
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 08:26:59


1 . Industry is fortunes right hand, and frugality her left

2 . Love one another and you will be happy It&#;s as simple and as difficult as that彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。

3 . Try not to argue with people, unless you think the results are important to you, and be sure to persuade the other party

4 . 愿我的宝贝永远在爱的海洋里遨游,在幸福的天空翱翔,平安快乐--永恒。

5 . 激情,这是鼓满船帆的风。风有时会把船帆吹断;但没风,帆船就不能航行。

6 . Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well

7 . Only struggle can give us a way out, and only struggle can give us happy

8 . 袅娜少女羞,岁月无忧愁,时光静好,陪你长大

9 . Have ideal is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability

10 . As you walk in the sky, see the flowers everywhere


1 . 祝你在每个成长的日子里都开开心心。生日快乐。

2 . Life is a journey of constant experience, learning, and enjoyment

3 . 因为你,我懂得了爱。

4 . "Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities 成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。"

5 . 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。

6 . 你又不是我的美瞳,干嘛要把你放在眼里去。

7 . One world, a search A sigh, a life for a person

8 . Han Xiao vast, hold the bustling sad, curved eyebrows, become the past decreed by fate

9 . Prime not heavy, is again in the morning When encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man

10 . When the sunflower belongs to us, then we will smile


1 . 陪你一起长大多美好愿时光静好我伴你成王

2 . 无论你多么讨厌你的学校,当你离开久了,你还是会想念它。

3 . We always want to forget the past, but in the past, but did not forg 我们总想着遗忘过去,但过去却并未遗忘我们。

4 . If you remember me, then I dont care if everyone else forgets 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

5 . Life is a gift we receive every day

6 . 当工作是一种乐趣时,生活才是一种享受。

7 . Never underestimate your power to change yourself!

8 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

9 . 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

10 . Life is not waiting for the storm in the past, but learning to dance 生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。


1 . Victory won&#;t come to you, you have only yourself to victory

2 . You just can&#;t ignore me now! And when I don&#;t care about you, you know the regret

3 . To travel, will have a place, there is no memory, not you 去旅行吧,一定会有一个地方,那里没有回忆,没有你。

4 . 在适当的时机,把机会让给别人,这是个明智的投资。

5 . 所有的爱给我们的孩子,陪伴着孩子一起成长。放飞。

6 . 人生就是一连串的你好再见!

7 . 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

8 . 突然之间,感觉幸福只是陪孩子和老公在一起而已。

9 . 脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯,而不知道反省自已。

10 . Home is a place where I can be alone


1 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible " (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor

2 . Remember: you are the captain of your life, walk yourself&#;s road, why care about others

3 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards (AbrahamLincoln America

4 . Maybe life is just a glass of water

5 . 我们需要学习的东西很多,别着急,一件一件来。

6 . 千里之行,始于足下。

7 . A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。

8 . 时光静好,这辈子最想做好的事就是陪你一起长大

9 . Before the age of long not beautiful, is not their fault After age is not beautiful, it is their fault!

10 . Victory won&#;&#;t come to me unless I go to it -- MMoore




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