以谈笑评论疫情期社会民生。感恩你们,感动,祝好

4 . 我宅家,我骄傲,我为国家省口罩,我为自己省钞票。

5 . 您推崇真诚和廉洁,以此视作为人处世的准则。您是我们莘莘学子心目中的楷模。

6 . .我们总以为来日方长,却忘了世事无常。

7 . 有一种感动叫中国,有一种情怀叫叫我是中国人。感受一下中国儿女的深情,即使一场疫情之下暴露了太多的败絮,但难以掩盖的是你们带给我们满满的感动,满满的安全感,感恩逆行者希望山河皆无恙,春天樱花扬。

8 . 这是一场不明确归期的驰援,这是一场必赢的战役,这是一场与死神的较量,终究我们的白衣天使胜利了?!所有拼过命的付出都是英雄!!!祖国一定会越来越好!

9 . 勤洗手,戴口罩,防护隔离不能少。不串门,不聚集,攻克疫情早捷报。


1 . 说得再多也不抵亲历者的内心触动,无法感同身受,却为他们的付出和努力而深深感恩!

2 . 不怕一万就怕万一。

3 . 感谢国家的强大支撑,感谢白衣天使的坚持守护,也感谢所有为抗击疫情默默付出的人!

4 . 哭死我了,不敢想象没有你们情况会有多糟糕,真的真的致敬所有的医护人员

5 . 聚餐就是找死,拜年就是害人。

6 . 肺炎疫情不可怕,就怕有人乱溜达。

7 . 保持良好个人卫生习惯,勤洗手咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾毛巾等遮住口鼻,咳嗽或打喷嚏后及时洗手。尽量避免接触眼睛鼻或口;

8 . I hope to return to normal as soon as possible After this time, I know that peace and plainness are very happy Cherish the people who are still around you, cherish your family

9 . 严防重点关口加强监测排查

10 . 如果在胜利前却步,往往只会拥抱失败;如果在困难时坚持,常常会获得新的成功。


1 . 远方的情人,我不追究以前,也不期待永远。认识你是我一生的错误,爱上你是我一生的幸福。今生无悔!

2 . 见屏如面,网络拜年也是团圆!

3 . 购买经过国家检疫的肉食;在家要将生熟食物分开;所有的肉食和蛋类一定保证煮熟;

4 . It is everyones responsibility to fight against the epidemic

5 . Wait for the spring, the epidemic is over, see the spring flowers bloom!

6 . 火神山雷神山,魔鬼瘟疫哪里窜”……

7 . Having health is not equal to having everything Without health, there is no everything Health is a hollow glass ball that breaks when it falls And our job is a ball that can bounce when it falls Health is a one-way street, everyone should take it seriously!

8 . 人在逆境里比在顾境里更能坚强不屈,遭厄运时比交好运时更容易保全身心。

9 . 真的不舍,可是你们也有自己的家人在等你们回去,千言万语,只能说一句谢谢,真的谢谢!

10 . 小小疫情不可怕,全民齐心战胜它。


1 . 向英雄们致敬!每個中國人用無盡感激之情護送你们平安歸家!

2 . 不为明天做准备的人永远不会有未来,今天就准备好明天的事情就永远不会饿死。

3 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

4 . 不要随地吐痰;

5 . 为疫情加油正能量的句子

6 . 人生这本书,读懂了,平添烦恼和惆怅,读不懂,又徒留遗憾与感伤。

7 . 非必要不出城,非必要不入城。

8 . 依法科学防控,及时诊疗救治,保障人民群众生命健康安全!

9 . It is hoped that the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and more lives will be saved; it is hoped that there will be no environment for the spiritual virus to exist Its really important to breathe freely!

10 . I really want to go out and play I really hope that the epidemic will end soon and the source of virus infection will be controlled as soon as possible


1 . .世界很大,幸福很小。希望如期而至的不止春天,还有疫情过后平安的你。愿一切美好都如期而至!

2 . 少出门少聚集勤洗手勤通风

3 . 莫乱串,易感染;莫惊慌,自有方。莫串门,勤洗手,别让病毒跟着走。

4 . 朋友不聚,回头再叙;全民安康,才是第一。

5 . 要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。

6 . 不造谣不传谣不信谣不恐慌,群策群力防控疫情。

7 . 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任!

8 . 戴口罩为人为己,少串门利国利民。

9 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

10 . 今年过年不串门,来串门的是敌人,敌人来了不开门。


1 . 致敬白衣天使们全国人民感谢你们祝福你们一生平安

2 . I understand that the busyness of daily work, study and life is to deceive myself I have nothing What can really enrich my body and mind What makes me happy is never a foreign object, but a person who can chat with you for a long night, enjoy the vicissitudes of the world, appreciate the warmth and coldness of the world, and know that you understand you

3 . 为所有奋战在抗疫一线的同志们点赞加油,相信只要我们团结在党旗之下,疫情终被战胜,中华民族终将唱响胜利的凯歌。

4 . 分别之际,有喜悦有不舍有感谢有礼遇,还有激励,更有期待

5 . 不图一时热闹,但求平安健康!

6 . 愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力的了解自己。

7 . 当你不愿意成长的时候,生活只能给你不幸。

8 . 聚会一时爽,全家感染悔。

9 . 少一次聚会,多一份安全。

10 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible


1 . 少吃一顿饭,亲情不会断。

2 . 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任!

3 . 管管境外输入吧报报你反应一下嘛,限流啥的,咱们也要全面复工复学啊

4 . 为众人抱薪者,不可使他冻毙于风雪!为生命开路者,不可使他困顿于荆棘!

5 . 山河无恙,人民安康,感谢有你们

6 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

7 . 我每日祈祷,和我们祖国千千万万的子女一样,祈祷我们早日战胜这场没有硝烟的战争。

8 . 密切关注疫情防控形势,全力做好做实监测排查,坚决保障公共卫生安全。

9 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

10 . Please reduce to crowded places


1 . 坚持在防控一线用身影指挥用行动说话,坚决打好打赢疫情防控阻击战

2 . 体温三十七度五,快上医院别耽误。

3 . 有发热症状患者请及时到医疗机构发热门诊就诊

4 . Unite as one, fight against the epidemic situation and help each other Only tomorrow will spring blossom!

5 . 容易受伤的人都有一个特点,那就是自己的内心不够强大。

6 . .等这次疫情过了,去见想见的人,做想做的事吧,别给自己留遗憾。

7 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

8 . 科学宣传疫情防护知识,提高公众自我保护意识。

9 . 宁愿长点膘,不在外面飘。长膘是“富态”,乱飘是祸害。

10 . 少串门防止疫情扩散,多洗手杜绝病毒入侵。




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