英语句子六大基本句型 示意图(英语8种基本句型的句子构成)

所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-21 16:28:27
英语句子六大基本句型 示意图(英语8种基本句型的句子构成)

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【一】

1 . He is none the happier for his wealth A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

2 . I’m glad to see you again 很高兴再次见到你。

3 . She is bound to be received warmly We are liable to be overheard here

4 . He works more regularly than you do

5 . 你愈努力,你愈进步。

6 . You can also see that there is a grand piano, whereas ours is an upright

7 . 例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word

8 . [注] 当比较级作表语而又不处于句首时, 可以不用the 相关联。 如:When we encounter more difficulties, we should be more spirited; when we are more at danger, we should be more courageous

9 . 询问家里情况:Issheinthelivingroom?她在客厅里吗?

10 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【二】

1 . (addAtoB

2 . It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth (做……是没有用的

3 . we are moving in the direction of …… our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life it is unthinkable that …… so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal wea

4 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。

5 . should not only …… but should also ……

6 . Idon’tknowhowIdiditIjustfollowedmynose

7 . 注意:“尽全力”在英语中有不同表达。

8 . 因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。

9 . IwishIcouldturnbacktheclock,thenIcouldapologizetohim

10 . 例如:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【三】

1 . something, which ……, is regarded as secondary at best

2 . 例如:No wonder that he fell asleep in class

3 . Itisindeedahumble(简陋的,粗糙的,谦逊的apartment,butit’sbetterthannothing

4 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

5 . No,sheisn’t不,她不在。Wherearethekeys?钥匙在哪儿?

6 . The story will be continued in our next month&#;s issue

7 . 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

8 . Imeanit

9 . in the name of something is in the basic interest of …… spiritual world a variety of trees Various trees blue skies, cleaning water and beautiful surroundings regard more as …… than as …… I suggest the following action to conclude ,as any tool the internet in itself is neutral, it can be used for good and bad purposes it is up to sb to do sth step—by—step approach this thing make a new phrase in our life the market, backed by the Chinese government, will achieve development our investment in Chinese echoes the company’s strategy to adapt to the global changes put …… at a prominent place China is making every efforts to ensure steady and healthy development to secure a firm foothold in the next century Guanzhou is going all out to develop its industry it is an unstopped tide of history should strive hand in hand to do …… …… is conductive to …… make due contribution to

10 . I’msosorrythatIhavestoodyouupyesterdayIhavetoworklate

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【四】

1 . Greenhand

2 . 关于家庭成员的询问:Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily,Chenjie?

3 . = the sooner you do it the better it will be = By how much sooner you do it, by so much better it will be

4 . "I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me"

5 . 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus

6 . 注意:此句型可以转化为简单句句型:It is time for sth/for sb to do…

7 . There is nothing I like so much as playing football Nothing is so easy as this

8 . One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium

9 . 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的`生活品质绝对令人不满意。

10 . 例如:Smoking has a great influence on our health

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【五】

1 . We too have a head and two hands and are no stupider than others

2 . 这本书值得读。

3 . 直到那时,重建工作才开始。

4 . 例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy

5 . "第, , …大" 可用 "the 序数词+最高级" 表示, 如: My home town is the second largest city in our province

6 . Raiseone’seyebrows(吃惊,震惊

7 . No country suffered so much as England No war is so great as the European war

8 . YoursushilooksgoodCanIhaveabite?

9 . Aroundtheclock(日以继夜

10 . (正) The face of his father looks older than that of his uncle His father&#;s face looks older than his uncle&#;s

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【六】

1 . [注] 其他如first, leave…for或两个独立分句等也可表示择比, 如: He said he would resign first

2 . [注] 这种形容词组合还可以作定语,置于名词之后。如:It feeds on worms and other fish smaller than itself

3 . The reason why + 从句 is that + 从句 (……的原因是……

4 . 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。

5 . The price of wisdom is above rubies We love truth above everything else

6 . [Sooner than+动词原形…(主句 主语+would +动词原形…]

7 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

8 . Yes,itis,He’safootballplayer是的,他是位足球运动员。

9 . A:Let’shavedinnertogethernextweek

10 . 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【七】

1 . 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

2 . 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。

3 . When I get home I always do my homework first我到家后,总是先做家庭作业。

4 . Seeeyetoeyewithsomeone(和某人观点一样

5 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday

6 . I caught the last bus from town; but Harry came home even later (He came home later than I

7 . foreseeable people from different walks of life overwhelming priority it is believed to have a positive impact on …… start at the threshold of the new century

8 . 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。

9 . My room is a little (bit smaller than hers Eighteen is much less than eighty

10 . 例如:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours

英语句子六大基本句型 示意图【八】

1 . B:Thepleasure’smine

2 . run the risk of doing ……

3 . 做运动与健康息息相关。

4 . Sooner than marry that man, Eva would earn her living as a waitress

5 . [附注] 表示被动行为的`施动者主要用by,但也有用with, 不过with已近于表示行为的工具,后面不能接人的名词,如:I was much impressed with the beauty of the music He is deeply impressed with your generous donation

6 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

7 . You’regoingtoofar!Howcanyousaythattoyourboss

8 . ……be hailed as……

9 . 主语 + do good/ harm to sth (对……有益/有害

10 . Am I allowed to stay out past ? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?




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